Tree of Savior Forum

PSA: We are probably not getting the fully updated patch

PSA: There will be more patches in the future. The build you decide is the most OP right now might not always be the most OP. If this makes you sad you’re probably a loser.

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I hope our update won’t include the new rank 9 class exp curve that was later updated in at ktest since we got the first edition r9 patch. We could get some easy job levels.

The former. Look at the KTEST and KTOS patches, assume we will get them at some point, and reset with those in mind. Anything else is doing it wrong.


There won’t be any white gems either right? I was waiting to use white gems to help farm mats and weapons, but I see it won’t come over any time soon.

Probably not.

And “loot chance” only works for new RNG items. Not materials or anything else.

I couldn’t care less about how long or how separated or how gamechanging each patch is as long as they give out the damn reset every time they bring balance changes. Is that too much to ask?


Good logic.
It is the players’ fault when they don’t get all the updates and then their classes and skills are changed when they don’t have the mean to reset anymore. It is obviously not at all the responsibility of the people who are updating and making the changes.

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It’s not an issue of who’s responsible or who’s at fault. It’s an issue of “do you trust IMC to give you resets when you need them?”

I think the vast majority of us would be very comfortable answering “absolutely not.” Therefore, build your character in a way that you won’t need to reset for as long as possible. We know the changes that are coming down, so building your character while ignoring those future changes is just not smart.


The patch itos will receive is updated until Nov 14 in the pastebin.
-no falconer and linker nerfs
-no matador and musketeer buffs
-zealot already nerfed
-shadowmancer already buffed
-no hoplite, cata, dragoon buff
-no necro, sorcerer, bokor summon AoE attack ratio buffs
-no sorcerer summon fix (unfixed: some summons such as rexi, sparnas, specter can still use skills even during non-riding)
-no sorcerer summon damage buff patch (all summon skill factor up except marnox)
-no QS3 running shot duration increase to 300s

It is this patch, everything until this patch should come to itos: (nov 14 patch)
You will recognize two key skill changes which are easily seen in the itos imc patchnote:
-hamaya can now be targeted on the ground
-sage ultimate dimension can now hit flying

Patch which was not added:
and not added:
and lastly, not added:

Please refer to the full pastebin here
And Gwenyth’s pastebin to see the next patches itos will get (later) here

Good luck

Forgot another mention: also no dungeon player report system patch


Thanks greyhiem for the info. IMC should hire someone like you, dedicated to the game.


No fix for % damage increase on some multi-hit skills either?

No, that patch was after. It is introduced together with the gem merchant patch.

Did they gave rank reset voucher for each character with reworked class or one per team with reworked class? Can someone confirm please thanks.

You receive it on a per team basis.


Only linker, falconer and QS receive a rank reset (14 days), 2x.

Hoplite, cataphract, dragoons receive a skill reset (14 days), 2x.

In Korean, this patch on KTOS: link to KR Nexon website
Refer to the third Table in the post (the one below the big blue characters).


Rank reset voucher 14 days, 2x:
falconer, linker, quarrel shooter

Skill reset voucher (14 days), 2x:
hoplite, cataphract, dragoon

So it’s 2 resets maxed, it would suck if you have multiple QS, falconer, and/or linker. Thanks for the confirmation

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Can anybody explain me in simple words the running shot nerf?

multiplicative becomes additive for auto attack buffs

for example:

Base attack 100% => twin bullet (x2) 200% => running shot (1.5x) = 300% final

Base attack 100% => twin bullet (+100%) 200% => running shot (+50%) = 250% final

might not be the actual numbers, but basically stacking AA buffs won’t make the next one give more than it would on its own

I agree. Checking is smart, and posting it on the forum is smart and nice.
But when people say it like it is the players’ “job” to do it and they’re idiots for not doing it is just too stupidly masochistic.

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If you can’t read what is literally in front of you then yes, it is your fault.

Were you hit as a child or what? You are expecting players to predict their builds in advance, not to mention 99% of the player base doesn’t follow Reddit NOR should they be required to follow a 3rd party website just to keep their builds future proof.

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