Tree of Savior Forum

Post if you got a beta key!

finally have one key :grin:

I love this game, I canā€™t wait to play

I got my beta key :relaxed:

Who is Nickyan ? A staff member ?

Didnā€™t have a key. It may be my anger/sadness speaking but I would like to know why only 5000 international keys and 90 000 korean keys ? Thatā€™s not logical, at least to me.

nah, a friend of mine that told me about this game owo

I got one. :smile: I was so surprised because I wasnā€™t expecting it.

i never get lucky I never win anything or get beta key in my life

Well. Iā€™m not even surprised and somehow, I feel like youā€™re right.
From what I saw, on my Fansub community on skype or our website, Iā€™m nearly the only who got a key.
Strangly, Iā€™m the only who created an account on the forum, posted everyday (no threads actually ^^ā€™ peoples are faster than me~). Quite interesting hm ?
We will never know. But if they did, thatā€™s totally justified because they donā€™t need players who will only play the game.
They need players who will report bugs, give their though after the end of the Beta, continue to translate the gameā€¦ They donā€™t need ā€œleechersā€. Not yet :wink:


ā€œbecause they donā€™t need players who will only play the game.
They need players who will report bugs, give their though after the end of the Beta, continue to translate the gameā€¦ They donā€™t need ā€œleechersā€. Not yetā€

My thoughts exactly. Iā€™ve already got everything set up and ready for and as Iā€™ve mentioned in other threads, I am going to take my time and meticulously analyze every detail I can to make sure that the future players have a high quality game to play.

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no games need leechersā€¦ sadly enough, MMORPGs wonā€™t be able to from escape them once itā€™s officially launchedā€¦ >w>

i was worried about the same thingā€¦maybe they chose the people before hand by having moderators observe the forums and hand select peopleā€¦then they did this thing saying there was 4 more days left in to get a better key knowing people CAN bot, and knowing people WOULD botā€¦they just wanted to go ahead and ban a lot of IPs before it all got goingā€¦idkā€¦just a theory that after iā€™m done typing it all, it seems a little farfetchā€™d (if Iā€™m even using that word right)

how do you know you love it if you havent played it yet

A staff member. Haha, no. IMC Games stated in a post that they had ways to snip all the spam accounts off the list. They checked read time, number of posts, threads made and such statistics.

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Some players may have been able to play on the Korean CBTs

Leechers bring money. But we are in the Beta phase, so they donā€™t new money for now, thatā€™s why they have been ā€œexcludedā€.

Thatā€™s a really nice move. We are talking about devs who made up a in-game Real Time Translation Tool in order to let their players translate the game for them. Ofc they donā€™t want peoples who donā€™t care about this xD
But thatā€™s only a part of the problem, find bugs will be like giant treasure hunt ā€˜-ā€™
Though, I will focus on traducing the game interface in French and submite it on Github ^^ā€™

Got the key, see you guys in the beta :smile:

Because I 'm reading the news and watching videos about the game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Awesome a thread to brag about who got in. Donā€™t worry guys. You will get to playā€¦ Eventually. Lolz.

Tuesday come