Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

I wouldn’t call it full support as it’s damage is quite nice. but it is one of the best options for it.
I’d suggest running it as a spr or int build, or even a mix of those. Spr = block, int = better healing and more dmg.

Otherwise paladin3’s are your best bet. They still get a chunk of healing for a str build. Barrier and resist elements is quite nice.

And i need to test just how good a diev3/druid2 is, though i suspect it’s a contender as well. But in a round about way ^^

Thanks for the video! I knew it had a hidden effect but I didn’t know how it was.

Btw, lemme correct you on this one, the extra Healing from INT is actually quite significant. Significant enough that after watching a lv247 cleric c2 show how his main source of healing is Mass Heal and his Heal was actually pretty bad(he was a SPR/CON support).
The extra healing from Heal actually goes from 1.65INTHeal lv(number of tiles) to 1.95INTHeal lv so 700 int would get you from +1155 per tile to +1365. Which is quite huge when you think about it, especially if you consider all of the tiles. A player with 30K HP(which isn’t all that common to begin with, but I guess will be more common as the game progresses) is only healed by 1.5K per tile from a non INT player, and going up to 2.7K~ per Heal tile for some1 with high INT which makes a really big difference.
So the conclusion is that any organised party would have a INT cleric for the role of Healing instead of a non-INT one.

Since it doesn’t really stand to chance(as in there’s no way there’ll be more kabbalists/druid2) the amount of plague docters there will be, how would one describe the viability of a bokor docter vs a chaplain docter in 2v2 pvp?

And then also 5v5 pvp?

For Heal vs Mass Heal think of it this way:
Heal tiles are 5% + whatever extra and Mass Heal at max is 28% + whatever extra. So in other words for a single player to get the same amount of healing from Mass Heal as they would from Heal, they’d have to step on about 5 tiles, and for an entire party you’d need 25 tiles to achieve the same effect. Your extra healing will vary of course but as player’s HP increase the extra int becomes less significant.


this is what a monk can do with icewall
other than that monk is not that good.

It’s not about Heal vs Mass Heal, it’s about INT actually being a big factor in being a good healer. That logic of yours only works if you’re assuming that the caster has no INT. As of right now, it’s very hard to find any1 with more than 20K HP that isn’t a swordie. And, you also have to think that as players hp increase, the caster’s INT is also increasing(and actually really fast). The point is that having no INT would make you a terrbile healer for any1 that isn’t the tank of your party. But ofc, begin a good healer or not is only an actual factor for hard contents(like GvGs and Earth thower, currently).

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Took a look at your subclass rundown (on google docs). Good stuff. Some things that seem odd:

  • Doesn’t debuffs add +2 sec to Incineration?
  • Bloodletting doesn’t interrupt channeling stuff. It’s just a drain with no damage ticks. This should include OoB/Possession.
  • I didn’t know Incinerate didn’t work with Fumigate. Where’d you hear it from?
  • You have your cons marked as pros for Sadhu

I know your argument and i know the heal int scaling. I just disagree with it in the sense that i find the base health better for healing clerics & swordsman while still good enough for wizards/archers. Which i find preferable.
Int is the other way around, better for wizards/archers, worse for high health chars.

@ShyBoo depends to much on the teams/opposition/meta for me to answer imo. Aside of bokor being better vs magic enemies ofc.

Yeah, i misinterpreted a video. Will need to make adjustments to that and the sadhu part. Cheers.

I really hope the dmg parts of r7 classes work for sadhu, but i want it confirmed before i recommend it. Better safe then sorry imo.

Incinerate + fumigate was a rumor here on the pd thread i believe, but also was just a text post so you know how that goes.

Amasing stuff here. I have a few questions about Druid. I apologize if some of my questions are not revelant since i didn’t played the beta.

  • When you transform, how much monster spécific skill do you have ? Can it vari depending on the monster ?

  • All transformations have differents moove set ?

  • When you change a mob type into plant with Chortasmata, can u transform into it ?

  • When you transform, do you change your type too ? For exemple if you turn into a plant will +dmg on plant affect you ?

  • From all transformation possible, none of them are good ?

  • Can we immagine a Tank/Druid with Giant/Insect type or an Assassin like Druid with Small/Animal type ?

EDIT: Can u buff yourself, transform and keep your buffs ?

Hope you answer.

Before i begin, just a disclaimer.
Druid transformations in ictb2 seemed outright incomplete, skills were lacking names, descriptions, icons etc etc. So i think there’s a good change it’ll change or has changed already.

  • You receive 1-3 attack skills usually and the 4th skill cancels your transformation. And yes the number and types vary a lot per monster.

  • Almost all transformations have different skills, though i expect there to be some overlap. (a lot are variations of a auto attack basically, with different elements & dmg types)

  • Chortasma’s plant conversion works on all non flying enemies, so you can transform into any non flying enemy. and flying grass types if they exist.

