Tree of Savior Forum

Please critique my Wiz3/Link1/Sorc1/Necro2 build!

The theme is tons of pets out and Surecast+Quickcast to help me have time to hit enemies clumped by the puny 2 second duration Hangman’s Knot with Flesh Cannon. Do you guys think that will work, or will the Knot have broken even with the -50% cast time when I fire Flesh? This is probably the most important question I have about this build.

EDIT: Another really important question. Experienced Sorc/Necros, can you tell me what it’s like chugging corpse potions and SP potions? Do they share a cooldown? Do you feel like, with the right pots, you can maintain your best stuff all at once without major problems?

I skipped reflect shield because it apparently does all of nothing at high levels, and chose to make my leveling easier with lots of terrible wizzy damage spells. Should I reconsider moving some points to sleep and lethargy, at the cost of making leveling miserable?

I expect to spend a ton of silver on mp pots to support this.

From what I’ve got on sorc/necro you should not get wiz 3, pyro 1 linker 2 seems much more useful, not that it’s bad, but linker 1 is losing a rank, link should only be put into a build at 2 or 3 in some cases.

Unless it’s a PvP oriented build, than I guess linker 1 is fine.

This actually my dream build too but everyone keep saying that w3 should not build with summon build but at least i have some friends here.

Don’t you need gather corpse to use raise dead?

I’m looking for critique from people who actually understand Flesh Cannon.

It is a monster nuke with a moderately long cast time, and stands to benefit enormously from surecast and quickcast. The make or break of this build is whether or not a 2 second Hangman’s Knot grants me enough time to plaster them with a -50% cast time Flesh Cannon. _ I need advice on this, specifically._

As for corpses, last I checked, you could simply buy them (or corpse potions, or something), gather corpse was terrible for the purpose of both damage and collecting corpses, being totally eclipsed in usefulness by disinter.

-50% cast time and +50% magic damage have only usage in a few skills from necro and sorc, like 1 or 2 on each 1 believe, but the summons are the main point on this build, and those to buffs don’t make it any better, summons mostly depend on your INT (some on SPR?), so upgrading attack damage does nothing for that.

Sure, you can get massive damage with flesh cannons, but costs and cool down considered, ain’t it better to have cryo/kino combo than wiz3 if that’s what you want? I mean, both would have similar uses and massive damage, if you want to spend 2 ranks just to improve one multihit necro skill I won’t say it isn’t worth, it’s just that it doesn’t look like the best way to build your gameplay based on. Obviously wiz3 is the class of the future, but you need to have in mind that it’s the class of the future DPS build, if you’re going for summoning in 3 whole ranks I think it will get too hybrid if you start going DPS later on.

I’m quite familiar with what cryo1/kino1 grant me, and I can say with total certainty it’s not nearly as good as a massively powered up flesh cannon and flesh hoop.

There’s also later ranks to consider. Wiz3 will benefit me enormously in the future. Who knows what crazy spells I might get to choose from? Could one rank in cryo and one rank in kino possibly give me synergy in the future?

Cryo/kino damage is cool, but it sure as hell takes more than one rank in each to make work. I would have to take multiple ranks in Cryo at the very least to expect to even approach flesh cannon/flesh hoop damage. What could I swap out for that? There isn’t room to fit good cryo/kino in a pet-centric build.

So do you have any suggestions for better pets, then, if you don’t like the hybrid thing I’m going for?

I understand your point, wiz 3 is really a huge thing for late game DPS. The problem is you the skills you are taking to decide it are DPS oriented, while your build will have AT LEAST 4 ranks in summoning content (if you get necro 2, you sure will want necro 3).

I was just talking about the combo because I believe it causes more damage at ice wall 5 + pp 5 than the 50% over flesh cannon, but I’m not that sure about it anyway.

What I mean is, +1 rank in linker will get your damage 60% higher (wiz3 gives you +50%) and make you MUCH more useful on dungeons.

My suggestions:

Wiz > Pyro > Link 2 > Sorc > Necro 2. Pyro damage is not that bad with linker, it’s a good skillset to have to increse damage over linked mobs, you can also go cryo1 that gives you better CC and works pretty well with summoners. (If what you want is to get next summon jobs or keep building up yours, I believe this is best, if you just want summons to add to your late-game rank 8+ DPS, than you go Wiz3)

Wiz3 > Link 2 > Necro 2 (for later ranks, you can get sorc 1 or shadowmancer or other things, but necro has more multihit damage, so it benefits more from wiz3>link2).

