Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary Announcement Regarding Current Account Restrictions

So I go to the HG after hearing that B-bracelets are dropping on every 3 Galoks. We farm for a few hours, getting what we think is a bounty of legitimate loot.

We hear about the maintenance, and that items will be seized that were inappropriate. Servers come back up, still have my items, so we think “ok, this must be legit now” and my farming partners gives me some wiz bracelets because I didnt get any due to the random loot distro system.

System goes down again after you guys said you royally f’ed this up and need to lock 1700 accounts (LOL).

And now we read that he will likely be banned because he gave me an item AFTER THE FIRST SEIZURE PERIOD, with little to no communication on this.

You understand how this will make me leave your game right? I’ll get my money back from you guys or steam or my bank, but it’s just disappointing because the game was gaining a lot of steam after the combat overhaul. It felt fun and full again.

Now I risk a ban because you boggled one of the most common components of the game, didnt test the fix and are scrambling for an answer? How do you think you can operate a game like this with such arbitrarily harsh and selective punishment? In the same way you need to do in-game announcements for server downtime, something should have been said in game. I don’t immediately go to the forums the second items drop from a monster. That doesnt feel like an exploit to me when I load up the game normally and kill monsters normally.

But hey, it’s your game. If you want to encourage me to play other games, by all means, strike the might ban hammer onto everyone who did A PERSONAL TRADE in the last 48 hours… smart.


Some of the drop rates are actually still bugged right now, so if you can log in you can still take advantage. They didn’t actually fix much of anything, maybe the drop rates of a few specific mobs. So if you’re farming anything now, you might get restricted in a week when they realize they didn’t actually fix anything.

This is an even bigger mess than people realize, and more people are just going to get banned because they don’t know how to do a rollback or to revert a patch.

deixa de ser cara de pau…
vem dizer que “jogou normalmente” e ta com a conta bloqueada. se te bloquearam é pq vc “exploitou”…

This right here is what I’m talking about. So many people in this situation are going to get banned when this is completely IMC’s fault. This is the example of an “exploiter.” How does THAT make any sense at all?

PS drops are still bugged on the live server right now.

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This is a joke, right? I mean… “Oh, did you take a 7 day suspension? Here, take some p2w cubes, a token…!”

Has imc already blocked all possible accounts for verification? Why my friend, caught 50 cubes + (hg 170) and has not been blocked yet. He’s just waiting. If it has not yet been blocked, certainly others have not been blocked either. Sry for english

irmaozinho… eu fiz oq faço TODOS OS DIAS, loguei a minha conta e depois de algum tempo fui pra HG… com 1h de hunt eu percebi o drop alterado e mandei um ticket na hora dizendo quantas box’s tinha dropado e se isso estava normal devido a alteraçao de dpk anunciado ou se era um bug… fui respondido que eles iriam enviar a pergunta para o departamento responsavel e iriam me responder… ai O QUE BOSTA EU POSSO FAZER? continuei o meu hunt por mais algumas horas… as boxs estão todas lá, paradinhas justamente por isso, nao adianta vc vir aqui loca desse jeito esperniando sem saber o ocorrido e me julgando de exploit sem saber oq houve.

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what will happen to items bought by unrelated player? Are they going to lose the item?

There are many people still in the game who farmed bugged items all day and there are reports certain items are still bugged. I think a lot of people are just very disappointed that you seem to be applying these freezes at almost random as many people still are playing who exploited and they keep their items. How are you even deciding who to freeze then? Did you pull names out of a hat?

Also no matter what you say, freezing an account is a punishment and I still am so surprised you just did that to so many people with no regard to the severity of how much they farmed while also ignoring the ones who are bragging about selling their mats because they were never frozen to begin with. You also fail to do anything about the other DPK items like battle bracelets that were being farmed since last Tuesday and Wednesday.

I also know people who hardly played that day or were afk and were frozen but people who farmed all day are not. Its just very disappointing how poorly the IMC team has handled this.

i think GM already say… you hunt the bug item will be banned and no compensation…

The compensation of 30 token is for those purchase the bug item from market…or trade from the seller who violate the bug.

It’s to everyone that got their account blocked for the items to be removed, that includes people who were there dropping but didn’t trade/sell

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I didn’t do anything wrong, or get suspended,
where are my free cubes


They really should have just rolled back the servers a day rather than do all this.

My entire guild is being punished now simply because my account is locked so the daily Guild Raid can’t be run. But I’m sure the staff won’t compensate that since they’re too short sighted to see the full ramifications of what they do.

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DC on everyone in every DG = Nothing
Automatch bug and cannot do anything = Nothing
"I dropped three Battle Bracelet in a row. So lucky" = Rich!


IMC, please read this: Me and my boyfrind, same guild, was dropping the itens like we always do and helping each other since the beggins. He trade his -little- drop to me and then we both will be baned and will not get any recompensation, thats right, IMC?
We are here since the beggins of the game and we always buy TP.
Thats decision is so unfair, we dont shell the itens on market or use them to craft anything.
I’m so, so, so, so, deeply sad :frowning2:
Over 2000 hours of play </3

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Why on earth would you compensate exploiters with lavish gifts unavailable to honest players? Do you want to PUNISH those who do not abuse your mistakes? Because that’s when you do when you favor the dishonest. I got news of the DPK bug just as I logged in, so I logged out and started playing another game. Now they’re all getting 11 Letitia’s Cube, 30 days token, enchant scrolls and resets galore?

Seriously, IMC, what are you doing? Are you even trying?

I am now regretting every cent I spent in this game.


you guys make me laught… saying u thought u were getting a legitimate loot of 1 b-bracelet on every 3 galoks is absolutely ridiculous…

I don’t care if u get to keep 1 of each rare drop u’ve got while exploiting, instead of your 200+ cubes, that’s even kinda fair. but getting compensated for the time u’r account has been blocked so they’re able to remove the excess of those items is infamous


If you farmed anything on Tuesday or Wednesday then you’re also an exploiter, sorry.


Well i hope there are different periods of restriction.
If we are talking about being fair, players who have traded a single item should not be punished the same as those who’ve done it in mass, as those who where selling hundreds of weapons in the market

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I agree. I think theres should be a very especific punish for any case.