Tree of Savior Forum

Practonium Accessories Level 315 Recipe lists

All links in korean, you can use google to translate.
some video footage of the accesories.

(credit to Bong TOS)
frieno = landscape furnace (rough translation)

Current available mats you need to farm to craft one full set orange practonium accessories set
practonium x2
ruby x40
sapphire x8
ithidine ore x75
opal x50
zircon x19
mithril x100

Sinister Soul x3 requires 1 practonium and 50 mithril ore, and some other mats.


Landscape Furnace Bracelet

Ciadad Wave Bracelet

Moore Kite Bracelet

Rineu Bracelet


Landscape Furnance Necklace

Ciaudad Wave Necklace

Moore Kite

Rineu Key

Rineu Key set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, matk + 49, int + 25
Bracelet: mdef + 109, matk + 37, SP + 100, SP Regen + 10

2 pc = matk + 120
3 pc = Every attack increases matk by 2, stacks 50 times, gain an additional 250 matk when you reach 50 stacks (so 100 + 250)

Moore Kite Set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, DEX + 25, SPR + 29, HP + 1250
Bracelet: mdef + 109, SPR + 17, matk + 17, Additional Earth Prop dmg + 41 (doesnt work like cafrisun/manahas set)

2 pc = stamina + 25
3 pc = Increases your elemental damage in proportion to your elemental resistances

  • Eligible elements are Poison, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Dark, Holy, Earth, Psychokinesis
  • Up to 300 ele dmg per element

Ciaudad Wave Set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, PHY dmg + 112, EVA + 33, Block Pent + 60
Bracelet: mdef + 109, STR + 15, DEX + 12, Crit Rate + 25

2 pc = HP + 1023, DEX + 10
3 pc = Upon getting hit by damage, your physical defence and magical defence will increase by 10, this effect stacks up to a total of +500 physdef and +500 mdef, the effect lasts for 10 seconds if you stop taking damage

Landscape Furnace set:

Necklace: mdef + 219, STR + 25, DEX + 15, CON + 25
Bracelet: mdef + 109, aoe atk ratio + 1, STR + 15, CON + 10

2 pc = aoe atk ratio + 1, Crit dmg + 231
3 pc = Chance of increasing damage by 2000-3000 depending on the number of enemies around. the chance is increased by a max of 20% if there are alot of enemies around


I can see those practo prices sky rocketting again :sunglasses:

Nah it won’t.
I could build my house with practo only

You have to literally farm world bosses. Grind them for a month or two.

To get accessories that are barely better than Sissels…


The accessries are way better than Sissels or Archmage bangle, simply because they give you a statboost instead of just a substat boost. DEX increases your block penetration,evasion, critical attack and attack speed and STR boosts your accuracy and patk.

Meanwhile Sissels even lower your accuracy for just a few points of critrate and patk with a seemingly useless effect when you miss a lot.

You also get more mdef per accessory and a useful 2 set pieces-effect. The 3 parts set-effect is pretty useless(except maybe the Rineu key set),though. Better to just combine two of one set with 1 of another set.

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Meh Sissel price will fall for sure.
I better sell 2 from my 4 sissels xD

For all you need, these accessories are ■■■■. Just another shiny to keep people from realizing there won’t be any new content for a long time.


i agree with you 1000%, i’m sure i can survive through rank 10 job without those accesories. Just another timesinker bait from the Developer, especially for those who got triggered everytime they dont get rank 1 DPS.


there will be new damn content coming, astral tower (another high endgame), fishing, new card system, and moreeeee!

These accessories doesn’t look good enough to spend two practo 100x mithril on…

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3 if you want the set bonus.


buy all my mithril pl0x

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yeah I’m sure those 20 INT are game breaking in your every day grinding. that damn ET 40F is no longer a pipe dream because… holy hell 200 m.atk !!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? IM GOING TO BE SO POWERFUL WITH THAT!! SH!T I COULDN’T DO BEFORE IS NOW DOABLE!

holy ■■■■ guys …

IMC drip feeds you gear that is barely better than gear you’ve had for a whole goddamn year and you slurp it up like “oh my god, this is totally worth my time”

I’m sure the upcoming nerf to monster cards has everyone hungry for more gear while IMC implements yet another set of fluffy furry outfits until the next “wtf” patch hits and screws up 10 different classes again.



Ikr, and to think sissels is a 170 accessory? The praccessories are 315?


some fixes on 3pc effects

3 pc = Every attack increases matk by 2, stacks 50 times, gain an additional 250 matk when you reach 50 stacks (so 100 + 250)

3 pc = Increases your elemental damage in proportion to your elemental resistances

  • Eligible elements are Poison, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Dark, Holy, Earth, Psychokinesis
  • Up to 300 ele dmg per element
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I bet the people who are complaining about these recipes will be the first ones who fight for them and monopolize the market :grin:


Totally agree but do you have other thing to do in game? I will probably waste my time for getting one set because there is no more activities beside the repetitive and boring dailies like salus/et/140/cm.

in game? no. Just collecting bless shard daily for preparation of rank 9, then logout playing another good game with great story.


I’m not sure if that’s translated correctly.
According to google, the set gives property damage based on your property resistance up to 300.

the spr might be deent for summons. but to know for sure we have to wait to see how good spr effects summons whenever the summon changes come