Tree of Savior Forum

Post if you got a beta key!

Congrats everyone who got their key! I hope to see and meet all of you in game!

That moment when a friend from your skype guild is like itā€™s ok man you can have my key

-Check my Steam Feed
-Saw ToS Announced they already distribute the Beta Keys to the lucky 5k People
-Commented ā€œI Have zero luck in this kind of thing, so good luck those who got the keyā€
-Checking my Inbox
-mail from Tree of Savior
-Youā€™ve been invited to participate in Tree of Savior Beta Test on Steam
-Hype af for around 30 minutes.

Well Congratulation to you guys fellow ā€œChosen Oneā€
Good luck, Have fun and I hope to see you in the game ^^

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I did and Iā€™m proud!

Q^Q whyyyyyyyyyyy I didnā€™t get oneā€¦

Keep in mind Gents, and Ladies, this closed beta is Indeed a test. Not only are you to have fun enjoy the game but help Improve the game, Locating bugs, technical errors, and dialog mishaps. Hereā€™s is a link to Assist you report

Good Luck and God Speed!

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It wasnā€™t on purpose iā€™m sure of, but I know the pain is there from excitement, There is opportunity for the next beta test, do not discourage my friend!

They are not the same! The first mail said that the CBT will start on August, 3rd while on the second it is August, 4th (damn one more day to wait :laughing: ). I guess the 2nd mail is for this correction. :laughing:

Now is the waiting game until August, 4th @ 22:00 PM EST. It was so long since the last time I wanted time to go fast forward. :laughing:

Iā€™m the lucky one, too. ~ :wink:
See you in game, Saviors!

I got it, I was so surprised and pumped! See you all in game :slight_smile: Also sorry to the people who got left out, hopefully next test you guys get in.

dat moment when u track game for 2 years and dont get a keyā€¦


I got it, see you in game :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

:smiley: :smiley:

waiting 4/8

Start the game guys and check if the resolution is correct or not. If not change it in the user.xml file.
Issue #1: donā€™t check automatically the resolution.

Youā€™re so lucky! Congratulations to everyone :smiley:

Iā€™m one of the lucky ones :slight_smile:

Ready to rock :smiley: It likes bootin up my internet on a 56kbps modem and starting Ragnarok all over again~

Yeahh i have got my key too !! Oh my gosh yeah !! o/ enjoy !! :sunglasses:

Itā€™s weird too; so many people were complaining about it being IMPOSSIBLE to get a key because they signed up with like 12 accounts and didnā€™t get one, yet, here I am, forgetting I even logged in to begin with and getting a key. Maybe itā€™s because people sign up with multiple accounts that they donā€™t get keys :stuck_out_tongue:


from what @Nickyan told me at skypeā€¦

[2015-07-31 10:00:49] Nickyan: Well they were banned
[2015-07-31 10:01:20] Nickyan: Since the testers were determined on read time, posts made etc.