Tree of Savior Forum

[Plague Doctor] Pandemic Experiments

What about the debuff from items or weapons? I’ve confirmed that ignition spread but any info on venom? I

I tried with venom and not working xd

I see. thanks for the info. almost bought a venom myself here lol.

I dont know how it works with ignition

it worked with ignition. I’ve confirmed it myself. my build is cleric2 > priest3 > oracle1 > PD1. and those classes have no debuff that can be spread with pandemic so the game forced me to trade my cataclub for ignition TwT

So, my diev c3 is Lost for PD?
I was going for druid, but change my mind. The final build would be cleric c2 diev c3 miko and Pd there any debuff besides PD 2?

Laima is the second best debuff skill for using PD’s Incinerate (first being Zalciai). It gives two debuffs if you buy the attributes, downside is the relatively long cooldown (compared to Zalciai).

You also have carve world tree.

Diev 3 can definetly go PD 2. Great combo too. You won’t need many debuffs for incinerate once you hit Rank 8.

Oooooh nice thank you very much ^^
The only diev’s debuff that i saw in that image was from the carve tree so it seemed pretty bad to depende on a skill with such “high” cooldown till i get to rank 8

So, after understanding how the pardoner+PD would work, it looks pretty cool tho. Then wich one would be better? MIko or Pardoner as rank 6? Since I alredy have a diev3 and the Miko is more like, for gettring your magic circles to deal more damege, seems to me that pardoner would be a better pick… but i would “lose” a nice damage skill and some suport skills for alyes too… And its a new class so maybe there is more debuffs wich can be spread? idk e.e’
sorry if I go out of context i’m not shure about anything now ;–; just remove it if so :smiley:

I think miko would work way better.

Pardoner + PD is just for increasing debuffs duration by 10 seconds.

Miko seems way superior with its dps skill, the fact it can extend Diev’s statues durations, and also increase area skills level similarly to Divine Might.

At least three good skills with miko in comparison to just one with Pardoner. Pardoner isn’t worth it.

oh my. So miko’s skills DO work with statues? i thought that was more for ahm… fire ground, cure and stuff you know? Now i’ll defnetly do that heh’
thank you o/ ^^

sir…i m not sure if u still active or not… does divine stigma can be spread by pandemic???