Tree of Savior Forum

Player vs Player (PvP)

An MMO without PVP is like playing a single player game when playing when playing solo. In online games especially MMOs, what players have hoped is to be able to at least compete against other players even though in PVE he/she was playing solo. So I sincerely hope that PVP is an actual thing in ToS. Looking back at the interview, they’ve stated that there’ll be PVP, even small to large scale tournaments. I have big hopes in that. I just hoped that every class has their own place in PVP, and no class is considered useless in PVP.


Players can compete against each other without pvp. Take a look at Diablo 3. Some players paid hundreds of dollars in ghe auction house (with comission fees) just to complete higher levels of the game.

Do you honestly think that Death Verdict will be available on PvP?
Come on buddy… Have at least some kind of common sense.

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Wow chill out bro, It was just a concern I was raising. Come on buddy… No need to get aggressive over it.

(Also if it can be dispelled and does 100% damage over a period of 120 seconds, then yes, it could be in PvP)


I didn’t mean to attack you, sorry for that.
It’s just hard to believe a skill like Death Verdict will make it to PvP in its original form.

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I agree, it’ll probably see some kind of nerf. It reminds me a bit of
this skill, just stronger, with a longer cast time.

If it can be dispelled, and you take no damage during the count down, I can see it being allowed in maybe GvG, but not PvP at-least. Who knows though. That’s why I asked.


Well for cleric I don’t see it as an issue. Just run through a Cure tile. Not sure about other classes abilities to remove debuffs though.

The only time I do see it being a problem is in 1v1 vs a player with no dispell type ability. Even then, if that other player can rape the Oracle’s HP within the minute or whatever it’s still GG. Though killing a cleric that fast may be hard considering they have so many defencive abilities in their tree.

A lot can happen in a minute though! It will be interesting to test these things out. =3

Not every class will be optimal for pvp. I hate to see a dedicated crafting class suddenly overpowering a dedicated pvp class. That’s why it’s fun to build for a certain specialty for your characters. Not everyone should be strong in everything.

Venom Splasher was my favorite Assassin skill of all time, my gosh, sooo much fun in a crowded room!

Ehem. Well I’m very attracted to pvp and that’s why I’m here. Pvp is usually the biggest reason why I play MMO’s in the first place, it’s like everything I do comes back to it. I hunted cards and better gear in RO so that I could pvp better. It’s just a thing for me, and it’s because of the sport. Having a big GvG type event is the best imo because we need something to compete for as a team.

With all that being said, it doesn’t have to be WoE but it could be much like it. Some sort of castle assault or ownership of some land that gives benefits or allows us to do something with it, like growing food or having access to better forges or something like that. I’d like to see us be able to use the same skills but they just have a different use on the pvp maps. So when you’re fighting monsters or fighting in the field the skills follow the first description, and on pvp day in pvp arena they follow second description.

You and I are a little alike I guess from reading that. I’d be fine with your suggestion of different effects in PvP.

I’ve said quite a few things retaining to PvP and balancing now, for now I’m just going to wait for the game to arrive. I see little use in squabbling over what’s right and wrong when we could be months away from release. (If you want a good example of squabbling, check the hidden class topic xDD, I’ve someone what run out of sh*ts to give after that one).

I think we should return to the issue of PvP and MvPing when more information is released or a closed beta is announced…

Oh okay! I just got here so I’m not worn out yet, I’ve still plenty of squabbling to do!!

One thing that I’ve noticed from watching and being a part of several Beta’s now and waiting for several games is that it’s pointless to speculate or argue about what we want or think should happen, other than to solidify that that’s what we want or think should happen. It really has almost no other value unless you want to become a game designer and start your own game.

However, I do know that occasionally if the public outcry is loud enough developers will take notice and make changes, but never this early. So really this shouldn’t be more than just discussion, getting stuff off our chests, making comparisons, hoping for the future. We can keep it light! But still I’m gonna pound the hell outta some folks later on when this game releases.

Yea I pretty much posted every day for the past 2 weeks just to get trust level 2 (member) hahaha.

I understand how utterly pointless it is. Although I will admit some of the arguments i’ve seen on this forum (which you will soon see) are pretty hilarious, and fuel the fire in me from time to time. I’d recommend the P2W, Hidden class or any balancing topic if you want to rant for a while.

I do want to go into the video games industry as an artist some day, so I suppose it never hurts to get peoples ideas around the community, but yeah. Enjoy your time here bro xD Also check out some of the guild recruitments. I mean… It opened my eyes with some of the crazy ideas these guilds have come up with.

