Like me; I’m one of the elite.

Just dont look at general discussion.
The lack of moderation on the forums, just enables the trolls/shitposters to super sayian retard levels.
Ty for the visual.
i can tag the gms into threads asking them if they give a ■■■■ and i am still here
its great
hoo boy
time to necro some gold
I miss FlanFlan
What’s going on here?
Run Aly, you don’t want to get involved in this.
That’s a PvE’r way of looking at is, as a PvPer I don’t give a ■■■■ if the community is assholes, if the game play is good and there is content, I’ll just kill the assholes in it and make them regret their decision to be a little bitch towards me.
Stop necroing threads for Cthulhu’s sake.