Tree of Savior Forum

Propose to change gtw time in SA [Silute] server

Team Name: CCDC

Server: Silute

The GTW starts at the odd time of 09:40 p.m server time. (10:40p.m brazilian time)
Besides being a strange schedule is a bit late, because the GTW will be on Sundays and this schedule is too late for those who study or work on Monday.
Please change this to 08:00 p.m server time (09:00p.m brazilian time) . or 08:30 p.m max server time (09:30p.m brazilian time) . :slight_smile:

Thanks and regards,


Aparently they ignored the last thread.
Please take a look @Staff, you’ve changed SEA time, please do something to us too.

Please @Staff , do something about this … the schedule is too late!

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Han

Indeed, too late to play on a Sunday. =/

Change gtw time old plix plix plux

altera o tempo dessa porra ae,

please change this schedule, it’s too late to play gtw.

Dont forget that even though the majority of the server plays from Brazil, the time scheduled for it should attend all time frames in the SA continent, from Brazil til Equador, if we do make it 8 pm Server Time, it might be close to 5 PM on the western side of the continent and some players will also be affected and not be able to play. Also, do not forget that since the server is set as EST/EDT, an NA time frame, it will change according to Daylight savings opposing to what we do have on the SA side, which causes the schedule to shift to even later time slots.

In order to solve that 2 things are needed for a new time slot:

1 - The Server Time must be set and stored on the SA server, and shift accordingly to it, or do not shift at all - opposed to what happened on the last time we had GvG on it

2 -The time slot must guarantee that folks on the SA continent may play after 6 PM Local Time, , 6PM PET would be aronud 8 PM Server Time, and 9 PM BRT, if we believe the minimum to be 7 pm, than the actual time frame 9PM Server/10PM BRT would still be the correct one for it.

08:00 server time (09:00 BRT, 09:00 ART, 08:00 CLT) will not hurt anyone


Please IMC, we need it to happen a lil’ earlier <333

imc, working people who spend with Leticia and cubs goddes. thinks with affection

Please @STAFF_Yuri STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Han , do something.

I agree! Not all people can play at the time they are now. It’s not fair, change this time please!

@STAFF_Letitia pls!

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan =(

Say something :frowning:

Please @STAFF_Yuri STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Han , do something.

We will change the GTW test time to 8-9 PM server time during next maintenance for you guys!:
But the schedule of the tests may be altered at any time without prior notice.
It may different schedule according to the needs of the test.
Thanks for your feedback!


THANK YOU! :heart_eyes:

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What’s the point of changing the schedule again? Did you have problems starting the event with different schedules? 22h-23h server time (23h-24h brazilian time) is much later for those who work / study on Monday, to set the time as it was (or at least 21h-22h server time) is much more reasonable.

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Han



I’d rather have the gtw time staying as it is, if there is a true need to change it, at most 1 hour ealier, more than that makes no sense as far as I can see.