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On a side note, IMC is self publishing, so having a developer read or get notified about suggestions on this forum wouldn’t be all too surprising :sunny:

Atleast compared to other games that go through a publisher first before reaching a developer, and most of the time the developer is foreign as well.

But I do agree, a lot of the discussions going on is just speculating and then arguing based on the speculations.

Lol yeah forums have always been really fun like that, becoming trusted and being here for a long time. Gives you that “grandfatherly” persona when the noobies show up.

I spent some time studying video game art and well…while I’m not a visual artist I really really am good at the writing and world creation parts. I’ve watched a lot of Extra Credits too, they’re brilliant and informative on breaking down all these fascinating little bits about games we sometimes don’t realize are happening, unless you’re very conscious and aware.

The guild stuff is appealing too, I’d love to go see that! I’m now watching the youtube vids there’s like a 20 part series at least. I’m on ep 2.

@FatePGN You know, that kinda sounds good. If we come up with some great ideas or fixes to their ideas it’d be nice to have that consideration. I don’t want developers to cater to the public too hard because the public will ALWAYS ask for things they want but don’t need and then move on to another game when they get it. We need strong leadership from them, but also some consideration on how to make things approachable. Difficult, requiring skill, yet not unfeasibly so and not just time sinks.

In regards to pvp, the idea behind GW2’s version of it was pretty good, as well as FFXIV in flag mode (though it’s oversimplified and a bit wonky with targeting). Smaller scale battles taking place on a large map with 50-100 people on it are fun, and giving multiple goals means sending smaller forces to each goal which means more focused combat (3 vs 3 instead of 10 vs 10 which can be really crazy) .

Or like a match of Halo 3 where you have all these people on both teams going to lock down different places or get to different vehicles/weapons. I mean we can take inspiration from anywhere! But right now I feel like we should be making a game rather than waiting on playing it…

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Haha yup, couldn’t agree more :stuck_out_tongue:
I think I might just post some fan art stuff on here and just like posts I agree with for the most part now haha.

But your welcome to join our guild/party/whatever we are gonna be in game, when the CBT comes out ;)~

(Also ExtraCredits/ExtraHistory rules~!)

I’m really hoping just to get in it. I have a solid computer and a decent amount of hours to use it, since my wife stays home with the baby and we’re all here together most days. She wants to play too and while I’ve usually been a guild leader in the past I’ve found that I more enjoy helping run the guild than actually running the thing. I did check out Coalescence and it looks like the kind of place I’d like to be. I typically prefer more spirited names though. My first guild was called Gekko State (from Eureka 7) and we lasted as an RO guild for 2 years, my next guilds were called Wandering Flames (Masashi Hamauzu-Final Fantasy X) because I love that song and I love that moment and it represents who I am as an individual.

I’d want something that when we pound people in pvp, it’s like…moderately scary. “Oh F me it’s Coalescence,” you know, not bad but I think it’s a little soft.

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Haha, I get ya. Although I don’t find Coalescence my kind of guild (due to all the strict rules), I respect them for what they are striving to be. I certainly am not planning on joining any external guilds for a while, not until I see all the offers out there. Once in a guild, any player should focus on staying loyal and doing their best for themselves and the guild.

Fact is, even if you joined us, you might not be a good fit. I’m just extending the offer from what I’ve read. A name is a just a form of communication. I wouldn’t be worried about joining “Valkyrie” or “Azura”, if they turn out to be sht, and pink puff power girls over there are dominating PvP. If Pink Puff Power Girls ends up taking over the game, eventually people will say, "Ooh sht, here comes PPPG!" You can be certain of that.

PS oooh yea, just so you know. If we get the chance, our guild will be named “Infamous Individuals”. Remember it :wink:

Hah!! You got that right. Candy ass names are scarier than gentle names in pvp. No man wants to get whooped by someone wearing bright clothing with unicorns weightlifting marshmallows on it…

I appreciate the offer. I’m not really into guilds that start off too strong either. I like little startups, places where a lot of people go and are talkative but it’s like 10-15 active members at any random time. That way you get to know people. And for the record, I absolutely hate voice chat. It just really takes away from the game to me and I don’t care for most people’s language on these things. Been in too many ventrilo’s and too many raidcalls by force cause all the good guilds require it. I’m like, learn to type, learn to come up with a strategy on the fly, pay attention, train leaders so all you have to do is send out broad commands and let them figure out how to achieve that goal! Nobody hears me though…

Totally agree with you about loyalty too. That’s why I’m so picky about these things…Once I submit my application I consider myself to be in there.

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Necros save their body parts on necronomicon. You will prob. have farm those before going to PvP, and then spend it there.

Death Veredict prob. needs 20s or more to kill, most classes are dead at this time already. If not, I also hope it gets nerfed, tho;