Tree of Savior Forum

Player abusing of the game's code to do this

Thank you very much. Now i got it.

No reason to go softly. @STAFF_Max made a good decision this time. I’m pretty sure people won’t abuse this anymore. Btw, if you find someone else using this, report and ask for another permaban, pretty easy huh?

You are just saying that because you have personal disagreements with Vince.

If you analyse it imparcially you have to agree that perma ban for this simple fact is too harsh.

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Just because I agree with Max’s decision you think I have something personal against Vince? Let me clarify: Nope, you are wrong. I don’t have anything against Vince since I don’t know him. So… if you see someone else using this code, report and let the Staff punish them all.

@kphfreitas you say that you don’t have any personal with him, but you are the one flamming our guild post. Gimme a break!

“IMC Games reserves the right to close, temporarily or permanently, any user’s account without advance notice as we deem necessary.”

Is used in every game out there, however their Terms of Service and EULA have no legal weight. You can’t make such an abusive contract term legally.

Nothing of value was lost.

Good Job Max. Made my night.

No one had suffered, no one had benefit. Perma ban for chanching font-size? Even one week is too much. I’m not even sure which rule forbit to use ingame commands? He did’t change any game file, used another programm, bring anyone harm or gain any benefit. That thing existed for so many months since korea and they did’t changed it. If they thought that a bug they would’ve fixed it long time ago.

I would just ban his CHAT for a day, but won’t restrict from gaming =/
For chat behavior ppl must recieve CHAT ban, not game restrictions! For GAMEplay abuse - game restriction! These things completely different!


Don’t think of the rule in a way you like it. Do you understand what it means? To disrupt other players’ gameplay? That rule exist in every MMO and everywhere that’ve only one mean. That means somebody will use things that will not allow you to do something. Like intentionally blocking without reason in the way it should’t exit/your teleport/somehow blocking quest NPC. But writing in a little bigger font did’t disrup your gameplay. He did’t even spam it to block you readin the chat. Since you dislike big font you can simply block him.

I’d like to hear some opinion of staff that stay in team a little longer than Max (no offend, just that thing exist for too long and there’s still no solution about this and i’ve never heard about perma ban for this anywhere)
It’s simply for you to give perma ban, but to a player its hundreds of wasted hours.

WTF? I didnt flame against your guild. I know you are mad with me because your friend got permaban, but please, don’t need to lie. I keep my position here, if you see someone else using this, report and ask for permaban, end of story.

all he did was advertise his guild in big letters… damn

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People always try to get some “attention” by doing wrong things.
Vince, like a good Brazilian, got a well deserved perma ban by “jeitinho brasileiro”(Brazilian shortcut).

I play in SA and have nothing against him and his guild(for me guild is a big crap and don’t give a single silver) but somebody must be heavly punished to stop people from use this “special feature”.

If there is no button in game to enable/disable this feature than nothing justify exploiting “hidden features”. Why some people eat your own shi.t I must eat too?

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A permaban for this is a complete overreaction.

Permabanning something that harms nobody while those that deliberately abused the attribute exploit were only punished temporarily when their exploit harms others is crazy.

Don’t get me started on the injustice of those that buy silver not being punished.

Punishment MUST fit the crime. This is unacceptable.

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>>This is unacceptable.
>>This is unacceptable.
>>This is unacceptable.
>>This is unacceptable.

but yes, this is really bad reaction. Goldsellers maybe get ban not only “permanent” but also all his country banned?

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The difference between an intrusive and unintrusive mod is, does it effect other player’s games directly. Exp viewers and stuff only show stuff to YOU this inputs stuff into the server for EVERYONE to see.


Still have a lot of screenshots with people using that chat thingy.

Let IMC punish them all, make another thread reporting them. Same rule to all abusers.

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I’m pretty sure if there’s a clear intent then the punishment is often higher than with questionable one (like say with the over-leveling attribute bug since it’s possible to accidentally do it)

And considering this code isn’t something you’d ever ‘accidentally’ type into chat, the guy quite clearly intentionally used it. (and the message seem to be recruiting people, meaning he probably plans to make that shout again)

amo que a imc tĂĄ cagando pro ban da vince


I think the ban is just overboard. If he ever did break the rules by doing something so small such as this, he could have just been banned for a few days and get warned so he’ll never do it again. If he were to hack or do RMT, I wouldn’t give a second thought on permanent bans.

It’s like there’s some guy from the mountain tribes who went down to the city and started jaywalking and people want him to be sentenced to death. Let’s be real, most of the people don’t even fully read the Terms and Service (which is their fault I agree but come on) and didn’t expect something of a little code to get their account permanently banned so a warning would suffice.

Feel free to disagree.