Tree of Savior Forum

Price in Russia is unacceptable

They try…sometimes. But this is by far the easiest issue to solve as of yet.

@Brobbulus Forget about all this DLC discussion, it doesn’t really matter, they just need to sell TP (with adjusted regional conversion) and Tokens (with the current universal conversion) separately and remove tokens from the TP shop. The issue comes from selling items that can be traded for silver at different prices because of the adjusted rates. Only tokens can be traded, TP not (neither you can trade the other items purchased with TP).

So you want them to sell tokens with … regional prices, I guess? Do you see where this leads?

It would be fraud all over again. Or… ppl complaining about unfair token prices all over again.

So being born in a country with 150$ monthly wage is fair and square then?

Well, ok then, have no customers from half of a World.

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Where this interpretation came from? lol.

I will try to edit the post with more clear words, one sec.

Got it now?

Tokens shouldn’t even be tradable in the first place. A premium subscription activation item should be personal and untradable so if one wants to go premium, the money has to go out of their own pocket.

wtf is this idea of making the game borderline unplayable without a premium subscription, then allowing some people pay for other people’s premiums and having the entire silver market revolving around an item with a stupid concept?

It’s almost like they WANT people trying to exploit their cash shop, for heaven’s sake.


Actually, subscription and premium tokens can work very, very well.

This model was a huge success for EVE online, for example. The troubles that besiege iToS are only connected to tokens because, alongside this completely viable anti-RMT, anti-P2W scheme are several completely broken systems dragging the game down as a whole.

I dont think that IMC is so stupid to make prices like 20$ p/month in international server. Ofcourse Its pretty common for Asian companies to milk up players hard. But it will not work with the European and American players. Competition and black market wont allow this to happen. 20$ p/month for f2p game? Realy? It will be much cheaper to buy silver from traders if so. And i dont think that IMC is made up of total idiots who will push players to use black market.

Most of their in-game and management decisions shows that they really are so far.


Matter for what?

A person who born and live happily in his country only have good or bad economy if can live good or not.

If a AAA title in Russia costs 2000 rur and ToS DLC 3100 rur, the problem isn’t the money of one guy or the Russian economy (which is nice).

Obviously the problem is ToS DLC.


Or they even can make it to auto-activate on account. I just need premium. But I get payments for my jobs in roubles, not $. In my city 130 $ per month is a very nice income. And spending so much on premium doesn’t worth it at all. Final Fantasy XIV with ALOT more content and polishness costs 300 roubles per month, SWTOR costs 300, why this buggy alpha-state game should cost 1400?

And these are not regional servers


Nope. I’m just saying that they need to solve the Steam-Payment issues (so Tokan can be traded and everybody does pay a fair price) can or they need to make sure that there is no trade with those items (including gifting from steam).

So many negative reviews on steam because of removal of regional prices. Rating has dropped from 62.5% to 60% in few days. :disappointed_relieved:

And I thought the Brazillian’s black friday on Tree of Savior’s dlcs were bad.

Count me and my friend in.

Нужен отдельный СНГ ценник, гамбургеры вы там чё, охуели что ли?

Hi, necroposter! :slight_smile:
Привет, некропостер!

You don’t think so?

Are you sure about that?

Have you been paying attention to what has happened after CBT?

omg, this is still a thing?

Let’s lay this to rest once and for all with a clinical, factual, objective, and impersonal analysis.

The price spikes happen because the Ruble is recently one of the most unstable currencies, and any halfway decent FOREX trader in their right mind would know to stay away from Russian investment due to capital flight, geopolitical disregard of UN mandates and treatises, and threats of exclusion from the SWIFT system (the international system of which ALL banking and financing is connected to), IMF, and WB. This has been happening since 2014 after the Ukrainian Crisis when the eastern territories of the traditional Kyivan Rus’ were and still are under dispute, particularly the Donbass region, with internally displaced refugees, not to mention the scandal of MH17, which the still has yet to be answered for, including the erection of a monument to the victims and bilateral dispute between Kyiv and Moscow. To take into account is the imposed embargo by the Kremlin against the EU, and the debt, and the gas pipeline (which Germany doesn’t even need given that 80% of their country is already renewable energy, but the rest of Europe does).

In short, the prices are as stable as it is. If it spikes up, there’s no surprise there, because that’s already cheap given the unstable ground the Ruble stands on.

Не ну тема то живее всех живых! Как играть то с таким ценником?