Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] Do you despise RMT? (Finishing Topic)

i think mutual understanding between developer and players is important to have unbiased poll results

Same. There are many mmos out there for years and havent combated 3pps and how is tos different? delusional people like the op needs a reality check. If I were to battle rmt then I wouldnt rely on improving security (there are many mmos who have failed that). The simplest way is to make all untradable. That was my 1st topic though. IMC just ignored it.

This post will just fly through without imc giving a fuk. Might as well entertain myself since swordsman is being buffed. :smiley:


Yea thats why i mentioned the last part. That getting rid of one wouldnt get rid of the other. Not all bots deal with RMT, many are players just trying to get an unfair advantage. I think it would help with RMT though. Things would still be sold, but would prices go up? Would silver prices from RMT sites make buying silver through tokens more appealing? I just feel with less bots there would be less RMT and vice versa.

I agree a problem is the buyers, but its kind of like which came first the chicken or the egg? If there were no sellers or a way to sell there would be no buyers either. If they couldnt get enough silver to make it cheaper than tokens there may not be much RMT either.

The poll is missing the most important option

  • Sorry I despise IMC more, they are killing the game quicker then any rmt, IMC endorses botting, travel to Dina Bee Farm, there are afk necros and sorcs positioned every 15 feet throughout the entire map on every channel 24 hours a day

Please check out the 2nd post i edited just now :slight_smile:

I am sorry that i did not include your option. IMHO, i am quite surprised that you did not quit ToS while having that mindset. I quit Dragon Nest because i despise the developer and it is an essential part of the game itself

Maybe this topic may change your mindset?

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Haven’t really read nor will give time to read IMC’s policies in regards to RMT and Goldsellers.

But if IMC is against those and player that really do have passionate hate toward those, players themselves will likely launch the first offensive move against RMT/G.sellers, with DDOSs and such persistently keeping those sites dead with attacks and any hosting server avoiding business with such.

Too bad IMC’s early management on the game is killing the game slowly, heck even made the volatile players(and the chinese govt.) are DDOSing server before.

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I did quit but the fucers lured me back in with the promises of rank 8 and the ktos merge, by the time I realized there was no merge, just 2 half as patches it was too late, they got me again…sigh.

probably the best way to turn people from RMT is by having better TP shop content and probably a different in-game mechanics for acquisition of silver. If only the cash shop offers better goods that can be sold to players, real-time player-to-player transactions will be minimized.

i’m curious about what OP mentioned about DN tho. since it was probably a good example of what i’m suggesting. back when i was still active, hunting down shady transactions were done rigorously. There’d be reports of players getting suspended after transferring huge sums of gold (in-game currency, same as our silver) from one account to another. and in DN you’d get just as much gold by selling cash shop items as you can if you buy via RMT.

PS to OP @Blairaegis i stopped playing 2 years ago (back when they released a revamped mission shop where you can buy items from raids if you have enough achievement points), i’m curious about what you said about DN. what happened? the devs and publishers are actually doing a decent job in handling the game, IMO. except for a few cash grab items and the horrible power creep the game design brings it’s a pretty decent game as far as management goes.

@tonyostark DN just become a fully pay2win game. A free2play game must not legalise RMT and make it become it’s own feature. The developer is now milking last player base by release reload cash event that give a fking exclusive emoticon expression.

I can write a whole day the story of why i quit dragon nest but sadden that most ToS forumers don’t read wall of texts. Or you can watch AikawaKazu’s video about why he quit DN

hasn’t DN always been like that? by the time i left, milking events mostly reward cosmetic items like gestures and mounts. i’m afraid a lot of people are carelessly using the term pay2win. have they implemented new cash shop-only items gives outrageous in-game stat bonuses? or something like selling end-game gears in the cash shop?

but we have to admit, the PvE and PvP mechanics are still better than most MMORPG out there. back then I wanted to quit but my problem was, there were no better games to play than DN.

haven’t finished reading all kazu-related post but so far, i’m seeing reasons i’m expecting to see - endless and radical class revamps and gameplay based on RNG. these two are probably the main reasons i lost interest in the game.

honestly i don’t care about RMTers anymore they are irrelevant hoes just like some trolls on this forum trying to attention whore

they’ll eventually get banned anyway like the trolls on these forums such as @IMCisGreedy that get triggered by anything IMC does lmao, even making a seperate account for shitposting cuz they’re a pussy LOL

thats his face whenever IMC does anything (;

and now he’s going to get triggered by this post and try to use some witty reply to make himself not look the part, and use some cringeworthy meme from, honestly, he’s more predictable than next week’s patch notes

looks like i baited another one boiz


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First you go on a rant about why RMT is bad in your opinion.
After that, you make a poll asking whether people like RMT.
What’s the point of suggesting an answer and then asking a question to it?
Obviously the point is getting the answers you want to hear.