Wiz3 > Link 2 > Sorc > Necro (you can retake necro as much as you want or sorc or anything else, but this leaves you with a nice summoning pool).

Honestly, you can still go Wiz3 > Link 1, but I don’t see the point on getting +50% damage for 2 ranks and losing +60% damage because of one, also losing the option to share buffs in party.

Wis3 > Link 2 > Necro 2 is a really interesting idea. I would love to hear more about how another rank in linker would get me 60% more damage by dropping Sorc 1 - the way you’re describing it makes me feel like I don’t understand Linker was well as I should. And you’re definitely right that people want Link2+.

Do increased ranks in joint penalty increase damage %, or were you just referring to the increased number of monsters under it? Where’s the extra damage coming from?

Finally, I hear that spiritual chain might give me party surecast or even quickcast Can anyone confirm that?

Wiz 3 + Linker 2 + Necro 2 look pretty solid, you can summon, boost your self damage, spam magic missle, share quick cast (note that it only share cast time buff, 50% spell boost from attribute won’t be share) You can even build a lot of SPR to enhance Reflect shield power (need a lot of SPR!!!)

The reason I don’t want to rely on Sorcerer much is because this class prevent SPR usefulness by disable mana regenerate and drain mana through %


The link is simple, it makes your damage go to more targets, doesn’t work with attacks that work on a area, the mobs won’t recieve the damage many times from the other linked taking it too (for being in the same area).

At level 5, you have 5 links, at level 10, 8 links and at level 15 10 links. So, your original damage with basic attacks is 100%, if you link 5 mobs under joint penalty, you will be dealing 500% damage as you will deal those 100% on 5 mobs at once (500%), with 8 links you deal that damage on 8 mobs (800%). So it goes up from 500 to 800%, and only from 800 to 1000% for rank3, that’s where your +60% damage is, in the 500>800%.

Remember that is for single targets damage, it’s useless if you want AoE.

Ahhh, that is about what I thought after all. Considering Temple Shooter can be up at all times, and joint beat’s new, longer cooldown, I feel like Linker 2 would be better for parties and Sorc 1 would be better for solo.

minigod raises a good point - will I be able to sustain my spell casts and my corpse count with a Shooter out? If corpse potions and mana pots share a CD, there could be major problems! So now there’s two things left to figure out before I can make an informed decision.

Wiz3 > Linker2 > Necro2 looks much much superior in terms of sp management, and overall efficiency. Especially for future ranks. Does quick cast effect sorc summon damage? Really curious about this. But then again if it does, than why would you pass up on sorc2 which increases your summons damage multiplier?

I know for necro it works amazing with flesh cannon. The low cd might keep that one skill relevant later. Shoggoth and skeletons are physical type so definitely no benefit there.

Overall sorc/necro combinations were much more viable before they divided necro’s skills into two ranks. Now you get a lot less mileage by choosing both.


no, summon scales on your INT for damage, it changes nothing, though it’s pretty good for flesh cannon.

if you play with wiz you never take wiz 2 or wiz 3 NEVER ) You ‘build’ says only one - you never play in ToS )

Necro is decent enough on circle 1 but wht you will reall want is raise dead, i dont thnk egtting sorc 1 and wiz 3 is really worth it and linker is getting nerfed really hard. All the necro minions count as “party members” so any buff ca be used on them, If I was you I would get some thaumaturge ranks for giant skeletons on steroids. Also i dont know wich build he used, but I saw a really awesome video of a korean necro that used sweel lefr and right arm and flame flame infusion with the shogoth and 5 skeletons, and sat down while his mobs amssacred evertything… It was glorious!

You clearly never saw a wiz3 psy2 has you? they make a really nasty sinergy

What do you think is best for combat after wiz3, one rank of pyro, one of cryo, or one of psycho? (PvE- can only take one rank).

Can you please show that video?

Yea Wiz 3 Linker Sorc Necro 2 looks interesting and fun but I’m not sure how valid itll be at lv 280.

I,ve seen those 5 skeletons get blown up in 1 hit by a boss AoE… and you know how some of them like to do multiple AoEs or will always do one like every 30 second… could be problematic and annoying as ■■■■~