Tree of Savior Forum

Player vs Player (PvP)

I’m rather worried about the PvP side of Tree of Savior.

I’ve recently gotten myself accustomed to the new classes and skills. I’ve worked through all the skills on the Archer and Wizard trees, and most of the Priest tree.

I can’t help but feel that many of the classes are completely enviable for PvP and others being ridiculously over powered if their skills aren’t seriously nerfed or even banned.

An example of this is Necromancer, a 6th rank class in the wizard tree. It requires monster bodies to use it’s attacks, these bodies are gathered from killing monsters with a certain attack or gathering their remains… Which would be useless in PvP, even if those bodies are substituted for players it would be useless.

Another example would be Oracle, summoning monsters in PvP? or using Death Verdict? Which is pretty much an auto K.O after a certain period of time.

I then went to look for some evidence to support that they are looking into PvP, and all I found was an interview stating that they will hold competitions, and are looking at large scale PvP events… but no news of an actual PvP room or area. It just worries me that the game will turn into a PvE only game, catering to only those who wish to kill MvPs and do quests.

Someone please tell me I’m wrong and that I’ve missed something. (I know it’s still early days, the game isn’t out yet, but I’m desperately pinning this game on being the next Ragnarok Online ><!!!)


It’s not the next Ragnarok Online and never will be. Everyone should come to terms with that, the developers in no way intends for it to be the next Ragnarok Online. It is its own game with its own mechanics, style, combat, etc. The game is not near completion with only two CBTs done and lots of testing to do on their part. They said the game would change a lot for the next beta test so just look forward to that. There is still a lot to go with the balance of the game. We haven’t even seen Rank 7 classes let alone any PvP systems. They have 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 arenas so far but nothing in the last two beta tests.

Be patient…


Well, PvP will probably have certain properties within. Necros will probably have full corpse levels or something. I doubt Death Verdict will be able to be used on players, and if it is, have a friend who can purge the debuff.

The devs will work on balancing things, and yes, obviously more classes will be better in certain realms of PvP than others (1v1 vs GvG).

Edit: Maybe Necros will be good in GvG cause they can use player corpses, lol. Don’t be worried about balancing before the game is even out, let alone PvP.


I actually really like your first assumption about PvP, involving classes that require certain aspects in order to function fully and properly. There might be specific PvP maps that include corpses on the ground for use in their skills, or roaming passive monsters that die in one hit. The problem with this is that it would turn the Necromancer into a “setup” fighter that has to prepare things beforehand in order to really get started, but once they do, they’ll be quite formidable.

Same thing goes for Druid, some PvP maps might have plenty of different plants, bushes, and foliage to defend themselves with. Monsters could also appear there too, in use for charming or transformations.

The only class that I can see having huge issues is Sapper, because they require a LOT of time to prepare, and that’s mostly sitting still and setting up traps and obstacles, leaving them completely defenseless. Who knows if they’ll work in 1v1 PvP, they might have to work in 2v2 or 3v3.

(repost, as I meant to reply to Sourpuss)

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I think you have to consider a couple things.

  1. They already know everything won’t ever be completely balanced.

  2. Not every class needs to be PvP oriented. Sure Oracle may have strange skills that don’t really apply to PvP, but the other 5 ranks worth of classes may. It’s up to you how you develop your character, and whether you want to focus more so on PvP or PvE, or find the balance in between.

What they did say about PvP so far from the Unofficial F.A.Q:

So yes there will be PvP arenas, there will be tournaments, there will be large scale PvP. It’s all there in the plans.


Very true - people shouldn’t forget all the skills they’ve picked up before whatever class they are. Most of the non-combat classes are above Rank 5, leaving a lot of skills still useful for fighting.

And don’t forget every MMO’s favorite PvP balancing mechanism…PvP Skills!!! You get a gap closer, you get a gap closer, youuu get a gap closer!!!


Thanks guys for the coments. I did not realise a 1v1, 3v3 and 5v5 arena existed. I understand its not RO and never will be, but please understand that, that was my favourite aspect of RO, in terms of pvp, mvp or pve. So I just wanted to confirm if there would be anything similar avalible. A 1 to 5v5 arena is good enough for me, for now.

I agree not every class will be viable, however some just seem a bit… Completely inviable… Like… Don’t even step foot in pvp without certain conditions. Well anyway, you’ve answered my question. Thnx.

From what I can tell, each job class was designed to have certain roles in the game that may or may not be suitable for PVP. The way ToS is developing seems to prioritize PVM over PVP, so I doubt the developers are going to make sure each and every job class is PVP-viable. ToS is first and foremost a MMORPG, not an MOBA.

Q&A after CBT2 also showed us that Korean players are in agreement that the game itself is still not balance, especially those classes with many buff access at early levels. Some of skills look very useless because of its super high cooldown (more than 3 minutes). So dont worry about balancing because IMCGames will eventually do something about that. Besides that, it’s not like likely that everyone wants to compete in PvP.

Like what the others have said it really is too early to assume anything is set in stone

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Player’s corpse? Then again, it’s just a game. It would be funny if you could use telekinesis on another player in pvp hahahaha. Bouncing and hammering him around.

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In the sense that, if you died in a PvP battle, you would leave a corpse so that necros could gain body parts for their spells. This would of course have to be in a setting that was larger than 1v1, but I’m guessing in 3v3 or 5v5 you don’t respawn anyway, so no problem there. For GvG, where you would probably respawn, I guess the body would disappear like any monster.

I’d like to think certain classes are not specialized for PvP

Oooh! Are they going to have these? They should! A different page used exclusively for PvP, too. I loathe the idea of having to reset your build to PvP effectively.

Yes, something like additional/changed effects when a skill is used on an enemy player. Like Oracles summon mob skill, can summon an enemy player!

PvP will come sooner or later, I cant think of a good MMORPG without PvP. Wait and see…

@FatePGN A…are you quoting yourself? Nice FAQ :slight_smile:

I’m quoting myself, quoting the official blog :wink:

Oh … Quotinception !

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I can see them changing skills to fit PvP, however I can’t really see them adding PvP skills. Especially if those skills share the stat point pool (would then require players to somehow reset or remake their character). Most games out there just give you a choice of better MvPing, PvEing or PvPing skills, and then it is up for you to choose how to create your character dedicated towards a goal. PvPing skills with a whole new tree would take away any real illusion of choice over if your character is actually meant for PvPing or something completely different.

But that said, I do think skills will change now and some classes will simply have to forfeit PvP. It’s pretty normal. The only think I wanted to know is that there is actually an Arena. If there wasn’t I’d be worried.
Edit: The only way I could see PvP skills being added to existing classes is if in another Rank up, a completely new class is given PvP oriented skills to choose from.

You know I kind of like the idea of “PVP Day/Week” if its tournament of stuff like that I hope it has a Colosseum, and the Colosseum would only be open on certain times of the day and it gets announced server wide so people can watch or join the fights , and I hope it would have spectating seats , where you can watch people fight.

Truth be told I’m not a big fan of PVP ,my mind set and play style aren’t for it, buuut I do love watching people fight, especially large scale ones.

It would really be fun to have spectator events , and where you can cheer people on or talk to other spectators. (Maybe we can even get someone to Commentate on the match)

EDIT: OH! and to make things more interesting , spectating would cost a certain amount of gold/zenny (what have you , the currency of the game xD) and % of the spectator money would go to a prize pot , which the winner of the said tournament can enjoy~