Tree of Savior Forum

PvE Cannoneer - Help with Status

Hi there!

So i am thinking on venture myself on archer class. Then I made this build for Cannoneer:

Reasons: I got Ranger and Fletcher cause, reading other topics, people say that is a great combination for AoE and crits. I choose to get Archer 2 to get the Crit Rate attribute of Swift Step. Then, I choose Cannoneer cause I wanna have some fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Could you guys give me some advices on this build, also about stats allocation?

I am thinking about DEX:STR:CON, but i really don’t know good ratios for this class, even if this is a good choice (always played as cleric classes… INT boy here haha). Basically, DEX for crits, STR for more damage and CON to survive (cause it seems that cannoneer is pretty slow and can be vulnerable sometimes, playing alone), but I really don’t know if it suits a good cannoneer at the endgame.

PS.: PvE only, no interest in PvP

Thank you guys in advance! :wink:

why ranger2 and fletcher2? fletcher is better C3 for 25hit magic arrow or just no fletcher, ranger2 doesn’t give you much improve from ranger1 beside 5%more steady aim dmg, better of with ranger3for spiral arrow or just stay ranger1.

High DEX is the way for stat, some CON need some HP&weight carry, STR for block pen&weight carry. DMG and HP from high level gems are much more significant than STR and CON

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I think PvE Cannoneers should be leaning towards these ranks:

  • Falconer 1
  • Circling - assists with AoE
  • Archer 2 - 3
  • Quarrel Shooter 3
  • Deploy Pavise & Scatter Caltrops - for protection while using Kneeling Shot

  • Running Shot - boosts your normal attacks and Bazooka. Works very well when you’re looking to take advantage of Kneeling Shot because you’ll be locked into just auto-attacks and Cannon attack skills

  • Hunter 3
  • Growling - to CC enemies while you use Kneeling Shot / Bazooka

I’m sure there are other good stuff besides those I’ve mentioned, but those are the ones I find that stand out. Maybe you could look at

  • Archer 2 > QS 3 / Hunter 3 > Falcon 1 > Cannon 2
  • Archer 3 > Sapper 2 / Wugushi 2 > Falcon 1 > Cannon 2

One thing I’d have to really say is that Falcon is close to required to make the most out of Cannoneers. If you have a Falconer friend that you’re sure to play with, then you could skip it. Otherwise, you may as well be trying to AoE with Crossfire

Disclaimer: this is based on theory, observation and experience from playing with and watching Cannoneers and the other classes mentioned. I have no actual experience playing them myself

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Cannoneers really need falconer, friend or not. Also, [running shot] + [bazooka] is just too weak to warrant going Qs3.

I love the potential of [growling] + cannoneer but, that is “technically” 3 dead ranks because you can’t do anything “hunter” while your pet is [growling]. Another thing is that is 3 character slots for just 1 cannoneer (this is nit picky and has nothing to do with gameplay).

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Ok, so I made some changes on the build:

I choose to stay with ranger for the damage skills to level up, plus they seem to be useful even after cannoneer. Then I get Falconer for the utilities.

And about stats? 3:2:1 DEX:CON:STR ?

What you guys think?

crit shot is (1 point for spamming in high STR build) or 0 point because most archer goal is to almost alway crits, it’s better to put the skill point to the other skills.
for cannoneer skill,
IMO bazooka isn’t worth unless you’re QS3, the setting is slow, the range is limited, your movement is restricted.
It isn’t bad to put 1 point in smoke granade, although it isn’t working on boss or flying, but still good as a CC(useful when questing and rush290) and increase 50%dmg of cannon skills to ground non-boss isn’t bad.
siege burst and cannon shot deal about the same dmg, siege(not sure haven’t test this yet) has better aoe,but need to charge, while cannon shot has halve dmg to flying(can fixed by use shootdown first) and has much less CD. Personallly I prefer cannon shot over siege burst unless the build has enough filler skills in you skill rotation.

a A3>sap2>falcon>cannon2 here, currently I’m okay with mysituation, but with recently ktos sap3 buff make me want to change to A2>Sap3>falcon>cannon2

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Thank you frontler!

And what about stats? Do you suggest a specific distribution? What suits better for Cannoneer?

I was thinking about around 50 con, 100 str and rest Dex

Smoke Grenade is a ~75% damage increase for cannon skills with the attribute, there is no reason to not level it. Bazooka is useless. Siege Burst is only useful to destroy magic circles, lvl 2 is more than enough. Its much better to get higher level of Cannon Shoot because its pretty much the same damage with 1/6 of the cooldown. Cannoneer doesn’t need any str.


Something to think about, because based on the info you are giving I will assume you haven’t reached r8 content (and don’t know of the horrors that await there).

You went ranger3 and took [barrage] 15 for 543 skill damage x 5 arrows. If instead you went ranger1 + rogue1 you would get the [feint] [barrage] combo that doubles the number of arrows fired by [barrage]

Lv1 = 133 skill damage x10 = 1330
Lv5 = 250 skill damage x10 = 2500


Lv15 = 543 skill damage x5 = 2715

That is just skill damage. There is alse base atk to think about. The higher your base damage, the more [feint][barrage] wins out. I would assume 1500 atk (very modest and achievable) for simplicity sake.

Lv1 = (133 + 1500) x10 = 16330 damage x 1.1 [steady aim] = 17963
Lv5 = (250 + 1500) x10 = 17500 damage x 1.1 [steady aim] = 19250


Lv15 = (543 +1500) x5 = 10215 damage x 1.2 [steady aim] = 12258

That isn’t the only benefit of ranger1 rogue1. You also get the benefit of another class. You are trading 3 ranks of ranger for 2 ranks of ranger rogue +1.

Doing this however is definitely a dps loss for you cannon skills as 10% vs 20% missile damage from [steady aim] is a no brainer.

I’m not telling you which is better. I’m telling you this because you might not know.

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for stat
30-50 CON (my character lv321 put 50 point in to CON and have23-24kHP with out red gem in top or pant yet, so with bettter equipment other people can easily reach25k HP without any CON)
the rest DEX or DEX until you reach 100%(this depend on your equipment) crit so you can make full use of cannon high base dmg and yellow gem in main weapon.
Str is just for some block penetration.

But you might want different stat allocation if you choose rogue and stacking werewolf cards.

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