Diev 3 main here.
After Lamia, the 1st skill is not gonna reduced. Use an useless skill to avoid the drawback and you are good to go.
Personally I don’t like Diev 2.
Diev 1 since the buff to lamia is amazing (full statue rotation up, before the buff circle 1 was not enought).
Diev 3 most broken circle atm in cleric (given that you are playing on team speak with people that know how to abuse ausrine, otherwise shit circle for random pubs, imo at least).
I rly miss the point of diev 2, but maybe that’s just me 
Btw the more I play diev (in pve at least) the most I think it’s just a class for people that play with team mates who know how to pull bosses (for howls dmg) and use ausrine. In pubs is such a bad class, couz most of the people in tos are casuals and dunno whatever other classes do / how to play them.
That’s why I will NEVER pick pally over diev for my main (I min/max, I play et with guilties, I’m kind of an hardcore gamer in pve contest). BUT if you play casually // mostly with unknown pally is for sure a better pick.
I just don’t like pally so much couz I’m a min/maxer and let’s be honest, barrier craftable by pardoner totally ruin the class…
You NEED diev 3 for et, and the 2nd pick goes for meltis (krivis) or priest 3 plus barrier scrolls. I srly don’t see how you can fix a paladin in an ET run, compared to the other 3 “basic” circles (diev3/priest3/krivis3).