Tree of Savior Forum

Priest buffs and late game

I’m playing chaplain and i started to notice that blessing/sacrament/last rites damage will scale really poorly into the late game. Right now(lvl 190), my damage comes mostly from the Aspergillum/Aspersion combo. Yes, i’m a auto attacker.

I know, these are party buffs and sacrament also gives you dark resist(attribute), but i would like some kind of scale with SPR or something like this.

Compare with archers skills like Swift Step, Running Shot and Kneeling Shot. Buffs that become stronger and stronger as you progress into the late game.

Sorry for any english mistake.

I think it’s more a question of Blessing peaking early an then slowly declining.

I don’t think it ever becomes bad as such. As providing on average 150 damage to every team member every second adds up to a lot of overall team damage.

But it’s not like the early game where just having a decent Blessing + Sacrament allows you to destroy mobs with ease. They’re supposed to be a relatively small portion of your overall damage I think.

It’s just in the early game you can come to be overly reliant on them. In the later game that’s no longer the case. They’re truly buffs then, instead of a massive damage multiplier like early on.

People beg for blessing and I grind at 240+ so it hasn’t fallen off yet…

I’m sure this scaling and fall off won’t occur at any point in the content we currently have available the damage in a party is very noticeable and very strong.

Thanks for the personal anecdote.
I thought that people already forget about blessing lv150+ x.x

How is my personal anecdote any different from the ops?

Why would people forget about free damage?

I’m curious how you came to this conclusion.

Short story - I’ve been reading and starting a few threads wondering about Priest vs Diev late game - and a number of people argued that Priest’s flat damage are not as useful late game because everyone’s hitting 5k damage.

But you’re talking about personal experience while some of us were theorycrafting.
Like here

The damage is not able to be resisted by any source procs multiple times on ticks without wasting the hit count and racks up damage really fast.

Cast and forget skill allows the party to be independent and mobile on the map.

Even in a theoretical sense I don’t see how its bad. Diev has its pros but it is stationary with long cooldowns and resistible damage.

I know it is heavily pushed on this forum but I’ve had no problems with sac/rites/bless damage falling off the damage is noticeable and it accelerates grinding very well.

Those skills are great force multipliers rather than solo damage the more party members you have the more powerful it gets. If you’re soloing maybe it is not as strong but then again why pick cleric if you want to solo?


People will always want priest buffs as scrolls! In some instances, having a priest is a bad idea but the scrolls are nice (ie. Earth tower)

Only Monstrance can be turned into a scroll. Don’t mix up Simony with Spell Shop. Also buffs from Spell Shop will disappear if you die so I’m not sure how much reliable it is compared to a Priest.

…or if you are talking about other skill scrolls…well those are not from Priests.

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Blessing from Spell Shop also has Hit Limit. It wont last long.


I mostly meant sacrament and aspersion I guess. And dont worry I was only talking about earth tower, cause it is what it is. :frowning: Some buffs need to be done to make full supports useful for end game, or at least make them good for the future end game at lvl280++.

Then you were talking about Spell Shop of Pardoner. I just corrected you because it is a common mistake that ppl think Spell Shop is about selling scrolls but it is not. Spell Shop is for directly selling buffs. Simony is about scroll making and you can turn other skills into scrolls than what Spell Shop can provide.

Also I think ppl die in Earth Tower too and then the buffs are over…X) so I still think an actual Priest is always more useful.

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People do die in Earth Tower and need Revive/Ress. But Jonnu here has a bunch of impractical what if scenarios that make priest buff useless.

It is safe to say he is insecure with his Diev build and trying to justify it to himself.

He will comment about soul crystals replacing revive and cost prohibitive scrolls I’m sure. The diev jerk on this forum is very formulaic.

Dont worry im not inswcure about my diev build. I love it the way it is and I dont mind its weaknesses. Just the info Ive gathered about earth tower from high lvl players wasnt good news for priests.

Im also all for buffing priest to be more viable in earth tower. I dont think my build is the best cause it isnt. Maybe in certain situations. Also I think random ET que might appreciate priests if they have enough aoe dps cause they may not be able to survive as well as a coordinated group.

I would like every build to be viable and it might happen in the future! Also we only have content up to 280 atm so we cant tell about 300+.

Also note that I picked my dievdruid combo plan when the common opinion in the forums was that theyre bad (at lrast from what I saw). I started on ea launch and restarted this class quick after I realised that AAing as chaplain wasnt my thing (dodnt evem get to priest3).

Oh yeah I think I just messed up the terms :slight_smile: