Tree of Savior Forum

Playing with friends is too difficult

If you do get too far ahead of them and by no means want to make a character to play with them, you can still help them providing the following:

  1. Funds for weapon and pet enhacing so they catch up quicker.
  2. Materials and recipes so they can face the content with ease, making it much faster.
  3. Tips and tricks to help them leveling in the best spots.
  4. Helping them get a hold of the grinding spots.
  5. Moral support over voice chat doing silly things around with them.

What you can’t do is go with an increased level character and faceroll all over the place with them while still gaining benefits.

This is what would happen if you could get them to share exp with you, them being level 40 and you level 100, for example:

A) You go to their level range maps and wreck everything apart making them gain levels without doing ■■■■, feeling like they are worthless.
B) They go to your level 100 map and hide in a corner so they don’t die, because they will die, while dealing no damage to the enemies and earning tons of exp from you massacring all around you, skipping all the content they would have enjoyed at their pace, still feeling worthless.

Then, about level synching, that would make a whole new lot of problems in the game, one of them being people coming back to low level maps instead of higher level content, making the place even more overcrowded.

If you want to play with them all at all times, then yes, you would still be doing that content over and over again with the same character anyway, that’s what means playing together with people that keep doing the same content you already did one after the other. Why do you care if it’s the same character or of it’s a different one.


Let me talk a bit. I think every people who have friends. And this issue is happened in many online games. Let see Diablo 3 as example, you can should the level difficulty of the game but if the levels of players are too far, it is not gonna be fun. When one person one-hit-kill all things or one person get one-hit-killed by all things, how can they play together. Even you choose the difficulty in the middle, the lower level person still better just walk behind because his dps is so much lower.

The only way is you have to be the same level. Which is this game as I see now, you can do

  1. The one with higher level have to wait. Thanks to this game mechanic, when your level is not increase, does not mean you cannot do a thing. As you can see you can upgrade skill, upgrade weapon and armor, find boss card, gems, etc. However this main point is the higher level player should not use exp card at all. this person can grid and level up a little bit but because higher level take so much time to grid and the lower level person use all exp card, one day they can catch up and play together. The method also can be apply with a group of 3-5 people as long as their play time is not too far different form each others. (and if you love your friend, give them silvers, so they can grid faster)
  2. This might be to long for one post. Let to be continue. (if someone care.)

This isn’t fun this is spectating.

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This comes from people being unable to teamplay and wait for everyone so they can play together, sure it’s boring.

I just made an entire topic about this the other day, with a max lvl of 500+ its ridiculous to only have a share range of 20. Power leveling is already extremely fast with high level companions, much more efficient then partying high level players. Also, the exp/damage penalty for fighting higher/lower level mobs just makes the game feel much more linear than it has to be.

Okay how about this then:

The level syncing is only while in a party, you can only sync down, and the person syncing down gains no benefits. They would still get drops, so you still earn money through items. This would apply to people who are already outside say 15-20 levels? Whatever seems appropriately “too high.” If you happened to have missed an NPC, you can still earn the EXP/cards from any missed quests. Otherwise, no EXP gain.

This would be no problem for the people who are way higher level if they want to play with their friends because they will obviously be playing more alone anyways. Then everything is not being one-shot and you can’t hide in the corner of a high level map. The incentive is simply to be able to play with your friends. Not to be able to rush your friends, or gain some other bonus/incentive for yourself.

There should be no worry of areas being overcrowded. That is what channels are for. If overcrowding in an area is a problem as a result, just add a few more channels.

That would indeed be good.

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Not all of you need to start new characters, just the one person who refuses to wait for them to play which I assume would be you. Why should the developers of the game cater to a small group of people that want to level way above their friends and then still play with them?

Asgard also said it right, be it with your main or alt, you would be re-doing that content over and over with your friends. In the interest of knowledge I would recommend rolling other classes to try them out, instead of playing the same character which would actually be MORE boring.

I agree. I’m not looking to get rushed through, just a fair way to play with my friends.

Lol. Thanks for the assumption, but no. I’m one of the slower ones. Not everyone likes making new alts, I get that. This is also a game where you can get a LOT of new classes and a LOT of levels. I get why my friends want to continue the grind and not start new characters. I’m sure there are plenty of other players who are grinding away on just one character and that is all they want to do.

I personally agree with this. I enjoy creating alts and making new classes, but to hit the higher class ranks you have to grind a lot. Its a big undertaking to try out several classes. Eventually you kind of want to settle into a main and see some of the more end game content. I enjoy playing other alts and classes, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to play with my friends who only like to grind away at one…

This is the one point that makes redoing content with the same character pointless.

But redoing content is quite appealing for testing purposes, a high level finished character would be bored to death without pvp and nothing else to do anyway.

Playing with newer, or slower friends, with ridiculous job mixes is an awesome replaying experience, and can help you learn core game mechanics while having fun, and get to know what is and isn’t broken when grouping together and so on.

this is all i was suggesting in the first place.

I hear what you are saying, but your friends should be more considerate of you and either make alts or wait, or just don’t do quests and grind when alone for drops and money.

When I level alone and without friends I usually just grind, and wait for them to do quests. Being higher level then your party members does not seem to matter much for exp distribution, sure if you are 50 levels higher than maybe it will. I am just addicted to grinding and watching twitch on my 2nd screen.

I just think it is possible to come up with a more intuitive solution than “coordinate waiting with your group of friends.”


Aka play our game less - seems like a bad business move lol


Or ‘play more but with different characters! Also don’t you want to buy iCoins for that character too?’ :wink:

i would lol, but i have friends that quit when they feel like they have to have more then 1 character

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Again, there are plenty of people who do not want to make multiple characters in a game where there are hundreds of levels to go and plenty of self evolution through class advancement. I happen to like alts, but not everyone does. I happen to be friends with some of those people. Now I can’t play with them? What do?

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Tell them to cool their jets and let you catch up, they are friends right?

It’s really sad when people don’t see the point of the TS… those guys saying “low level people should level up by yourselves” or “make the higher level people wait till you can party with them”… :’(

I share the same sentiment with TS. We are partying regardless of level because it’s FUN to play together with your FRIENDS… it’s that simple. And please don’t tell me to level up faster so I can finally get a decent exp when partying with them… not everyone here is a hardcore player who only thinks of leveling us fast… :disappointed_relieved:

Although there’s the Individual exp setting which can give us exp despite the levels, it’s way too unfair for clerics whose job is to heal and buff. I’ve also read that if a high level character kills low level mobs, he gets exp penalty, so isn’t it a trade-off already? (Or if this is not true at all, please ignore).

I totally agree with a Mentor style exp in parties. Give a deduction in exp based on the level difference, I don’t care how much, but just don’t obliterate the low level’s exp like they didn’t do anything in the group. I do a decent share in our party… so don’t rob me of that exp just because my friend is more hardcore of a player than I am.