Tree of Savior Forum

Player cheating innocent players

Loss: 1x Astra bow +11, 1x Silver Hawk, 2x Gladiator Bands.

It gained my confidence and betrayed my feelings. ;–;

Nick: Tarkowsky.

Good night, IMC Staff.
I know this is also my fault, but i made a mistake, and I am not the only one. This player “Tarkowsky” robbed me and some other people with the same talking about helping out new players. He offered to me to help putting my Astra Bow +16, as mine was +11 when this happened, not so long ago. I also lend him my two Gladiator Band and a Silver Hawk, but didnt print. The only print I took was from the Astra Bow trade. He put some random costume on the trade and know i realise that problaby was to make this looks like a normal trade, but as you can see the value of the itens cannot even be compared. As i said, I know this is my fault for believe in him, but I cant stand a player who took people itens tricking them. I put a lot of effort to make this Astra Bow, and I am really sad right now. Please, do not let this guy be free.
Thanks for your concearn,

Actually I dont understand. You have multiple stage of checking and chance to review the whole deal before the trade is closed. Whats wrong with you?


esse aí é o whyatt, ele começou n reborn, ladrão das antigas, aplica golpe desde a época do rag, um pedaço de bosta boiando na privada em mais decência q isso aí, nem se pode chamar isso de pessoa, tá mais pra uma bactéria.

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Wait… I’m not sure I get it. Did you actually give someone your items so they would enhance it for you ?

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Could you translate what happened? If the Staff can’t understand the evidence it will not be useful

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Well not sure what happen but it pretty much seem you are at fault.
Most of time, game company won’t do anything for something like that… Because you it simply not their fault and you perfectly knew the risk of whatever you what doing.

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Canasteado compadre nunca confies en un HUEHuE

To explain briefly what is happening on the screenshots.

Basically the culprit kept saying stuff like “I was the first mergen” “I’m the best enhancer” and false promises to earn the victim’s trust as the victim claimed to be relatively new to the game.

So the victim gives him his 315 orange/purple weapons, after that the culprit asked for the gladiator bands for “damage testing purposes” as he (the culprit) claimed to never had acquired these and was “curious to see how much damage would the STR give to him” but never returned the items.

If you want the input of a third party I’d say the fault is both on the victim and the culprit.
I say victim because, dude why the ■■■■ would you give your gear to someone you just met? this is like screwing someone you just met 5 minutes ago that claimed to not have any STD but turned out to be the opposite. so let this be a lesson for you. Not that I’m defending the culprit, no, it is wrong to scam people but you made a really stupid move by lending your gear to him.


Unfortunately some people rather keeping better gears than someone else’s trust. I hope your naivety has taught you that you shouldn’t believe in others on the internet so easily.

This kind of people is disgusting.

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Regarding the given circumstances he can be considered a victim of scam, whether he’s whatever you said or not is just out of context.

For example, you do sound stupid wherever you post in these forums yet you may not be as stupid outside of it.


Of course you don’t, you are here to derail, to troll and to make others upset for self amusement :\

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como vc é br, vai em pt mesmo.

vc tem 10 anos de idade?

pq vc tem a ingenuidade de uma criança!

Innocence + Disease :confused:

Caraca cara, pior que eu nunca ouvi falar nesse cara, na moral ;-;

Yes. I’ll go. Thank’s.

well I do hope this serves as a lesson for you. You can report the player for scamming by sending a ticket, but I highly doubt your items can be retrieved by IMC .

não tenho cara, mas sou puro que nem azeite de Oliva.

I would like the player to be punished, I have already lost the items myself.

It’s unlikely you will get your items back. This is on equal level as meeting someone in real life and giving him your entire fortune because he said he is the best investor with no proof. Life is tough, live and learn.

The scammer’s rank build hurts my eyes more than what he has done to you, he should be punished for that too. No joke.