Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] How many tokens do you plan to buy per month?

Pretty much.


just use the pack ones and u will be high level enough to buy from the market (from all those 5+ ppl =D )

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Point taken, that’s the last time I’ll be making that sort of comment.

No, I’m not aware of that person. Would you mind telling me about them through a PM?

Paying to unlock basic functionality of a game? I don’t support this kind of underhanded tactics, IMC can go screw themselves.

I would be very happy to spend 18$ a month on costumes and other pure vanity items, but paying just to enable trade function (which is a standard in every normal game) is something I cannot support.

Not to mention, the restrictions of only being able to put on 5 items simultaneously on the market - almost every other MMORPG gives you way more without having to pay a single cent.

Think of it this way - if a game restricts your basic needs, does it still qualify as F2P? I don’t think so. It’s basically B2P at this point.

I don’t care if someone says “tokens are tradeable on the market” - it doesn’t matter, because if you spend X amount of silver to buy a token, it still means that someone paid 18$ to IMC for that token. Buying that item for silver is the same as supporting IMC’s shitty marketing schemes.

I am very willing to support a good game… but not for something like this.

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Im all about making imc rich, but they need to learn from games like path of exile that came from nowhere and now is the best arpg of all times how they handled their business, u just cant destroy the economy and the whole trading system because of bad calls, i hope they figure that while its still time.

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one a month. i might sell one early on if it seems economically a smart move, but i dont play to buy them to sell once things get rolling. I could probably buy them with in game silver easily enough after my first 90 days of token from the two dlcs is used up, but i typically just buy this sort of thing in mmos to keep my in game economic situation isolated from the real world.

I wanted to see how potentially unbalanced the economy might be… is part of the reason I would say…

to sell and make money, free players will buy token when they are high level.

it was fun at first but do you mind stop making polls?

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erm 1 why would you want more its not like you gain additional benefits…

Okay did you pay for the game or are you getting it for free? I could understand your point if the game was B2P but this game is F2P they are allowing you to enjoy the game for FREE but they still need some means of income and you need desirable items for that.

this is why I am concerned about the staff not only your dealing with your workplace and the stress of day one launch your also dealing with a community where from what i’ve seen over a number of days has been somewhat abusive and ungrateful.

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Reading is hard for you isn’t it?
Restricting basic game functions already puts it on the same level as B2P. Unless you get a token, you don’t have access to many functions that are offered as standard in every other MMORPG I know.
It doesn’t matter if you buy the token with $ or silver, the fact remains that if you buy it, you’re supporting it.

It’s obvious that every game developer/publisher needs some form of income, but they’re choosing the wrong path. People who fail to notice it are just hopeless.

Incorrect restricting game functions on a free to play level is giving people a option of something that is desirable the thing that makes it different from B2P is you simply are not allowed to play the game unless you pay the buy in price.

Also the token is available in the game market sold from players you can buy it with in game silver thus there is a option for you to obtain the token without paying real life money other games have tried and successes with this I can name two games of the top of my head World of Warcraft and eve online.

The thing you clearly don’t understand in this world is things are not free and if they are free they need to restrict stuff so they can make people an offer to improve there gaming experience. After all how do you think a mmo runs… its expensive most mmorpg servers alone go well into $1000+ for a somewhat good server unless you live in the world of make believe and think people will just buy things of the cash shop for the sake of it and please don’t use LoL skin as a reference because even a number of skins provide SFX that appear only to that skin also skins are only desirable for a one time buy and that’s normally not much.

Okay do this for me and I will retract what I said please tell with background facts of a proven method that I would not be able to correct what is the right path wise sensei because all I see is no facts and unreasonable response’s expecting to be treated the same as someone who paid when you did not… and is that not unfair on those who did pay to be treated with no incentive to someone who did not pay any money?

Also justifying people who don’t agree with your viewpoint is not hopeless its just they don’t agree with you because you lack evidence to back up your claim.

So hard to read, isn’t it?
I’ve never seen any MMORPG that would go so far as to disable free trading unless you bought an item from cash shop. If you buy a token with silver from other players, you’re supporting the highly controversial decisions of IMC.

Do you not see anything wrong with that? Are you a man with no morals?

Tactics used by IMC make me wanna puke. Even if I bought the token with silver, I would have a bad taste left in my mouth, that some other player actually wants to support this madness.

Edit: the problem with such cash shop tactics is - it destroys the trust between publisher and player. A successful publisher would desing their cash shop in such a way, that the player would happily spend their $$$ and be satisfied with his purchase.
However, having someone to spend $$$ just so you can enable basic game functions will never give anyone this kind of appreciation.

You know what’s funny your complaining about such methods yet if they did a subscription method you would most likely complain that its mistreating people who cant afford subscriptions there is simply no winning with you.

The thing that tells me about you is your self absolved with your own ego that anyone who justifies going against your words that your claiming there part of the problem IMC have told people the reason to the restriction’s and all I have ever see is people coming up with blaming IMC but without trying solutions to the problem that is the reasoning to the restriction AKA RMT don’t you understand…

I could simply say this you are supporting RMT by allowing trade so they can do there illegal activity’s but then that would basically make me sink down to your level.

also what on earth does morals have to do with this they are not doing immoral things this is a company they need money and this is there method don’t like it don’t play it but for crying out loud complaining against it with nothing to justify a pro/cons reasoning is insane.

While I am in complete agreement that a lot of the monetization decisions being made will be very bad for the longevity, fairness, and popularity of this game, I think it’s not good to make personal attacks to try to make that point. You only make someone more hard headed about their stance if you ‘attack’ them on it.

It’s clear we both care a great deal about this game, otherwise why would we be trying to argue for changes? But let us be classy about how we make our points.

Edit: @kaligoth5000 Apologies on my behalf for the poor treatment you received. But do you honestly think this game will be successful with its current monetization route? You cite EVE but does EVE have a proposed ~$18 monthly token ‘subscription’ that gives so many advantages? Does EVE have a cash shop with as many ‘gray’ transactions?

Way to dodge answering my viewpoint. Kudos to you.

Would you please read my post and consider editing your own to remove the ‘persona attack’ elements? Thank you!

Whats the point of this poll?
We have maybe 1% of the playerbase in this forum, you really think that even 50% answer honestly? I wish i could be that naiv again

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