Tree of Savior Forum

Blessing and sacrament clarification

i saw some post regarding this 2 skill for priest is not going to work well at higher levels. Is this true? need some input on this especially if i am going for monk.

I don’t really know for sure but i’ve been thinking about it myself… the skills seems to work with very rigid numbers and without scaling… meaning at max lvl of the skill blessing will give always the same amount of damage bonus… same for sacrament.

This means that when the level cap for the game will be rised up to 600, the 170+ damange that a full blessing buff can give3 will potentially be totally useless…

UNless they plan on changing the skill so that instead of fixed damange buff they scale with either INT or SPR i can see why those buffs may become useless crap in the future.

currently i am on c2 cleric and wish to go p1 and p2 before monk but the blessing stuff is not sure…instead i thinking of going for diev1 and 2 if the blessing is bad…

I’m cleric c3 and priest c2 going for c3… that’s why i have been wondering about the buffs myself. IF they works like i think they work and are not changed well… might as well buy a reskill potion and change the build in the future

you going for chap? perhaps chap can help on the sacrament skill with last rites? or i am misunderstanding that last rites skill but with a requirement of hp below 40%

@svalinn85 Are you going to be Cleric3+Priest3? That’s gonna be a rough life…

@intothefantasy if you’re Cleric2 going Monk, you’re better off filling the middle two ranks with Diev2.

Alright that aside, for Blessing and Sacrament - yes they’re going to be less beneficial late game when people are spitting out 5k damage - but these are burst damages. For grinding and questing it’ll still be useful - albeit it won’t give a high % of your current/party’s damage. They’re not going to be game changers.

I’ve also wondered about this the other day as I’m going for Monk too and was wondering whether I should’ve chosen Dievs but - what matters is that I enjoyed my time as Priest3 and all I will be in endgame is just a minor DPS role that can heal and cast stone skin once in a while.

Remember that a skill reset potion won’t reset your class choices - just the skill points.

No i’m going for cleric c3 - priest c 3 - paladin c1 (aura, resist element…).

The plan, hoping in the future we’ll go up until rank 10, it’s to have: cleric c3 - priest c3 - paladin c3 - probably chaplain to end it

Yeah i decided to make it full support… and well… it already is! I’m lvl 173 and got absolutly nothing to do but the daily missions.

lvl 160 dungeon suck bad and i hear the high3er lvl ones are very bad too… it’s difficult to find grinding parties… no quests… and well if i try to do the mercenary daily quests i get kill stealed most of the time making it impossible for me to complete them thanks to the KS mechanic and the absolutly ridicously low mob density and respawn rate

hmm if going for diev1 and 2, does this make a big impact towards my monk such as grinding and party finding? i am still thinking monk has better utility such as revive

I feel you - I’m still lv95 Priest3 but KS is ridiculous and it doesn’t help that other classes especially archers LOVE to KS from anyone - but clerics just can’t kill fast enough before they come and start sweeping up your mobs…

Actually when I was grinding lv80-88, it was quicker for me to grind on Delmore maps than Mausoleum because there’re less people in general… The mobs in Mausoleum didn’t spawn fast enough before KSers come and sweep them up…

They expect you to buff and heal for the party when running party play - yet you can’t expect a full support cleric because as they try to level up these same people KS from cleric so we gotta try to stand up for ourselves with our meager damage.

Good luck in your endeavors >.<


First of all - it’s going to be different.
Priest3/Monk relies on buffs to kill your enemies ASAP, same thing with party play, which a dash of Revive and Heal to keep your party alive (so they can be punching bags instead of you)

Cleric2/Diev2/Monk is mainly for utility - you’re going to keep carving and healing both in solo and in a party.

Just different playstyles. The way ToS class mechanics works is you can’t have an all-in-one, so you just got to do the best with what you’ve got.

Looking at it’s pretty much extra damage. With the buff on everyone that’s 170 atk each hit. 5players that’s 170 every hit from from each of the 5players. That adds up rather quick, may not seem like alot but for a add on to attacks that costs next to nothing i think it’s worth it.

That might be true with the current lvl cap of 280… but what about when it’ll be raised to 600? will that 170+ damage really be worth anything?

Yeah worth it definitely, but it scales off. And as @svalinn85 said - what’s the ‘higher levels’ we’re talking about? But then we can also turn around the question - is it worth going the first 100-300 levels without it? :slight_smile:

I wonder… already now at lvl 175 we have dps hitting for 1000+ a hit… so we have a 1000+170.

Let’s say every 175 lvls the damage increase by a thousand… at lvl 600 we’re going to have DPS hitting for about 3500 4000 a hit… that kind of makes me wonder what difference will it make to change it to 4170 given that enemies too will be much much much more tougher.

The thing is… i would really like those buffs to have a scaling on either INT or SPR or both…

Let’s say “BLESSING” at max lvl could be something like:

damage buff = caster lvl/2 + 25% spr

So at cap lvl it would be, given that someone actually did put ALL stats point into SPR (and that will really not be the case unless people one to be oneshotted by wind, something like

300 + 175 = 450 damage buff

At lvl 175, given full spr build, this would be =

87 + 50 = 137

so as you see the damage outputs kind of are similar to the maximum 170 we have now at lvl 175 for example but they keep scaling with lvl and stats without becoming too big for late game

Time to spam game suggestions subforum? XD

think i should suggest different formulas for blessing and sacrament? xD

not all the 5 players will be getting the benefit from it. As i know, those skill based atk wont be getting much from it?

but overall blessing and sacrament really needs a new formula to work much better than the current one imho

Skill based - Blessing and a tiny bit of sacrament
Auto Attack - Blessing works, but sacrament is a big deal because extra attack

Well… at the end of it i actually did suggest a new formula for them… see if you like: