Tree of Savior Forum

Problem at the chat server

Hello. We are IMCGAMES TOS Team.

There’s some problem with the Chat Server at the moment.
(We can’t say for sure, but we think this problem is keep occurring since many items are being registered at the market simultaneously.)

Therefore, whispers, Megaphones, party chats and the Market are not working properly.
We are trying to find what’s causing the problem and we will fix it immediately when we find the cause.
(It is likely that we would perform a temporary maintenance tomorrow to fix this)

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you.


Yay, another day without reading crap conversations globally lol, no problem Shawn, just fix the stuff needed and we are fine. In all honesty, i don’t see the use of market in a short CBT except for testing the system tbh, and it will all be wiped in the end.

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My JoyPad stop working after the last maintanence :frowning:

Thanks for the heads up Shawn, keep up the good work.

Just do your best :smiley:, and don’t open international version until everything is stable.
p/s: i’m very glad to see you guys listen to us and keep updating things like this.


This is my words :slight_smile:
Do your best, IMCG :smiley:

Any way to disable profanity filter in the game or are you planning of adding it somehow (even if it is .xml edit)?