Tree of Savior Forum

Player abusing of the game's code to do this

@STAFF_Max Was the chat log checked on server’s side by the way? I’m asking this because it could be possible to manipulate the screenshot to look authentic and then you could edit just about anyone abusing the chat function just to troll people out and get them perma banned.

I’m not that knowledgeable with this stuff but I bet someone who’s capable of creating mods for this game could as well make graphic mod that shows anyone you’d want to target to show up like they were abusing the chat and everything happening only on the client’s side.

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Yeah, a lot of people who saw it and is making fun of them made(or even saw) a “fake” image… yeah, yeah…
The said so “mod” would affect only one person on the chat if it were to work hahahahaha…

#IMC release the guy right now, we have a good argument in his defense!

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I agree that a perma ban is uncalled for.

@STAFF_Max: Oddly the function of bold text is, as mentioned above, just a command you can copy and paste into chat that pulls a string from the github translation master. This specific string is simply just the {b} (bold) function, where other strings lead to typing out: item names, quest dialogue, and other seemingly useless stuff.

In fact in icbt2 I stressed that area of testing to make sure that none of the dicID’s led to an exploitable advantage.

Without saying specifically the text you paste here I can just say that you can literally copy it, paste it in-game, and your text will be bold. You can. Right now, you, sir Max, without altering a file at all. It is as simple as me saying to copy this text:


And paste it in chat in-game, and voila, what you type is posted in bold (but the above is clearly nonsense as an example =P) It’s the glorified equivalent of how we use <b> in the forums to get bold text; it’s just using a similar code in-game to get bold text, except that you have to use a dicID to get it. I agree too that it should be fixed.

Permanently banning a player for basically a gimmick is a little extreme, at least without IMC first stating that: this is an issue in the works to being addressed, and using the dicID’s in the interim is a bannable offense. Until that time I’d be more gentle, get an official post against its use, and then start swinging =P



Fedimian Server is Dieing at the moment, bots are overflown pretty much all channels at the Tenet Church.
The argument about Vincents’ Punishment is useless, IMC seems to be unaware, or intentionally pulling down the game, the only few playable and enjoyable days i experienced were upon release of the official F2P. Now, again more than 600ping, many bugs and glitches.
Still annoying frozen, unreasonable, ridicolous AH prices on some items.
Crashing instances, 4 hours upon death or maintenence/channel crash boss spawns, with radomized locations but randomly crashing channels lead to no World boss spawns atall.
Still no Bot Filter implemented (feels like if at least 1 character out of 5 would be bot). Why don’t IMC Implement some player friendly Droprates and spawn timers? Some areas where supposed to be mobs are still empty. Players supposed to have good times while playing a game, not working against each other, hoping to be in one of the top 6 parties dealing most damage on a boss to have any drop out of it. In Fact this Change led to guilds pretty much owning a few Approx. boss timers, and they’re not willing to share any of it with anyone.
Where are some GMs to moderate the Chat btw?
IMC is not Blizzard for sure, but for gods’ name, they could’we calculate with exploit before they would release a game no? We’re at 2016 allready, with at least 20 years of experience behind us about gameplay, server connection and program coding.

Where are the Optimizations for Mouse users? Boundable mouse buttons? Where are the Actual Server Population Counters on the official page? (the ones we see aren’t representing the current state of any of the servers atm)

Finally: why would we, consumers and players would pay any money for a product that’s bleeding from so many wounds once we get to the point to realize it, it’s allready painful to see.


I have a skill that only works properly on mouse (Long Stride). I know the feel about bad optimization T.T

Let me Have a Cookie+!
Ima going back to play some Brutal Doom :smiling_imp:

I could as well just increase the font size of the chat window. It will show the old posts in the old size and the new posts in the new, bigger size, press print and say “Hey look GM, that guy abused!!!”

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Thatsa what I said.
I still have that code, too from CBT.

All you do is:
Put that code in a text file (strg+c), go ingame, press enter to open the chat, paste the code in (strg+v), write whatever you wanna say in big bold letters, enter : tadaaaaa big bold text.
not a SINGLE file is altered/manipulated for this…
you can do that, too. but thats a different story and should be (is) a bannable behavior.

