Tree of Savior Forum

(Priest) Utility of Revive and Ressurect?

Priests (or anyone who dies a lot):

I need some help understanding revive. Is this intended to be an AoE buff, or it it just meant to revive the caster? icbt was confusing on this subject.

On resurrection - how many points would you guys justifiably put into this? Why? Im torn between 1pt and maxing it. Have any of you guys found resurrection to be particularly useful in any scenarios yet? Why not simply respawn?

Any other general thoughts on these skills?


Revive is an AoE buff that affects all party members and friendly summons within medium range of you. Once used, it lasts for 90 seconds, and if a buffed target would die from damage during this duration, they trigger the Revive effect instead. The cooldown is 2 minutes, so in dungeons, it’s best to save it until you reach the Boss.

Revive effect: Restore HP by X% amount (This percentage amount increases depending on the skill level), and receive an Invincible buff for receiving no damage for Y seconds (Increases by 1 second per skill level).

In CBT, 1 point, since everyone was just spamming iCoins anyway and/or local reviving. In iOBT/Release (Since you won’t be able to spam your free iCoins anymore), I’d personally put 4 points into it (3 second cast-time). I wouldn’t want to stand still casting that for too long, since you’d be vulnerable to damage which would cancel the casting and make you start over. Not to mention that if you leave it at 1, it only revives targets with 5% HP, meaning they have the chance of reviving at the wrong time and getting one-shot. :zap:

Ok. Thanks.

In iCBT, revive was just working on myself. Have you tested it (or seen it tested by someone else) in the kOBT?

Are we sure its meant to work on everyone?

in icbt2 it worked on all party members within range, not sure about kobt though.

And i’d recommend putting 2 into resurrect for the revive attribute, reduces it downtime by 15s iirc. Majority of people used icoins instead of waiting for resurrects anyway.
Revive i’d usually have 5 points into it to offer a decent enough invuln.

Members had to be in a party with you and within medium range for Revive to affect them. This was on iCBT2:

And it should be the same as kOBT since there hasn’t been any patchnote changes on it since. I’m sure there should be a kOBT dungeon run with a Priest (In Korean language) uploaded somewhere on YT.

I know its annoying, but to keep hammering the point:

I recall that the buff actually appeared on everyone. But it didnt actually proc on death for anyone but the priest. Was this ever the case, or am I just making stuff up?

Are we in agreement that it now actually procs on death for everyone?

Yeah, I can guarantee it was proc’ing. They don’t actually ‘die’ first when it proc’s-- their HP just becomes equal to the recovery effect on your current Revive level because it happens in a millisecond. Immediately after that, it proc’s the Invincible buff (Which has the same icon as Revive) so you wouldn’t notice it if you weren’t looking at that person at that exact moment.


You buff me with Revive

We start fighting the Boss

The Boss deals damage that knocks my HP from down to 8%

You get a text from your hot Brazilasian girlfriend and look away from the screen, leaving me to 1v1 with 8% HP

The Boss deals damage that would have killed me, but Revive activates and my HP goes from 8% to 25% and I’m immune to damage for 5 seconds (Lvl 5 Revive)

I steal your Boss loot while you’re afk

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Thanks for the detail & the guarantee!

While I have you: I was resigned to keeping monstrance with 1pt.

However, I just noticed that it adds circles per additional point you put in. How do these additional circles function?

Are they like an overheat, where I can drop 10x monstrances(if I put 10pts in mon) before triggering the cooldown?

If this is true, it seems like its far more useful than the community thinks. Everyone seems to agree its a 1 point wonder.

(Im trying to build a full-SPR healer/supp, thinking about skipping blessing & sacrament entirely. Wondering if monstrance is good to invest more than 1 point in)

Like absolute garbage. I put 10 points into Monstrance just to see how much ground I could cover, and most of them just overlapped each-other and covered a medium-small area directly infront of me. It needs to be re-worked so the circles spread out more; I wouldn’t put more than 3 points into it.

Nope, they all cast at once, and hug each other.

It kinda is if you just want the party DEX buff from it, although it’s useful on fighting in areas with high mob count (Demon Prison) since the circles will stay there even after a mob touches them, until the duration is over. It’s especially good if you’re an SPR build and you combine it with Deprotected Zone for Boss monsters. However until they make the circle casts cover more ground, I wouldn’t invest too much into it.

