Tree of Savior Forum

Psychokino after the patch

Kino is taking a significant hit in PVP, but they did not seem to gain anything in PVE. They already seem to struggle to find groups at higher levels, so is it worth to level my C3 Kino?

Don’t expect a class that is strong in PvP to has the same strengh in PvE.
Kino isn’t as OP as before, but still good in PvP
for PvE kino3 still do decent dmg for those who go wiz3 route.(it still boring at R4-R5, but after reach R6 things get better)
The AoE main skill like GP PP dmg aren’t as much as those ele skills, but come with CC which can help your team being hit less(but cost many sp potions)

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We Don’t…

Us main Psychos are loners by nature, we don’t do party unless externally invited or super necessary…

Kino has a interesting skill to be honest i made 1 wiz 3 kino 2 atm…
the real prob is SP as for me coz im a pure con, making our SP pool bigger is not an option coz it drains % of SP per sec once we cast our skill like PP and GP. spamming casting quick cast, surespell and magic missle drains SP also…
Kino standby mode atm…

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Getting maga rod for minus SP and SP recovery headgears would help.

This is so hypocritical, if it’s supposed to do worse in PvE for doing better in PvP, then give a balanced nerf to Gravity Pole, don’t make our only ranged snare that gets past CC lvl 1/2 immunity literally worse than auto attacks. It no longer binds and no longer has any dmg output whatsoever. It should of been changed so that it snares you for just a couple of seconds in PvP with some sort of cooldown debuff that makes it so you can’t be chain stunned from it. Most games balance CC in this way, but I guess that would just be too difficult for IMC Games to do. So CC is either OP or useless as a result. sighs And people wonder why the population is low and constantly lowering. They don’t do anything as good as they should. Release sucked, their ability to fight bugs sucked, their attempt to fight bots sucked, their ability to stop exploits suck, their ability to balance their own game sucks. Everytime they do a lackluster job, someone quits. It’s as simple as that.

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Cries about one skill ignoring the capability of the class as a whole :expressionless:

I am/was going Wiz3 Kino3. It seems fun and intriguing. But if we can match grp XP solo at the 200+ level I am not too worried then. I would like the option to group with people however.

It’s so sad that Grav Pole can no longer hold in pvp. The damage is so low that it would be a risk to cast it since people just stay away and backdoor you.

magnetic force, telekenesis and psychic pressure became much more useful in pvp. i also saw someone jumped his way out of my raise skill.

lol after your autowin skill got nerfed to the ground, kinos start crying. you should be grateful, in ktos your gravity pole only deals 20% dmg in pvp :relieved:

why be grateful for a dead class? lol.

i would gladly accept 20% damage as long as it retains its disable.


Isnt the 80% dmg penalty already put in place? While we are talking about nerfing op skills to the ground, should we make bloodletting into +20% ailment resistance instead of immunity? Or making healing factor only heal 20% as it is now?

Kino is almost dead, they have destroyed that class. I stopped playing with my kino, no sense

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what? last time I pvped, cryo kino destroyed 2 clerics and one sorc alone. raise > telekinesis. anything hit by telekinesis full hit is dead very easily and the kino was full con.

I thought dispeller makes you immune to telekinesis? Or people actually goes pvp against a cryokino without dispeller?

you cant use dispeller in team battles.

telekenesis is good if you have a summon or party members that would damage for you. you are also at risk of being hit when you cast tele.

Oh i see, that’s good to know

gravity pole serves no function in battle league -_-
it can’t dps and it cant serve as cc nice job imc so fuking genius!


GP doesn’t pull mobs in PvE. WTF!

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Oh good. I really want to create Wiz3/Kino3/War2 character now. I’ve been wanting to try Kino3 for awhile but was hesitant due to the nerf or in the ktos forums it’s referred to as a bug fix.