Tree of Savior Forum

Post if you got a beta key!

Hahahahahah =extra haha for the 20 character limit=

Despite my obvious pessimistic attitude towards the randomly generated key distribution Iā€™ve actually been selected as one of the 5000 to take part in the week long beta test. Iā€™m looking forward to the experience, Iā€™ll try to uncover any new information I can and share it with the community.

For those who were selected, I look forward to playing alongside you and/or fighting against you; in either case letā€™s have fun overall.

i donā€™t think theres any PvP yet :frowning:

YES!! I got one! See you all in the game! :smile:

PvP is in. Shown in latest video

Yeah thereā€™s pvp, also some videos to watch. Hereā€™s one

I got mine! Installing as i type this. Canā€™t wait to play. So so so happy. lol :heart_eyes_cat:


Youā€™ve been invited to participate in Tree of Savior Beta Test on Steam. Weā€™re pleased to have you join us in our first Beta Test.

START : August, 4th @ 22:00 PM EST

END : August, 10th @ 02:00 AM EST
Servers will be open 24 hours a day.

i hate my lifeā€¦ i didnā€™t get oneā€¦

got mine too <3 <3 <<<<<3

Anyone got spare extra key? Pm me Pleaseā€¦ Thanksā€¦ :smiley:

Anyone got spare extra key? Pm me Pleaseā€¦ Thanksā€¦ :smile:

I have the beta key Iā€™m so happy right now :grin:

THX Q for the key !! yea^^

btw, I like how I got the beta key while @Nickyan didnā€™t get it, despite him being the 1 that recommended this to meā€¦ XD

Looking to buy a Beta Key~ Anyone have extra to sell?

I didnā€™t get one. To all the people that made fake accounts: I hate you. Unless you have some extra keys and are willing to share one with me. In that case, I love you.

If anyone has an extra key that they are willing to part with, I would very much sppreciate getting one! : D
My pals got keys, so it really stinks to be left behind.

I got my beta key n_n

Iā€™m so excited! xD
See you guys in game!