Tree of Savior Forum

Post if you got a beta key!

Wonder if those who got in on the first iCBT would have to re-apply to get in if we ever got a second iCBT?

I’m looking at a betakey for my daughter

I am in the process of installing TOS

Just checked my email, got invited to the cbt so stoke =D

Hope to have a good time with you guys!

Got it!
do you activate on beta date?

@rtkjob You can activate it right away on Steam and start downloading the game client.

It’s better for you to activate it now and download the game right after ^^’
The release day is going to be mad laggy~

I got mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Got it from TOSGame’s giveaway event, AWW YISSSSSSSSS


Congrats :smiley:

i need a beta key :S

That sucks man.

Any idea on the next beta?

OMG. Super Excited. Just got a Key, when I thought all hope was lost. For those of your out there, there’s still time! I think they are possibly adding more and more people into the beta. #hype

i got mine today oh yeah i can’t waitt

Как же мне понравилась данная игра! Очень прикольная и в духе Ragnarok Online. Я в Ragnarok играл очень долго и это моя самая любимая игра. Очень хочу себе получить ключь и попробывать игру на свой вкус и цвет =)

Like many, I had held off making an account in hopes of logging in with steam. A useless worry in the end.

Then, when the beta was announced, like many, I rushed to create and account. I told all my friends and dreamed of playing beta.

I did not receive a key. I not been so disappointed in a long time.

I had stayed up till midnight. That was easy.
I had stayed up till 5. That was manageable.
I did not stay up till 8. Figured I had to be patient.

Even after the keys had been distributed, I kept checking the beta button and my email. It was sad really.
I checked the Tree of Savior subreddit’s new posts for someone who may give the keys away.

This continued till the beta started. This continued after the beta started. Somehow I had to hope against hope.

Today the subreddit had an interesting post: people were refreshing, hoping for a beta key.
“What is this?” I say to myself, “People hoping as I have? What? Perhaps? No. No way. TO THE MAIN PAGE”

Do not look at the forums yet, the main page comes first.
Click the button.




Ignore me. Killing time for my download, and venting.

Just got one too. I don’t know why we got one today, but we won’t complain and try to help for this beta. ^^

got mine. :slight_smile: yay! but sadlife coz i only got 2 days to play the game. not sure if shud be happy or not.

OMG! THANKS FOR KEY \Õ/ LOVE ALL! :heart_eyes:

i just got a beta Key this morning from the Extra 3k they gave out, if anyone hasn’t heard about this i’d suggest checking your email you might have got one. anyways see everyone in-game :smiley: