Tree of Savior Forum

Post for unbreakable weapon upgrade reports

This are only reports and it doesn’t immediately mean that these players really used the exploits, they can be legit and a result of his/her hard work or they recieved it from others. It’s up to the staff to judge.

Server: Telsiai

This is the support that you wanted right?

These are some more but its not on full potential so they might have recieved it from other players you staff be the judge.


its so sad man, make me wanna quite the game, people win money afk in dina bee, exploit on world bosses, weapons that dont lose potecial and soon a GM gonna replay this post

“Thank you for reporting. We will look into the user’s activity.”


"Hello Savior,_

Thank you for providing the requested information.

We’ll go ahead and forward the details to our development team for review and processing. We only ask for your patience while the development team is looking into the accounts.

If you have any other concerns, please do contact us again.


I am going towards quiting, I just cant find another MMORPG to move into, I just posted this and hope that others will follow because the staff asked for support… I only posted this so that I have no regrets and I have actually done something even if it is just a futile report @STAFF_Max asked for some support so here it is

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i understand you man, i made 2 post and im still waiting for GM feedback but i dont have high expectations.

this one have 16 days and only a small feedback, some people inside my guild are exploiting e using SP pots with addons but i cant do nothing about it.

Even Entire Guilds are exploting now since they dont ban players in this game, WoW Legion is comming soon, many people that i know gonna leave the game if the support dont mass ban those players in Dina Bee, World bosses.

I guess they will only reply if a LOT of players will tag them sooooo

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Max please notice me



When you begin your speech by saying that is game’s fault, players can not be penalized and that no one can be found guilty of anything except by confession written in 3-way document and or only God can judge people because “you can’t trust your own eyes” and “everything is subjective” as you did in the case of the Avidity bot?


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after today, i regret reading the forum…it make me sad and feel like really want to quit the game…i have 2000hour on the game and tons of money and this is the return i get from IMC…bugs after bugs, and exploits is everywhere…good job IMC i hope u guys enjoy watching us go. bye


Bbye everyone! after I wake up, I’ve probably forgotten about ToS, already deleted the game from steam folder
Any suggestion for Asia server MMORPG is welcome in this thread :slight_smile:

Bless in 2017 /o 20chatersx

I can finally be free and face IRL mmorpg :sparkles:

look ma’ im famous. lmfao. i’m the owner of that +13 karacha crossbow and you can file a report or a ticket to check it out :slight_smile:

lets play overwatch. IMC wants the game dead we have no option :smiley:

Oh my God, we’re having a lynching! Just like the other ToS:


Yup…lynching the townsfolk alright…
With the town being the majority and one witch

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Keep posting guys! BURN ALL THE EXPLOITERS