  • Considering the attributes only work on specific types, yes you will.

  • The two best options (speed buff, invuln) require a oracle atm. So they don’t seem to be planned to be good. Heard that earth tower might house a few good ones. Aside of that most generic transformations sucked.

  • Frankly no, you’d always have a 120s cd. And unless a transformation gets you a provoke it doesn’t seem capable of tanking. Melee or magic dmg options should be viable and the easiest to get, if you can find a strong mob to transform into.

  • Buffs and stats remain, but i did notice a loss in damage. So something does not carry over, my estimate was that some equips were ignored for it. But that needs more testing.

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Thank you for your answer !

Druid seems to be a very underexplored class, i migh main it and try to undestand every monster skill in the game :smiley_cat:.

But the cd start at when you cast transform or when your transformation end ? I always thought it was when you cast it so when you lvl up it you can stay transformed for ever.

When you transform with Chortasma, will you be plant type or the original monster type ? Cause you can’t have the attribute bonus without beeing an insect/animal/plant.

The cd starts when the shape ends. Though i hope they change it. And frankly reduce the duration/cd by a ton. Not having access to anything else sucks.

I will need to test if chortasmata even affects druids themselves. I doubt it does but i didn’t verify.

That CD thing is the bigest problem indeed.

Can be fun to EXP/PVE with druid by rotating with ShapeShift/Transform you will have a different moove set for every mob.

Anyway, i guess we will need some testing.

OK, Thank you once again.

Someone did find this gamebreaking transformation with this monster that had INVULNERABILITY as one of its abilities. So (obviously) he went to the Arena, popped Out of Body, popped Transform, and you can guess what followed from there.

I don’t know if it’s still able to be done or not.

in icbt2 i had cleric-krivis2-pal3(didn’t get to circle 3 though…) wasnt half bad on 2dex:1str build, but after rank 4 very rarely used zaical… dunno why.
anyway whats the deal with safety zone rank 2 attribute? is it necessary now for everybody?
I wanted to repeat my icbt2 build but how to distribute stats always confuse me.

Cleric is mostly for the improved healing, after heal and mass heal were nerfed to be roughly half as effective after icbt2. Heal now gains tiles equal to it’s skill level though.

Safety Zone attribute simply adds +20 block on it’s own, so you could spend your safety zone points elsewhere as that’s often enough. If you go cleric2 there’s no reason not to take it.

Statwise paladin benefits most of str, where as krivis benefits spr or int. I wouldn’t recommend the combo tbh. If you want to pvp with a pala you’ll want some dex, but for pve you don’t.

I’m a little interested in the pvp capabilities of an offensive cleric, I made something like this

The point is that I was hoping Cleric had what it takes to match up with other dps, because after it gets PD it gets immunity to cc!
Krivis2 and Druid because of the synergy, and the sadhu i had in mind was for possesion and explosion for a nice midranged fight in 5v5 and 2v2. My confusion begins at the nerfing of sadhu. Does it make the build I have obsolete in pvp?

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Nah, that largely effected out of body’s effectiveness. And it’s still somewhat usable.

And perhaps i wasn’t clear enough.
Sadhu needs cleric2 for safety zone. Period.
And without invulns you’ll still get interrupted each time your safety zone is on cd. (so no oob, possession and only a few explosions during that time)

Which leaves a cleric2 | bokor2 | sadhu 2 | Plague Doctor or a cleric2 | diev3 | sadhu | pd. Neither of which are that good imo.

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Awesome guide! I love when people do class guides.

But all of your builds, ALL have cleric C2, this makes me a little sad, but I understand, OK, I get it.

And so you sad this:

I really would like to know a cleric supp build for earth thower than or the differences in making the build


I can’t help you there yet, at least not entirely.
I’ve only seen footage of floors 1-6, out of 20 total. So i simply don’t know everything you’ll have to counter.

Another main factor is team competition, as i simply don’t know how effective other classes can be here either. (Aside of chronomancers)

It may very well be that a proper tank is more then enough in terms of defense, meaning a cleric will want to focus on healing and damage. (After all earth tower is time based)

Or they may need specific cleric defensive skills, as we got some of the strongest defenses. (for example stone skin, barrier, carve world tree, goddess ausrine or sterea trofh.) Or even oracles may be needed for their counter-spell, which is not that unlikely given imc’s quirks in dungeon design.

I would however say that a few builds stand out as very good options:
[Obvious Warning: This is mostly speculation]

  • One of the paladin builds. Barrier is excellent vs melee enemies and paladin can reduce magic dmg taken. Oracle can block spell dmg even, PD has more healing and condition removal. + bonus cd reduction or res.

  • Any dievdirby3 build, esp the druid2. Since silence and invulns work against every type of damage, and they should deal good damage alongside it. But are weak to conditions and reversi.

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