Tree of Savior Forum

Post-Patch Chaplain Discussion

Do you know what’s the addon for Chapparition/Glass mole buff bar ?
His stuff should be insane…

Muteki2, its in the addon manager

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Yeah, Chaplain can’t get the same dps, no doubt about it.

Transmit Prana self buff… oh btw that’s fixed in iToS from what I’ve heard.

Because Chaplain doesn’t have an abuseable bug like Transmit Prana.

Hopefully no one built around the TP bug expecting it to be intentional, they might just end up screwed today (in iToS).

You can’t self buff with the extra psychokinesis property anymore? :thinking:

I guess that tilted a lot of Sadhu users.

It was inevitable as it was obvious:


Not to say Sadhu 3 is bad, but if one’s goal in getting it was to specifically abuse an [oh-so-obvious] bug, then yeah, stuff’s gonna turn out bad when the expected arrives. :wink:

You had to perform timed acrobatics to get it, whoever mistook it for an intentional effect has their brain wired differently.

IKR, I have nothing but love for my C2-P1-Sad2-Druid3

Greetings from the smuggest-walking tiny plant you’ll ever see:

I’m deliberating if I should put back the remaining stats into SPR for when I’m in Wolf mode… probably not.

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Sticking with Sadhu 2 was spot-on :smiley:

Thanks for the clarification.


So now without the TP bug, do u think a geared chap will be able to rival that sadhu’s dps?

No idea :disappointed_relieved:, I haven’t watched either video, nor have I ever been interested in the obvious bug that was used in the Sad3 videos that are going around :smiley:

For what it’s worth, Chaplains are a whole different beast (this is a figure of speech mind you, not a declaration that they’re beastly or anything) and shouldn’t really be compared to Sadhus in the first place.

Chaplains need a minimum of R5 of pure devotion to itself before you can get it, whereas Sadhus can fit any build that finds a use for it.

Hence, Chaplains are mostly improved upon with classes going R6 and up, whereas Sadhus are tailored around classes both before and after it for specific purposes.

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Can anyone explain to me why Chaplain>PD>Inq is stronger than PD2? is it the wheel (bcause all I see is a long CD)?

PD only shines as a DPS at PD2 so I’m not sure where are you getting the assumptions PD>Inq is stronger than PD2, as far as I know PD has no synergy whatsoever with Inquisitor (unless it can spread Incineration, which is pretty unlikely since even Pandemic can’t do it), the only good combination for Chap at R7-R8 (this if the chap is a Cleric2-Priest3-Chap) for DPS/Utility is either PD2 or Miko-Inqui, there’s no other way around it, unless I’m unaware of it.

Sorry, I got the idea from about 20 post on top where you and @ArcturMenks were talking about PD>Inq.
I just want to know because I’m at C2>P3>chap>PD1… and need to pick R8 soon.

The combo is chap-inq not pd-inq. Inq has a 20% chance on kill to spawn a “fire looking thing”. This “thing” is an immobile copy of you. It copies your auto atk. If you have [blessing], it has [blessing]. If you have 5 lines of atk, it has 5 lines of atk. You can cause a chain reaction with this. Do you see where this is going?

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PD1 is a filler for Chap Inqui, you can pick anything you like on R7, depending on what suits your gameplay.

Players normally pick PD, Oracle or Miko. PD provides debuff immunity, healing factor and incineration does stronger ticks thanks to malleus.

Good thing I decided to make my Chaplains a Sadhu Taoist and a Pardoner PD instead. Chaplain is fun but the buff durations are too short and all too different so you’ll always be recasting either a certain buff like Aspergillum or Heal or Safety Zone [ or a debuff if you’re also a Plague Doctor]…

Imo Chaplain needs some serious buff duration extensions on Aspergillum and Blessing to have a decent gameplay guaranteed. Also, the cast animation of M.E. is too long.
Whenever I was at the boss, I had to cast for 5-8 seconds in total [all buffs/debuffs]before I was even able to start autoattacking…

I’ve tried Chaplain Druid, Chaplain Taoist and Chaplain PD and none of these felt really useful/good, neither in synergy nor in gameplay fluidity.

Maybe C1>Priest3>Chaplain>Paladin3>Inqui [from Rank 9 onwards] would’ve felt better/more useful.

It was just a suggestion since he didn’t wanted to pick Miko but keep Inquisitor, so I suggested he could pick PD for it’s utility basically but it won’t benefit Inquisitor at all DPS wise.

@Adeodatus yeah I feel like they should really increase the durations of buffs to atleast 10 minutes for Blessing and Aspergillum, it would make it more smooth to play and less standing still casting buffs before I can even smack a mob/boss.

chap pd inq is stronger than pd2 because breaking wheel damage and spreads chaps aa + malleus maleficarum debuff + pears of anguish + lv 5 incineration. pd 2 only have bds and lv10 incineration, but since bds have 2 oh, shorter cd and doesn’t require any other mats to use, it’s ideal for farming stuff than high burst damage. btw inq also have burn attribute that count as chaps aa…

edit add: pd has no synergies with inq like miko and inq (kagura + wheel) but pd offers lv 5 hf, sweet easy anti se skills and lv 5 incineration (use monstrance or mm for debuff then incinerate). these pd1 skills offer more than miko skills for chap inq in my own testing. the strong pre patch days of chap miko inq are over, its time to move on…

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I see your point… PD2 is more of a constant cheap AOE damage vs PD>Inq which has a higher burst.
Is the PD2 attribute “Incineration: Infect” any good? looks good on paper; becasue it allows you to spread your damage even if bds is on CD.

It is good but keep in mind it only spreads Incineration when the target affected by it dies, otherwise it won’t spread.

Just dropping by :smiley:

I tested a full run on the Lv130 DG with this weapon (with Lv15 Weapon Maint):

Timer started at [Start!!!] notification:

Can’t 1 hit Glizardons (or Miniverns) at the moment (every other mob is 1 hit, with the occasional leftover 2 digit HP).

First Boss and Zone completed in 7mins+

Finished in 14mins 37secs:

It’s no SR or Scout3 but it might be a worthwhile farmer if it’s your character (or you don’t have any of the other two).

Tried again after adding one Lv7 Red Gem:

Starting shot:

Reached and killed all mobs in the first zone and first boss after 5mins 16secs:

Full run completed after 12mins 53secs:

Edit: Now that I think about it, this would be faster with an elemental dagger. >__<