Tree of Savior Forum

Problem seeing Characters head

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time : 5/3 12am PST ( to present time too )

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : keyboard

Bug Description :
Can’t see the head of my own character as well as others. ( It shows up as a mess )

Ever since I downloaded the game and attempted character create there is a weird spazz with the head graphics. I can’t see the hairstyle/face as whole even when rotating the character. I have tried reinstalling and restarting but has not worked yet.

Also, I noted that it stops me from doing the emotion animated actions. Instead when I click on it, it appears as though my character froze in a pose. My friend was watching my character said it appeared as though my character was just frozen in the pose too and the action did not animate from their end too.

I recently paid $$ to be able to pay so I am hoping that there is a solution to a problem since there is no refunds and all that OTL

Screenshots / Video :

Windows 7
intel core i5
United States

It probably relates to characters twitching their heads uncontrollably and making them turn 180 degrees backwards in certain directions as well:

For me the head is always twitching no matter what haha it is kind of scary to stare at for too long. Sort of like how-- monsters would change faces by switching from side to side? When I stare at the characters it does that even when standing OTL

Has this been fixed? As I am also experiencing this and it’s a bit annoying. I has nothing to do with walking and what not. It’s heads themselves. All heads from Char Create, Char Select, In-game including NPCs.

I made a topic about it last year, but I can’t find it anymore. I wasn’t the only one at the time and the problem seems to persist. I wish we could get a fiz for it. Not even after reinstalling it and having the game become F2P solved it. That’s the only reason why I did not pay to be ahead of the game.

Unfortunately I paid to get in early but didn’t find out about the glitch until I was in. And sadly there wasn’t any refund if I were to try and seek one because of it. I’m hoping that since it is now f2p more players who have the same issue will step forward. As it seems it is not a too common glitch for the group already in game.

I’m having the same problem! and this is totally
annoying… :sob: I hope they fix it soon

I have the same problem. It has been present for me since day 1 of F2P and even as far back as during the last CBT.

I played during the 2nd CBT last year and the bug first appeared to me then, but I wrote it off as a CBT bug. It is weird because at the beginning of the CBT, all heads appeared normal for me. They got broken sometime after one of the maintenances during the CBT and apparently never got fixed. According to my screenshot dates, it happened sometime between 10/31/2015 and 11/07/2015, as after 11/07 all heads are spliced up in my screenshots, the same as currently in game.

10/31/2015 - normal head on character + npc

11/07/2015 - head messed up on character + all npc

At the time I tried the same as op, doing a clean reinstall, steam client verify files, nothing worked. Even now, with new install, the bug is still present. I hope this information helps find a solution.

Have you already found a solution to this? Same thing happened to me after a patch. But in day 1 of CBT2 it was fine

In the CBT I had this problem, created a post reporting this glitch and it seems that, after all this time, we’re still getting this. I’ve tried reinstalling and the heads remain distorted, both NPC’s and players’.

I have the same problem, since the end of the 2nd CBT. Anyone know when this issue will enter the maintenance list?
I have followed the maintenance and do not see anything related to this bug.
Does anyone know if a moderator talked about this bug? Already tried other topics on this subject and did not see any response STAFF.
Please fix it this horrible play well. :sob:

I think I have the same problem too, every player’s head would be distorted and would switch in a moment or two

Same problema since F2P, how such a big bug wasn’t fixed until now?

Was this problem fixed? Plz IMC consider this our christmas gift .-.

No reply at all, what I was expecting…

The problem persists. And a bit off topic but the new optimization thing don’t improve my fps in any way.

Should I make a new topic of my own to get any attention at all?