Tree of Savior Forum

Please let me correct my mistake! premium costume untradeable, a catastrophe!

Sorry if i gave you the impression they are part of my gang. I am outta here

good luck and happy costume hunting. (Everybody got IMCed at some point of time)

■■■■ imc.

u all shut up!! , i am trying to reach imc here, not bunch of side characters with no authority , urusai!!

Goodluck then :joy: i hope you get some demonlord cubes to :joy:

Did you not get a notice that WARNING, both parties are not using a token or have trades? Something like that? Or did you just click, click, click and not read. And yes the limit on trades is stupid, but that’s how IMC gets you to buy premium tokens. Well, their stance I’d that it stops RMT.

Omg I want that boxer! What a cutie!

whats with all the drama ?
you can just contact support and ask them to move the costume :unamused:


Did you acquire thru a trade? When I asked to have something transferred the answer was sorry but we can’t do that. Can’t or won’t? No clue but maybe they can now.

Kawaii desu :joy::joy::joy:

same situation here… they say sorry we can’t do that… u are so lucky…

please tell us your team name and we will redirect your problem to our lost&recovery department :slight_smile:

what i did was i contacted support and admitted that i made a mistake with costume transfer, i moved that bunny costume to my swordsman @_@ ,so i requested to get rid of the costume since i wont be able to equip it and its lock, and i asked if its possible move the costume to my mage instead

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and so , a few days later , i found that bunny costume on my mage’s market claim tab :slight_smile:


awesome~ thanks man.

Part of the problem is that IMC isn’t consistent. They answer some tickets while the majority gets the auto reply of “sorry for the inconvenience but too bad!”


keep bugging them until they give you what you want /seek

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if you “spend alots of money and time to collect the premium costume”

maybe you should try “spend alots of money” and buy a fking 30 day token


Oh look at that, by not trusting said “greedy players” you got a untradable/character bound costume, congratulations you just made a complete idiot out of yourself.

Grow a pair and try harder next time~

How many times you have committed same mistake of “not reading properly” whether item description or event?

It’s your very own fault you didn’t read the description, you even admitted to it, the item is not even deffective like you claim.
It is childish that you admit a mistake, ask for a chance, and say it’s unfair.
What is FAIR? It is fair if you don’t get special treatment and deal with it like everybody who did the same mistake as you.


problem solved thanks to mr. chuubert and imc support team. closed this post thanks, @STAFF_Letitia

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