Why do you think 3 points is the magic number? Is this simply due to how tightly clustered the circles are?

It sounds like it has good utility for grinding in a group, since we would most likely be gathering more than 1 mobs at once.

Will you being going 1 point monstrance in the final release of the game?

The first 3 circles cast usually spread themselves out enough for me to be able to hit all of the targets I (Or someone else playing with me) had aggro’d if I stood close enough when I cast it. Putting anymore in seemed unnecessary because of the limit put on how far away they appear when you cast it. I suppose up to 5 would be okay, but anymore beyond that is a definite No. I personally liked Aspersion because it buffs minion/companions too (I main a Bokor), so I invested more into it for my Zombies.

And nah, I wouldn’t stay down at 1, it’ll always be around 3 in my builds.

Interesting, I think I will scatter my last few points into monstrance then. I think the debuff effect it has is great, especially since I will be SPR focused and will already be maxing deprotected zone.

I appreciate all the help. You’ve obviously played a lot more of the cleric classes than I have, so the perspective/knowledge is useful :slight_smile:

I need to correct this a bit, once you maxed out the attribute on revive, the duration is longer than the cool down so you can keep it up 100% of the time.

Also there is a couple of seconds that the target become invincible after revive, so you don’t really need that many points into it

■■■■, now you made me think of another question.

Deprotected zone - the sword attack attribute. Seems pretty good. Do I have to be the one attacking? or can anyone proc the effect on a deprotected mob? Do we literally have to attack with a sword, or will any physical attack do?

Also, can we stack deprotected zone’s ticks to infinite (or til the mob theoretically has 0 defense left), assuming we chain deprotect circles on them?

There is a problem with putting more points into Monstrance: character casts circles one by one rendering you incapable of doing anything else until end of animation. With high level skill that animation can be as long as 3 sec:

[quote=“Cries, post:15, topic:125654”]
Deprotected zone - the sword attack attribute. Seems pretty good. Do I have to be the one attacking? or can anyone proc the effect on a deprotected mob? Do we literally have to attack with a sword, or will any physical attack do?
[/quote]Anyone can proc with any slash type attack.

[quote=“Cries, post:15, topic:125654”]
Also, can we stack deprotected zone’s ticks to infinite (or til the mob theoretically has 0 defense left), assuming we chain deprotect circles on them?
[/quote]As any buff/debuff mechanic Deprotected zone’s stacks reset when you put new one under the monster.

Sigh, so what’s the point of having the cooldown drop below the duration. To have multiple deprotected zones up at once, on multiple mobs?

Thats good info on the monstrance casts. I have never tried it beyond 1 point, so I had no idea.

Longer duration on Deprotected Zone means you will have to come into melee range of bosses less frequently, it will stack itself more (and stronger) and you party members will have more time to stack “weaken armor”.

But -def stacks by themselves are weak because only initial debuff scales with spr so having Deprotected Zone’s duration equal or a bit more than its CD is enough imo.

Yes, the attribute extends the duration, but it doesn’t decrease the cooldown. Dungeon-wise (Since party grinding in regular maps only requires Offensive buffs and Heals), it’s best to save this until the Boss fight. If you were to use it before then, you take up a max buff slot (Unless there’s a Krivis in the party) that could’ve been used for an offensive one and if it proc’s on someone, you have to wait at the Boss for it to go of cooldown. I didn’t get a chance to do the Lvl 200 dungeon, but all other dungeons before then didn’t require me using Revive before the Boss-- just Blessing, Sacrament, and my Heals.

Revive is a Heal in itself, so for Priest C2 it should be maxed. Better to have 25% HP recovery and 5 second invulnerability, than 5-20% recovery and 1-4 seconds. Sacrament should be left at 1 since the damage scaling on it isn’t worth leveling it high and it’s just used to proc extra hits (Which works in combination with Blessing). Unless you’re maxing Aspersion or Monstrance, Revive should be at 5.

I’m all for maxing aspersion, it scales and it’s awesome. Monstrance is best left at 1.

You are right on revive not needed in many dungeons (I did go up to 175 without even seeing revive) but in many grind spots like the trees in second demon prison, revive helps a lot.