Tree of Savior Forum

Please critique my Wiz3/Link1/Sorc1/Necro2 build!

Ill try to find it, it was a really logtime sice I saw it.

You’re forgeting that sorc grants you access to a passive attribute that gives +100 SP regen and the servant cat can give you a SP regen buff on top of that.

Getting wiz 3 is a solid choice for the future, at some point you may find yourself in a position where you’ll have to pick a DPS class at rank 9 or higher and then Quick cast will outclass anything else you could have gotten earlier.

And honestly Quick cast whit level 15 flesh cannon is going to leave a mark espacilly if you have your familiars up before using it.

It may not be ideal for a summon build but it can’t imagine it would be terrible either.

What would be ideal for a summon build then?

I’m not convinced investing into Sorc 2 and/or Sorc 3 is really worth it.

I had a c3 wiz c1 nec in icbt2

I can say that the cast time on flesh cannon certainly benefits from qc and the damage boost is amazing. Considering you’re adding linker I see it working a lot better too than what I had as your skellies and links work well together.

Is it worth it though? That’s entirely up to you. I can confirm though that to get the most out of it you would have to get another class later that has some great delivery skills, because taking 2 extra ranks just to boost 2 skills (cannon + hoop) would be a waste compared to the attacks you could have instead. Flesh hoop is one of those annoying skills where you place yourself in the thick of things just to get off a little damage.

But if you do go that route I would suggest a few adjustments to your c3 wiz points. 1 point in earthquake is all that’s needed for the situational escape from knockup, but outside of that the points invested in it would be wasted since you’d be breaking your own links. The damage gains are almost non-existent. I would advise getting sleep as high as you can instead because at those levels it’s not only immensely valuable in pve, but I suspect in pvp it’d be even better (didn’t get to duel a lot in icbt2 because I was too busy testing and theory crafting lol)

With a high level sleep you could link, knot, sleep, qc-> flesh cannon with no worries either (for those enemies not immune to sleep ofc) even with minions going to town on the enemy.

Disinter isn’t that great, and in icbt2 at least it felt buggy because casting it even immediately after an enemy died didn’t always result in gathering corpses. If you can confirm the corpse potions are in the game then I would omit this skill completely because stocking up on the potions is infinitely more reliable. The only cool thing about getting corpses by hand was getting a cooler looking flesh cannon and, outside of that, it turns out to be a waste. I’d likely move that point to corpse tower. Since you have flesh cannon and can get the trait for decay it’s also up to you on if you want 1 point in dirty pole or not (I didn’t find it as great as I’d hoped, so I also went with just the attribute for flesh cannon instead).

Corpse tower was a great skill though because it could block skills for you as a stationary meatshield that you could stand behind to avoid some boss attacks.

They buffed the cat in ktos? In icbt2 people complained so dang much about it not delivering on its buffs for one reason or another (getting aggro and 1 shot every time for example). Also Im not sure what 100 sp per recovery tick is good for. Its negligible even if having your summon out didn’t deactivate sp regen entirely (all of your sp will come from alchemist potions regardless).

I dunno, not too knowledgeable about sorcerer :sweat_smile:. Would be nice know these things.

Whit the attribute on the cat it’s not that hard to have all 5 buffs it can give on at the same time.

You get-

SP regen
Stamina Regen
Magic Defense
Dark attribute damage
Increased AoE attack ratio

This is the video this thread is based on:

Necro 2 is low job level so doesnt seem to have skellies yet.

This is what I’d get, probably and depending on what Necro 3 brings at Rank 8 ? Its gonna be hard to go into C3 depending on what necro, warlock and whatever new secret class brings to the table x;

Wish I could max out Flesh Hoop and Corpse Tower, oh well x:
Guess it depends on how useful/how often Gather corpse and Disinter come into play or if at all depending on those corpse potions? Skill reset scroll if the potions are fast/easier to deal with

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Well we already know that summon skeletion caps at level 5, it says as much in the description so if Necro 3 doesn’t get any new summons then going into a new Rank 8 could be better.

