Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] Transcendence System

  • Remove Transcendence all of it
  • Do not touch anything Transcendence, burn all filthy casuals
  • Convert Transcendence to TP
  • Convert Transcendence to scale with stats(with stat re-balance in mind]
  • Convert Transcendence to scale with weapon/armor enhancement
  • Convert Transcendence to scale with character level
  • hue

0 voters

Are you willing to sacrifice your transcend for a better tos?


The transcendence system in its current state is akin to maplestory’s potential system and mabinogi’s reforge system - p2w systems from korean F2P publisher, Nexon. These systems are designed to milk the whales at the expense of the game’s longevity.


Casualification is the better TOS. Majority of worst suggestions came from our community itself.

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Wait… what? Running Saalus doesn’t cost TP. It’s soiled by heavy RMT though but RMT =/= whales. People can be both though :mask:

How’s it like reforging…? Shards come from dailies and can’t be bought with money, and they’re not random, and there’s a clear amount you need to level the item up.

No option u give is good.
Anyway in all some people lose.
And all tipes of scales are bad…
So… hue answer.

Transcendence is overpower stuff? Yes
But now is already there.

How u conpensate for the people who have it without put loss on other people?
That is the question


just make trancende material become untradable again
it very good,



Shards can be bought with money…just need to sell tokens.


Those people who were suggesting to remove it dont care or dont give a sh1t. Its evident in their mouth because all theyre saying is remove remove change change change, without offering solution to compensate those people.


Players RMT for silver to buy shards. It’s the same p2w concept except that gold sellers pocket the money instead of IMC. So yes, IMC half-ass even the p2w feature. They should either sell the shards themself or make shards untradeable entirely, instead of allowing gold seller to earn more money.


Suggesting to remove without offering a solution is like a dog shitting in front of your house. Letting the others doing the cleaning job for them.


Untradable shards is such a bad idea. Not only does it make large amount of alts necessary, but it curbs any other form of progress. Yes, players can RMT to get high Transcendence, but the vast majority of players are legitimate, and this would only harm them. The problem is Transcendence itself, not that shards are tradable.

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I feel like there’s a difference between RMTing to buy ingame items gated by a daily, and abusive cash shop practices…

ok the simple things is, make untradable shard , or erase shard from game, and rebalance all mobs and future content it self, ill praise IMC if can do that without bug huehuehue.


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Think of transcendence like a more modern, 2016 version of the potential system [maplestory], the reforge system [mabinogi], or the item enhancement system [vindictus]. They’re not exactly the same for sure, but the underlying concepts are very similar. Hint: all published by Nexon in korea.

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Im excited to see the power creep in R9 not because it was adjusted to transcendence but transcendence is the solution for that problem. Where to get the damage now to clear 5th floor of Earth towers? Use our prehistoric weapons?

Is monster power creep that bad? Heck the best experience for me where in CBT i could die in quests boss alone. Initial release of R8 mobs where the best, so challenging and exciting. Now the contents are super boring thx to casualified mobs/weapons IMC gave to cater the crying so called majority.

Introduction of Earth Tower is the 1st power creep. Not transcendence. We badly needed damage to clear it fast, hence transcendence were introduced.

Bad implementation for the power creep? Now its your job to find solution if you were in IMC shoes. How to give players the damage to cater all the angles? Lower ranks should be viable, old weapons should be still viable instead of new updated one.


I clearly said it’s soiled by RMT. [quote=“Sensate, post:5, topic:352371”]
It’s soiled by heavy RMT

But p2w in MMO is described mostly pertaining to cash shop so if blessed shards are buyable, then I would agree with you. Otherwise, RMT is RMT. It’s not the same concept at all if we’re talking about classic P2W talks. It’s only referring to the cash shops in MMOs. This is why people were heated and so against Leticia Cube when it was released in KTOS. Anyway, I’d rather not argue about this so I’m peace out. We can all agree though that Premium Pet is kinda P2W in a way.

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I don’t get you people, complain about the game not being balanced because the content or PvP, transcendence came to “fix” that, in the most lazy way a developer could think.

Skill balance and stats balance could had been done in a good way with % + base value (damage or healing) for skills and the values in stats converted to % for better calibration.

Remove this lazy balance system called transcendence, turn the shards (including the already used also they would be split from the big shard at the same ratio they where put together) into protection shards (which can be also put to sell in the CS) to protect the gear not lose potential while enhancing.

Make it tradable once, like enchant scrolls.

Remove the cube from Saalus, add more things in the other cube, put those shards in the CS as said above and add them to the dumb gacha, if I’m not mistaken they are already there tho.


If there is to believe “The Talk Talk” there won’t a power creep similar to rank 8 when rank 9 and 10 are released. According to it they won’t be balanced around transcendence.

I loved cbt bosses personally too. :sob:

But I believe the problems with these come heavily down to class balance. I mean I think everyone knew some of the best class combinations were able to solo rank 8 content but the same can’t be said for the majority. When you’re not able to progress without playing certain classes there is a problem.

I still prefer the original transcendence where shards were untradable and character bound than the current one now. At least during that time, we wouldn’t think that it will escalate to what it will be now. Just getting to transcend lv5 on a weapon would take 2months+ with full blessed cube rerolls. Yes it did take time and dedication to get to high levels then, but with it locked behind a time wall it wouldn’t have such a high impact on content and class balances as it is now.

With the majority of players not being able to go above transcend 2-3, power creep in R8 content would be significantly minimised and R8 classes’ power will also pretty much fall in line with like the rest of the classes without sticking out like a sore thumb.

Can say that it is a really bad call to shift transcendence from untradable, character bound to market tradable. It changes everything, now everything needed to be boosted just to cater to it.

IMC better solve this before R9 hits. Please perfect transcendence, but making it more accessible (as in drop more) to players isn’t solving the problem at all.