Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] Do you despise RMT? (Finishing Topic)

I am NOT ranting in this topic. Just expressing my opinion. i can declare that i don’t despise RMT as before. People changed. Not every country is as prosperous as another country. You have to put yourself in someone’s boots to see a clearer picture.

I don’t understand your question… Does the wall of text is the answer to the poll? my poll choice is not even with the majority

Reasoning with logic and giving awareness educate better society. If you must take advantage of every flaws instead of reporting, then ignorance must be bliss to you. That is a poor example, someone in their right mind will not do something to create chaos.

Did you know that many hackers and torrents founders did not know the consequences of their action? They decided to turn over a new leaf when it become too serious or caught by FBIs.

I did not waste my time writing so much to play a ‘blame game’. I just generalise RMT and bot with gold selling and gold farming because they are usually connected. Developers don’t employ RMT, they make it their own feature.

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Yes this game is already a p2w game. Selling tokens in market has no tax and no waiting time. Honestly I can just buy 100pcs token every week and sell it on market. Haha. But law of supply and demand will kick in. So…and what is the point of fun game if you do that hahaha

I dont despise RMT, even though I don’t use it. I believe it just should be left in check.

I despise uncontrolled RMT and chat spam though.

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if every game that has tradeable cash shop items is p2w (which is virtually all f2p games), there’s no point in complaining then.

Well, most of the points have been spoken.

I myself don’t hate RMT. There are cases where I prefer to spend real money than grinding in game. For example right now I can buy 10m silver for $25, which is less than 3 hours of freelancing work for me, and I’m sure there’s no way I can farm 10m in game in 3 hours. Seeing the absurd attribute cost at R8, I’d say that I myself may resort to RMT in future as well.

“But where’s the fun when you buy your way up?” - You say? Ok, I’m a casual player. I’m not rich, but I can throw $50-100 every month to play games without batting an eye. I want to spend my little time (3 hours a day) in game for stuff that I enjoy, like questing, dungeon or TBL, not grinding for silver. With the cost of silver like current, I don’t see myself able to enjoy the game at all.

That said, I hate botting. Botting ruins the game for many, including me. Botting drives down the price of silver, making the “legit RMT” - TP shop less attractive, thus breaking the economy.

So if somehow IMC can prevent or limit botting, most of the problems will be solved without us having to criticize RMT


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Without bots you don’t even need 100m since there won’t be so many silver circulating the market

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This is very true. Supporting bot-inflated economies is just shooting yourself in the foot as the currency becomes less and less value leading to you having to buy more and more silver to continue being the fat whale you are.

This is why you should be able to sell enchant scrolls (which IMC is actually doing soon), skill resets, costumes, etc. all for silver on the market. Then IMC can profit off the whales more. Currently with only enchanted headgear and tokens being market tradeable, buying from the bots is just a better deal.


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“without a trading and market system there wont be bots and RMT in general”

simple as that

man im reading full of hypocrites commenting.

Oh look at me i can spend money but i choose not to I dont hate rmt but dont get me wrong i hate bots.

Cool story bronies. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


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Just waiting for the day ToS gets inflated enough to sell Common lvl 40 items for 200k+

Bots inflates the servers, the R8 prices will be nothing before we know it. :smirk:


People can bot without doing RMT, and people can do RMT without botting. Those are not the same.

I don’t get your hypocrite comment.


Just going to comment on a few things…

Your example doesnt make any sense to me. Does rigged system mean that its possible to do? So if i went around knocking random people out irl for fun it means the system is rigged and no use telling me to stop because its not my fault? lol sorry i just dont understand your example.

This isnt true at all. How do you know if something is wrong without knowledge of it? When I was like 13 playing older mmos i used to bot, z farm, take advantage of any exploit just because i wanted to be the best i could and make things quicker. On top of that i sold my accounts when i was done with the games. I didnt know or care how it affected the game or other people. I just didnt think about it at all. This is why i assume all regular players who bot or exploit are just children. Simply telling them that its wrong probably wont help though ill admit, but its better than assuming they know better.

As you said the person who plays the game for a while and sells their account when they quit isnt doing much harm, but then you have the people who could bot 5 accounts at once to sell. I dont think there should be half measures or grey area because people just exploit that grey area. I wish i knew a way to stop harmful RMT and bots while keeping players happy, but that is something that is tough to solve.

Of course stopping someone from selling their account is impossible. Its pretty obvious from my previous post that my main concern with RMT is the botting and exploits that come with it. If IMC can stop these then harmful RMT would be lessened and i bet we would lose less players.

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Not that I advocate RMT, but for this type of games, RMT will always be there no matter how well IMC fight against it. As long as there is some form of trade between 2 accounts, there will always be RMT. It can start from as easy as a friend helping another farm materials in exchange for a meal treat, to players selling digital items in exchange for real life cash.

Basically there are 2 kinds of MMOs, games that reward a player based on skill involved, and games that reward a player based on time involved. Sadly to say that ToS is the latter. This game rewards players based on the amount of time they spent in the game, and so it creates this ‘gap’ in which players who can’t spend the same amount of time as others having to resort to other means to ‘bridge this gap’, and RMT is one of the ways.

To actually remove RMT entirely from an MMO, 2 things can be done.

  1. Make accounts SSN / IC bound, account non transferrable and all items non-transferrable

  2. Make the game depend on skill more than gear.

Option 2 is more feasible though, but it will require a rewrite of the mechanics and AI of the game. Instead of gear affecting damage and evasion etc, the game now requires the player to actively manually dodge all the incoming attacks. All mobs can be killed within a span of few hits to hundreds of hits depending on mob type and boss no matter what gear the player wears.

This lowers the dependency of gearing and levels the playing field to who has the most skill instead, making players less compelled to RMT since RMTing gear doesn’t really help much in anyway.

The only problem of this approach is this will push out a whole lot of the casuals and the unskilled. Imagine in order to separate the wheat from the chaff, the game have to implement difficulty levels like Touhou Nightmare levels. Hard to balance haha.


oh got the wrong guy thought you were the op lmao. I seriously hate naive, hypocrite white knights out there. Upon checking his topics he is also the op of the infamous act of whistle blowing (yup another stupid rmt post of his).


But why? Oh!! Thank you for advertising me, butthurt troll~


Nice job making that post. Makes a sane person wonder who is really butthurt here. And it confirms what to expect from white knights, literally NOTHING.

The reason why it is not as prevalent in Korea is because, IIRC, your accounts are generally tied to your social security number and you can’t make extra accounts without committing identity theft. That sort of practice would not fly here in the United States, and I imagine other countries as well, so people can make as many ghost accounts as they want with impunity. This is not even taking into account proxies and VPN’s, in case you are ever banned.

I’m not a fan of the practice, but there isn’t really effective ways to prevent it. The best method to help deal with it is to offer your own currency exchange system. That way, you remove the demand for external RMT and manage it internally within your own game.