Tree of Savior Forum

Premade Queue on TBL Please

  1. Will you consider allowing premade parties into Team Battle League?

Including premade parties into TBL isn’t a feature we intended to add initially, but we also recognize that doing so has the possibility to increase social content and allow friends to play together. Because of this, we will be considering the possibility of allowing premade parties to queue for TBL matching, and we will continue monitoring your feedback on this.

Please, allow us to play with our friends!
We know it might be unfair play in a random team against five friends, so why not create a queue only to those who play with friends (premade)?

We are tired of playing with people who just want to earn PVP points and dont care about win or not.
We are tired of playing with people leaving only hate.
We are tired of playing in weak compositions against much better OP compositions.
We are tired of playing with AFK players
We want to play with FRIENDS!

We do not have many chances to play with our friends in PVP:
1 - GVG for some computers is impossible due to falling FPS.
2 - Open World GVG practically dead after most of the guild became neutral .
3 - We can not play with our friends in TBL.

For people who do not like to play with friends in pvp ( prefer to play with random people ) would have no problem , because the current queue would not change, we want just another queue with PREMADES PLEASE!


Beyond PVP group ques for missons and dungeons etc would be nice as well.

I’ll up this.
@moderators @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan take this in consideration asap please.

I do not want to play with players with -10k hp / no sense of teamwork


@moderators @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @hkkim


Not ranked
Only against other pre-made.

Out of this.

Hell no.

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Please @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @GM_Francis

No interest in tbl because reasons.

That said good luck with setting up teams in advance to dominate and monopolize rankings, making it unfriendly to casual pvpers and catering to elite (or expoit/hack) teams.

Maybe PvP needs both types of queue. Playing with friends and close teammates can also be important right?


Yeah! thats is the point, a NEW queue to premades.

casual pvpers = pvers
pvers should stay away of tbl

Thank you for all of your attention saviors. Hopefully, Premade Queue on TBL for social content would be released on someday that’s the way to make our saviors to play with friends and me in PVP :slight_smile: We need to wait for it

It will take a long time?

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Friends? What friends?
You mean you have people to reliably play with?

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This is really stupid. Premades ruin PvP on every MMO, literally destroys the healthy competition and runs just into meta builds + teams. If this gets implemented, R.I.Pepperoni TBL and good luck queueing vs nobody.

It could only work if IMC makes it like Dota2 does.
Options for :
party vs party
Public match
Ranked match

But we’re talking about IMC, so in the end, you guys are killing your own game at this point.

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But i just requesta new queue to premade party, the current one will not be changed

In case: premade vs premade
play along with random only creates more hatred
we have now is pure RNG, even you with highest points, play together or against people without any notion of game

Yeah let us play imbalanced random queues, where you know who will win as soon as you are against priest c3 / diev c3 and you have 4/5 in your team with 9k hp.
I just quit, and wait for the next match.

except in any game premades are added its always premade vs premade and randoms vs randoms. Its not crossed matched.

“Someday”? When? :frowning2:
We want thar so badly.

IMC: Come play this MMO!!!

Players: :open_mouth: Can i play with my friends?


Players: :rage:

Is this what everyone is thinking or just me?

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