Tree of Savior Forum

Player abusing of the game's code to do this

This means, example:
A guy got caught for a prank crime and get “death sentence” instead of “jail time” as punishment? Even if he has no criminal records in the past? As “punishment”?

Death sentence=perma ban
Jail time= ban until due time
Punishment= punished


You are saying that only because you are from his guild.

Doenst matter what you say . You have strong reasons to be partial.


@Kamiho its easy to say that I am not being partial, but I wouldn’t like anyone to get banned for this, it was only 1 message, not like he spammed or anything.

Without a doubt people would start abusing it to impersonate GMs. Just like they did the ‘!!’ feature. Which is exactly why IMC should fix this exploit.

Vince was not impersonating a GM. Sure, you could argue that he used this exploit for ‘personal gain’ (by promoting his guild). But what he did was not malicious, and so he shouldn’t be punished simply because the exploit he used had the potential to be used maliciously.

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Thanks, IMC :couplekiss:


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I will just leave this here.


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‘You shall not continuously act in a way to disrupt other players’ gameplay.’

I’m kind of annoyed too specially when someone was chatting using the big big font. Addon does not affect other players. And for those people saying that you just google how to add that big font script. You still invest effort on how to use it. Even though the big font bug occurs since cbt1, the thing is, you still break the rules. Regardless of the sanction. I’m one with IMC on banning these people. Bye~! :relieved:


We got it, you really like this image. Now, if you don’t have anything useful to say, please, leave.


People thinking “It’s no big deal, they mean no harm” don’t see the big picture here: if they do that, they can do more, or some others can.
I remember in another game, there was the same exploit possible on chat. And moderators could just warn people to stop, and mute them if they continued (no ban allowed for such a “trivial” thing).
But then it all went bad when people played even more with the chat-modification possibilities and killed the chat. They’d type something to make the chat just die: nobody could write anything on the chat anymore. In any chats: guild, whispers, party, shout… and the only way to correct that was to relog.
… It became tiring REAL fast.
(To that you add the usual people impersonating GM and such to try to scam people, of course~)

But banning people for that won’t solve anything either, IMC. Banning is useless if you don’t change how it works. You may ban this guy and maybe others for it, but it won’t stop others from discovering how to do the same.
It’s better to deal with the issue at the source and find a way to make it impossible (or way less easier) to alter the chat like that.


Sorry for that. From now on I’ll only use words to make fun . (until I find another cool img D:)


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Max, ya dun goofed.

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Sooner or later everyone will get banned because they are abusing their skill. There is too many features that doesn’t match the skill description, which can be considered a bug/hidden feature.

Time to report everyone and get done with this game.

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I second THIS.

I don’t care if another player is using gazillion add-ons as long as it doesn’t negatively affect my gameplay nor put me at an unintended disadvantage.

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So a guy got permabanned for FONT SIZE.
Once again, great job, IMC. You’r getting better and better (no).

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So @STAFF_Max, seems you won’t go softly on this?