Next, you tell people that both sides are at fault for the situation:

On the one hand you point out the players who use RMT, blaming them for doing so and trying to reason with them.
As if reasoning is going to convince someone within a rigged system to stop taking advantage of the innate flaws.
If someone throws Franklin bills all around them on the street and someone else starts to pick it up, do you also go to the person picking up the money and tell them to stop doing it cause it makes them look bad?
Please think a second about what you’re even doing:
You are trying to appeal to the good within persons who are using bots for their own benefits on the cost of others. I am sure anyone who is using such software is well aware of the consequences before they even layed hands on it. Furthermore, you can heavily imply that a person using hacks, bots or other means of circumventing systems in place of an online gaming environment are consciously used with utter disdain or disregard for the game’s health. It is something blatantly obvious to anyone.

On the other hand you desperately try to pinpoint the origins of the problems from IMCs side, concluding that a lack of communication with the players is what IMC is to blame for.
And while it’s true that IMC as a company seems to be completely inept at communication (which was clear the day they (un)officially created a steam group without notice before any tests),
how does a lack of information for the players result in the players using botting- and other malicious software? That is certainly not what you should be blaming IMC for, at least not in the context you brought up.
No, it is due to holes within the security and possibly an unresponsive, perhaps even an apathetic approach towards all 6 levels of security that lead to ToS getting hit like a truck by black market supporters.
By now, the people who make money off of ToS and the developers of ToS are basically even profitting from each other more than the developers profit from any actual player, since the vendors invest into cosmetics (possibly as a calculated precaution of getting on ban lists).

Imposing heavy restrictions on the players as a last resort just further displayed the hopelesness of IMCs situation and their inability to adapt to it, seeing as this was the best they could come up with.
It’s true that both some players and IMC are at fault for a market blooming here where it shouldn’t, but the main fault still lies with IMC for

  1. not properly preparing for attacks (which I’ve seen indie Devs do better)
  2. reacting horribly to the threat.

This thread seems like it’s trying to make apologetic excuses for both ends, directing away from the actual causes, all for the sake of bringing attention to the Real Money Transaction business because you had no other ways of bringing up this topic you so urgently wanted to talk about.
Meanwhile, you seem not to know or ignore that RMT is not equivalent to Gold Selling, Gold Farming or similar MMO-malices. RMT can be employed by the Developers themselves, it’s illegal forms appear in every kind of MMOs and even if players trade amongst themselves illegally, it’s still not necessarily connected to gold selling or similar. You are not automatically a criminal, nor hurting anybody just because you want to sell an account of yours, for example.


I am NOT ranting in this topic. Just expressing my opinion. i can declare that i don’t despise RMT as before. People changed. Not every country is as prosperous as another country. You have to put yourself in someone’s boots to see a clearer picture.

I don’t understand your question… Does the wall of text is the answer to the poll? my poll choice is not even with the majority

Reasoning with logic and giving awareness educate better society. If you must take advantage of every flaws instead of reporting, then ignorance must be bliss to you. That is a poor example, someone in their right mind will not do something to create chaos.

Did you know that many hackers and torrents founders did not know the consequences of their action? They decided to turn over a new leaf when it become too serious or caught by FBIs.

I did not waste my time writing so much to play a ‘blame game’. I just generalise RMT and bot with gold selling and gold farming because they are usually connected. Developers don’t employ RMT, they make it their own feature.

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Yes this game is already a p2w game. Selling tokens in market has no tax and no waiting time. Honestly I can just buy 100pcs token every week and sell it on market. Haha. But law of supply and demand will kick in. So…and what is the point of fun game if you do that hahaha

I dont despise RMT, even though I don’t use it. I believe it just should be left in check.

I despise uncontrolled RMT and chat spam though.

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if every game that has tradeable cash shop items is p2w (which is virtually all f2p games), there’s no point in complaining then.

Well, most of the points have been spoken.

I myself don’t hate RMT. There are cases where I prefer to spend real money than grinding in game. For example right now I can buy 10m silver for $25, which is less than 3 hours of freelancing work for me, and I’m sure there’s no way I can farm 10m in game in 3 hours. Seeing the absurd attribute cost at R8, I’d say that I myself may resort to RMT in future as well.

“But where’s the fun when you buy your way up?” - You say? Ok, I’m a casual player. I’m not rich, but I can throw $50-100 every month to play games without batting an eye. I want to spend my little time (3 hours a day) in game for stuff that I enjoy, like questing, dungeon or TBL, not grinding for silver. With the cost of silver like current, I don’t see myself able to enjoy the game at all.

That said, I hate botting. Botting ruins the game for many, including me. Botting drives down the price of silver, making the “legit RMT” - TP shop less attractive, thus breaking the economy.

So if somehow IMC can prevent or limit botting, most of the problems will be solved without us having to criticize RMT