Oh and whit the large linker nerf i’m honestly not sure if linker 1 is worth it anymore, HK is only a 2 second bind at level 5 now and you can only use links every 22 seconds.

Yep! That’s exactly what I had in mind. Great video. You can see just how much power they get from a single point in Summoner and how powerful Flesh Cannon is with sure+quick.

It doesn’t seem like they’re having resource management problems - corpse potion appears to have its own CD, so that’s one really important question down.

The only thing to think about now is if hangman’s knot is even worth taking in its horrible nerfed incarnation. Watching the cast animations makes me think that while it would help a little in getting things clumped up, it’s doubtful if it will last long enough to apply its attribute bonuses to all or even most of flesh cannon. I wonder if bonuses to multi-hit spells check each hit or just the time the spell gets cast? That could make or break hangman’s knot in this build.

The problem with Sorcerer and Necromancer is that we don’t invest in SPR, and hence keep those summons def low. In higher level content like Earth Tower, they will die easily, except Temple Shooter it shoot at range so the risk take damage is lesser.

Sorcerer / Necromancer indeed are potential class, but at this moment they also the worst optimised class and consider ‘not finish’ class, they are here just proof of concept. But, you just have wait few months and pray developer fix it, but usually these Pets class is hardest to optimised and always late.

Anyway, Jar of Corpse can be buy from Necromancer NPC, and blue pots can be buy from alchemist… which is erm… not so expensive. But true if you want keep Grimoire up all the time, you have chug blue pots like drug.

At this moment I think Sorcerer C2 -Necromancer C1 is better than Sorcerer C1 -Necromancer C2, get Necro C2 later in rank 8.

Depends on how you want to summon:
Sorcerer: summon a really powerfull minion, a tyanker and a suport.
necro: sommon a horde a turret and a frankeistein like moster thats weaker than the sorc summon (shogoth)

May I ask if “Gather Corpse” on linked monsters gathers multiple corpses or is it limited to the monster you are directly attacking?

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Yeah the only sad part about necro now is how easy their summons die, otherwise it seems to be a very fun class(besides the clumsy ugly shoggoth)

Only Sorcerer shouldn’t invest SPR because of max mana bonus, Necromancer still fine, SPR even boost Defense for Sorcerer’s Demon and Necromancer’s Shoggoth

Suddenly realize Flesh Cannon and Corpse tower are decent skills for Field boss raids while necromancer’s minions (even sorcerer’s Demon) can’t stand against these powerful AOE skills from field bosses.

You can deal great damage while stay away from these AOE.(I’m so in love with Necromancer now :kissing_closed_eyes:)

As far as i know that’s because the tower actually doesn’t have HP it as a set amount of hits it can take before breaking and the damage those hits do doesn’t matter.

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I wouldn’t mind so much about fragile AI if them getting killed did something. Something like exploding skeletons or shoggoth leaving a puddle of acid that deals damage (like [flame ground]) where it dies.

Or Banelings.

Thank you for that. I have never really “seen” a baneling up close :grin:

A question here. How does Flesh cannon level 5 compares to one level 15? Does it only raise flat “tick” damage? So from level 5 to level 15, if using quickcast, wouldn’t be that much of a difference? I mean, sure you can get some extra damage per hit, but I’d prefer to take only 1 link on either Sorc or Necro and I want to know that because Flesh Cannons makes me want to go Necro1, but Temple Shooter + Buffing Cat makes me want to go Sorc1.

I’m going Wiz3 > Linker2 > Sorc/Necro1 > Warlock (for rank 10 purposes).

The base damage jumps from 1097 per tick to 1813 per tick going from 5->10. Before int and modifiers, obviously. Consider you get around, what was it, 8 ticks? It’s big increase. Plus Necro 2 contains corpse tower, which can be a one point wonder, or 4 points if you want it up at all times, and of course the situationally useful skellies.

Skellies getting too much hate because of that video where they all get exploded by a boss AOE. Big deal, they’re cannon fodder, and a small part of a robust class.