Tree of Savior Forum

Problems with Sorcerer class (and easy Solutions)

Hi. It’s been discussed that there are some glaring issues with the sorcerer class, and I wanted to go over a few of the bigger ones briefly, and offer easy solutions for the devs. I think it deserves more serious consideration.

Issue #1: SP draining from summoning is too extreme.

  • SP going down from using summon isn’t as big of a problem as it being by percentage (rather than a fixed amount) and cutting off SP regen is. By voiding sp regen, it invalidates investment in SPR, as well as SP regen buffs (which the Sorcerer class is supposed to have [with its servant skill])). The draining being by percentage also makes it ‘bad’ to have high max sp, as potions can’t keep up.
    Try playing a Sorcerer for a while, and it should become obvious pretty fast how dysfunctional it is to not be able to make use of the other skills you’d want to synergize with summons (it ends up draining too much sp), and not being able to improve this like usual (through spr investment and otherwise)

-Solution: There are a few possible changes that could solve this. One part can be to have a fixed amount at which sp goes down (rather than by percentage), and it goes without saying that at the very least, SP regen should not be voided, and SPR as well as buffs should allow to lessen the amount by which it goes down, and even possibly counter-act it with enough. If longetivity of the summon is a concern, then simply put a max duration for it that can stay up, like the other summon skill, though higher than that one, or a fixed one. It could be a duration of 3 to 5 minutes, as an example.

Issue#2: Summon commands (like attacking) are inadequate.
-Being able to position and attack or defend with a summon should be a given, and function decently. Currently, we have to invest skill points in order to get these, And they don’t function that well. We cannot select particular places/monsters to attack, as the summon attacks anything in its way, and this makes it almost impossible to implement some simple strategy for summoners.

Solution: First, for the staple commands, they should be more easily available. Some of the other commands, like ride and morph, could be as they are, but attack and hold could be available without point investment as a summoner, or available with attribute points like swapping weapons. At the very least these 2 should be back in C1.
Attack should be able to target specific monsters or places without always attacking what’s in front. This could be as simple as that if a monster is clicked, then it will only attack that one for a while or until another command is given. Another option is for the summon to attack what is in its way only once, before continuing on its trajectory towards the destined location.

Issue #3 Circle 3 is very underwhelming
-The new skills available in circle 3 are pretty weak, and there’s only one skill that’s more or less worth going to c3 (summon familiars), and the main summon skills aren’t really much more useful with 5 extra ranks. (the power through cards is more relevant than what the class ranks give, at the moment)
Solution: I think that buffing the circle 3 skills would be a good start, and if there is a duration added to the main summon, then it could be worth getting some of those ranks. Some extra perk that’s improvable could be possibly added too.

4: There are more issues, such as AI, which could be tweeked to better help, such as not swinging at nothing. There could be some way of guiding Salamion, too (only the main summon is controllable). There could also be a command to cast skills (by default or in c1) with the main summon besides having to ride them.
And the card system could be a bit better, so that cards can be acquired better, and that more cards would be useful besides the 1 card that most people want to use because no other help the player to attack monsters without getting in harm’s way.
I think the first 3 issues I mentioned are the most important, so I don’t want to spend too much time on the rest, but there’s others who’ve talked about them.

Thank you, and I hope this can be read and considered further.


Pet tether range needs to be doubled and when the sorc is attacking something it should make the pet start attacking mobs around it instead of just standing there if its to far away it doesn’t need to target what the sorc does it just needs to go into an “aggressive” mode.

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It would be nice if there were a setting for behaviour, so that you could set it to be aggressive, once it’s active, or you could set it to follow and defend the player from whatever’s aggroed against it.

There’s lots of possibilities to make the experience better for sorcerers, to help the AI, but I’m not sure about the specifics that could use some tuning, so I didn’t get into it. But it could definitely be better…