Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] Server EU/SEA : good compromise?

Asking for regional servers is legitimate, but can IMC easily garantee stable servers for a smooth exclusive access in a few days for EU/SEA regions ? I doubt it and it’s normal, IMC need a bit of time and money for that.

Will non-NA players be satisfied if regional servers are opened for the OBT (supposedly April 21th) with a free transfer added to the different founders packs ?

Please vote here

TL;DR: Will you be ok to give 1 month and some money to IMC to open an EU server ?

Edit (thought for IMC): This isn’t a bad deal, it adds a real support value to the founder pack, new advertising point for OBT, and help populate new servers smoothly.

Some more explanation:
From what I understood, the EU playerbase is pretty much balanced
with NA and BR around 30% each, but that is based on iCBT (with limited keys). So one from the current 4 dedicated for EU isn’t so far fetched.

The aim of the thread isn’t to know if people want an EU server or not, it is clear that it is a YES!
The issue is a lot of people hope for an EU server for exclusive access, if IMC can pull this off, then great, but it is higly doubtful. The other issue is transfert between servers aren’t allowed as far as we know.
Also, a lot of EU players might not buy founder packs if there is no EU server for the exclusive access with no transfert available.

So, in anticipation, I suggest the following compromise : EU players are willing to get founder packs and start on NA servers while waiting for IMC to get the ressources and time to put an EU server up. In return, IMC allow transfert for the founders to get to EU server, one time only and why not only during the first week of EU server opening. Both sides agree to give something but it is still a win-win.

German Eu server is best server for Eu !

They use Amazon and Amazon has German servers, just saying :slight_smile:

‘‘for a smooth exclusive access in a few days for EU/SEA regions’’
They aren’t going to open EU/SEA servers on ‘‘Founder SERVER’’

The point is not to talk about where the EU server should be, but rather will you be ok to give 1 month and some money to IMC to open an EU server ?

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I know, but a lot of people are asking for it anyway. IMC already has other stuff to deal with, so in order to stop the EU server discussion, why not make a compromise.

Agreed. If they open an European server, it should be located in Germany.

30-40 ping for most EU regions.

Can we transfer the TP from one server to another?
If that’s the case, I don’t see the problem of testing the founder’s server and then start on the European server at the beginning of OBT.

That’s a really good point I didn’t think about…

Maybe IMC could enable TP transfert for this time only if they are reluctant to allow it once the game is launched.

About SEA server, when Playone Asia decide to bring it for SEA server, I wonder why IMC not allow it ?

I don’t really know what is the situation for SEA players, but if IMC already have some legal bounds with Playone Asia, they might not be able to talk about it with this publisher.
In the meantime, it is really weird to expect SEA players to start playing on iTos than starting over with Playone Asia server.

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Before anyone continues wondering about server transfers:

Dont expect any. They have said before that you cant transfer characters between servers (although i cant find it now), their FAQ also mentions that you can’t exchange anything between servers. So unless they clearly say they will allow such a thing, it is better to assume they won’t.

i dont see the point of this poll. will i be ok? yes i will be, why would anyone NOT be ok?

I agree, but people are asking for EU server for the exclusive access (supposedly starting in a few days), which is harder to expect than an one time transfert (adding a special value to the founder pack).

Why not again ? :innocent:

@GrandTickler Because some people are asking for the EU server to happen right at exclusive access, which will probably never happen. Also, we now know IMC is “thinking” about it, so why not bring our own argument.

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EU server need transfer system. It would be great if I will pay, start playing on Laima and when EU server will come out I could transfer character and stuff to EU, like all of us.

Not really, because if you are going to consider their “reconsideration” as a hope of future server transfers, you also have to consider that they agreed that the time divide of exclusive access isn’t fair. Any assumption that they will allow transfers is a bigger stretch than the reverse. But keep in mind that if they indeed allow server transfers, any future new server including EU would suffer from very clear unbalance to people that want to start in a fresh environment.

That poll is nonsense as if most of non EU players will vote there and of course as EU players majority will vote for yes.

1 month gap isn’t the same as 3 months …

It seems that the founder only server isn’t a thing anymore. IMC will open 4 servers like during iCBT, so the new players for OBT won’t be starting in a fresh environment.

If IMC do open an EU server without transfert, low-lvl map will be a cluster of founder and free players, not a good thing.

EU founder players are probably going to pay more than NA founder players, as I expect a flat conversion from $ to € (and I don’t particularly mind), but playing with 100-200 ms more isn’t fair as well.

If founder money help opening an EU server sooner, I’m not sure free-players will be mad to see those founders on their server.

Again, the transfert should be one use only, and why not limited in time.

This is why I talk about a compromise.

@blackmagicstd I can’t restrict NA players to vote, even if I could, I wouldn’t. Someone can troll-vote once, so what… The point is to suggest a compromise with IMC, as many non-NA players ask for non-NA servers asap. Maybe there could have been a better way to express myself in the poll, I haz franch no tolking verry gud anglish :innocent:

Founder only servers never were a thing. They never specified that.

Founder exclusive access time is just that, after that time it would be unfair to them to treat founders like special costumers. It’s asking too much. You paid for that time and you got it, after that you will have to be content with VIP and playing like the rest of the people.

Besides, they haven’t said anything about having EU servers for founders or not, but if you want to assume they will add 4 servers from the start, you can for sure expect them to be in different regions.

Anyway, you are hoping for server transfers only because you fear they wont add EU at the start. That fear is unfounded because they haven’t confirmed anything. So just wait and see…

Obviously, if EU server is added right at the beginning of exclusive access, there is no troubles at all, but I seriously doubt it as it’s supposed to start on March 22th (in a few days).

Founder servers was a thing, search for it. What I meant by only, wasn’t a restriction imposed, but a natural thing.

I assume they will open 4 servers (located in Virginia, NA), because it was the case for the iCBT.

Definetely not, otherwise IMC would have told us so way before, EU server isn’t a recent question.

I don’t fear they won’t add EU at the start, I know they won’t.
I am simply trying to find a compromise (i.e something everyone can agree on, even if there is some losses for each sides) to calm the “uproar” asking for EU for exclusive access.
If IMC can pull this off, good, no need to talk further, but no evidence shows they have the ressources atm to do so.