Tree of Savior Forum

Possible Chrono builds

Since i like dungeons and missions, i want to create Chrono to farm them 6 times a day. Chrono seems like a best wizard class for that.

So far i find few possible chrono builds:

  1. Wizard 1 - Cryo 3 - Chrono 3
    Seems to be standard, but i am worried about my solo ability and also how well cryo 3 will age with future content. Anyone who goes this build has any feedback about how good it is in dungeons/solo?

  2. Wizard 3 - Link 1 - Chrono 3
    I think this build will age pretty well with new contents with possibility to turn it into support/dps later. And magic missile is awesome.

  3. Wizard 3 - Thaumaturge 1 - Chrono 3
    Has some interesting synergy between Thaumaturge and Chrono, but will surely age badly. Too bad since i like both wizard support classes - Thauma and Chrono.

  4. Wizard 3 - Pyro 1 - Chrono 3
    Taking pyro 1 just for enchant fire, might be good with Chrono attackspeed.

Please share your experiences and opinions, thank you :slight_smile:

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  1. Cryo 3 will age well since you don’t rely on its damage. You rely on it’s ability to Crowd Control the mobs.

  2. I think this build is bad because there is no reason for you to go for Wizard C3. Your only damage skill is Energy Bolt and Magic Missile?

  3. No idea I have no information regarding Thau

  4. Same as no 2. Pyro 1 damage won’t sustain long enough in later levels.

I believe Link-1 also has damage spell.
Well, point of W-3 and L-1 is to easily get to chrono, after that you will always be useful, just because you are chrono. And when new ranks will get introduced i can just grab new class or just warlock for example.

Thau has party buff that adds fixed damage to every attack (almost like arde dagger). The problem is, well, it is fixed damage and takes 1 buff slot.

Build sounds good, i am just worried since with this build you have to go full CON. Will i be able to survive after 50 just by doing dungeon runs. With current trade/party system pure supports suffer heavily.

  1. archetype cryochrono cant go wrong here

  2. and 3 and 4. This combo (quick cast chrono) might excell in the future if you take pure dps immediately after rank 7 onward. Hard to speculate because it depends on info we don’t have yet. If you have immense patience it might pay off very well a number of months from now.

  3. (5) Pyro3>Chrono3
    a less popular build that still put out great dps at 170 speaking from personal experience. Pass will double your pyro skill count making you a sustain dps powerhouse on average targets.
    -Not as great on very strong enemies, though you can stack fireballs on bosses and they won’t get whacked away by party members.
    -hell breath is bad
    -fireball 15 is amazing, if not slightly annoying to use. Grab an arde dagger to magnify the damage from its high hit count

I’m currently a cryo 2 right now with full con. Leveling and questing is kinda slow but it’s doable.

cryo 3 is definitely a solid end game option for chrono3, but solo questing as a cryo is pretty painful especially when you are going for full CON build

you don’t really feel the pain until you are a cryo 3 trying to work your way to chrono 3, you have to wait for your ice pike cooldown all the time because that is the only decent source of damage you have especially when you are fighting against a boss

cryo 3 doesn’t really shine in the dungeon until u get chrono 2 or 3 either, before that you will have a really long cooldown on both frost pillar and snowball, not to mention snowball is useless against mobs that can do knockback

however if you have an archer or barbarian friend to quest with then it will be a different story

The two best options for Chrono currently are:

  • Wiz > Cryo 3 > Chrono 3 : Supreme support wizard, Cryo 3 is literally best mob CC in the game when allied with Chrono 3. Chrono 3 on it’s own is probably the best buffer in the game and you can revive bosses with 5% which means profit.

  • Wiz > Cryo > Linker 2 > Chrono 3 : This one is also popular but I don’t believe it’s as solid as the first option. Linker 2 can be better for party sometimes but it seems that for endgame Dungeon content Cryo 3 is the beast.

At least for your current thoughts, you won’t help in dungeons taking Wiz 3, is missing ranks for 1 damage skill (quickcast attribute) when DPS is not what you excel at as you have none for the current last 3 ranks.

I went Wiz>Cryo>Linker2>Chrono. Pure support con/spr, all the freezing from cryo combined with linker is nice. But if you thought your damage was bad in any of the other builds…haha.

Thanks, after thinking about it - it is much better to go full offensive or just full support. And since i already have my Wiz3>Ele 1, it is better to just go Wiz>Cryo3>Chrono 3 for my chrono.
And well, already leveling my Cryo, it is not as bad as i thought, he got some decent spells for attacking.

I’m a little surprised that pyro3 took so long to get a mention. I consider it the thematic build for chronmancer.

Plus it has direct synergy with the autoattack buffs of chrono, and skills that specifically synergize with chrono skills. Namely: Fire Pillar hits Stopped enemies, and is one of only two skills that can.

It has a bad rap. over extensive theory crafting maybe. Im guilty of that too. Once you see its gameplay you’ll know its underrated. To be fair it used to be a waste to not go pyrolinker. Now it comes down to gameplay preference.

Well, if i went pyro-3 i would also probably go thaumaturge 3, because 500+ damage from every attack and 145 additional int looks better to me in synergy with pyro 3 than chrono - 3.

Are you using an offhand or staff to smack Ice Wall? Because that is a huge portion of your damage.

So i am posting my feddback here after going Cryo 3 route. I will compare it to Wizard 3> Elementalist because this is another char i have.
Leveling to 100 as a full Con build is pretty much the same as Wizard 3 route. Once you learn how to use your C button and IceWall you will kill bosses really quick.

Cryo 3 is a god of dungeons, you can aggro as many mobs as you want, your CC will give enough time for your party to finish mobs. One hint - if someone else tanks mobs you want to snowball first and then Frost Pillar to pull enemies that were pushed away at the end of snowball. Also, position icewall so your teammates hit through it. I feel like cryo 3 i do 200% better in dungeons than my elementalist. (Also i have arde, which adds a ton of damage, really good with icewall).

Missions on the other hand are pain. In boss fight i feel like i do almost nothing other than doing icewall burst every minute. I wonder if it changes once i get Chrono quicken and reincarnate.

As for grinding and farming - really bad solo, all i can say. Compared to Wiz3-Ele almost nonexistant.


If it makes you feel better, once you get haste everyone wants to party you.

How do supports generally go about leveling at 110+? 3 dungeons, 3 missions per day while also doing quests?

And also, any tips on using reincarnate on bosses? I am thinking on getting it as soon as i get chrono, because missions and dungeons are my main EXP and money sources.

You will probably see very rarely see success with it. Still 0 times worked on mission and dungeon bosses, currently 189 with level 5 reincarnate.

Tip for questing as support; buy pardoner buffs and work on your gear in advance.

I hope that, at least, backmasking works on bosses.

It doesn’t work on bosses unfortunately.