So I kinda find it really harsh and over the Top to PERMA (!) ban someone for that. (a temp bann kinda, too)
just mute that chara for half a day or so xD

In case he used other things (exploits, bot, etc), that ban is ligit. But really, come on: a perma bann for using an old “feature” from cbt…

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You have a point on this but still, the guy ho created the topic wasn’t the one who saw it and we all know it very well.
He did his thing and faced the consequences from it, like everything in life(at least most things in life)…

Is that team name Superman doing the same?
Also, bots spamming everywhere. I can’t even walk. Yeah, I will change channels, but this is just annoying.

Server: Klaipeda
Hour: 5:43
Ch: 1


And so it begun - The revenge of the like-whore-hater ~

Having the code open for anyone does not mean you can just go there and use it.

IF that function were to be used by normal players then i’m pretty sure we would have a option inside the chat to apply bold, italic and whatever. So by using something that is cleary NOT made for common players like us you automatically should be aware about the consequences.

‘Oh, but IMC did not say anything regarding this’

You used something that normally gives your message some kind of spotlight which, between you and me, should be used for important announcements and not some recruitment.

Ofc the permaban kinda surprised me but to tell the truth I can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to it since I played up to three games that Vince also used to play and, strange enough, he got banned on those as well.(I still remember a certain guild called ‘F.E.A.R’ getting banned from the game because not only the guild master but his members were abusing a exploit on the local market… Oh boy, now that I think about it we also had some strange things happening here since the ‘boleto’ issue like, for example, people putting 7*+ weapons/armors to +15… Even though the silver needed for that is enormous and impossible to be farmed so fast… Just saying~

Anyways, TL;DR: Use the chat feature as it is. Don’t try to play smart, kiddo.

He did not deserve a perma ban?

I read through the terms of service and there was no mention of anything that should make what he did bannable.

To get things straight, this is what happened:

  1. A person named Vince used code available in-game, that has been in-game since the very beginning, to simply change the font of his text.

  2. He was reported and perma banned.

Meanwhile, those that exploited the over level bug, and abused it, only received a 30 day ban. Normally for abusing a bug like that people get perma banned. Not for using a chat code that IMC failed to remove from public access.

Reading through the terms of service, the only reason to ban him is this:

“IMC Games reserves the right to close, temporarily or permanently, any user’s account without advance notice as we deem necessary. Furthermore, we reserve the right to delete all user accounts or inventory of characters as warranted.”

Which is just a general ban for any reason since it’s IMC’s right.

This really was an undeserved perma ban. If anything it should be a temporary ban or a first warning.


What about the ‘!!’ feature? As far as I know that is not documented anywhere.

What Vince did really isn’t much different. It is an undocumented (really annoying) feature of the game. If IMC didn’t want people using it they should have fixed it instead of banning people without warning.


Here, read this:

The main difference IMO is that while one is only visible on the map(!! feature, commonly used for things like ‘LFP’ and stuff) the other one is being displayed to the whole server and with some kind of spotlight as I mentioned above. Do understand that aside from system information and gm announcements, players should not be allowed to modify their own chat just to get more attention… Be it with bold, italic, text size or worse, colored. Theses codes are to be used by the system and not by us.

Really, ToS Terms of Services says everything.


oh yeah, not to mention that editing your own chat using commands opens a window for scammers that might type the text in, like, general chat and try to make it look like a GM or a system message. Don’t get me wrong but I know for sure that ppl would start abusing it.

And about the others issues that someone mentioned above… I’m still waiting for IMC to ban all the players that abused the ‘boleto’ exploit and kinda passed all the silver they made by using it on gear enhancing and stuff so they could not be tracked… I’m pretty sure most of the full +15 gear users that are still playing somewhat took advantage of that exploit…

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If he gets a 30 days ban. in this moment of game its just better for him create a new account…

He is a level 280 character, plus guild leader. No, its better to keep his account. Perma ban is too harsh…