Tree of Savior Forum

Petition: Ability to toggle off the visibility of Dragoon and Murmillo helmet

Can we somehow communicate this to IMC because the current helmets look hideous and go against the idea of character customization? You can match the Murmillo helmet with Murmillo and Retiarius but Dragoon is stuck with either the default costume or an over-sized head. At least before the buff ran out, but now we have absolutely no reason to turn this ability off, especially Dragoons.

  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t know, can you repeat the question?

0 voters

Previous petition: [Petition] Dragoon Helmet
Dragoon helmet bug report (still not fixed): Dragoon Helmet flips when blocking mounted

@Staff @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @GM_Francis

this has been asked like 1000 times and there are even ways around them that people has come up with in the game and forum…

Sounds good, doesn’t work. The weapon swap trick was removed and if you try bypassing the visual buff by changing the color of your haircut, it comes back when you change the map/channel/logout, etc.

I stopped buying tp cosmetics for my helmet chars lol. Make it like an aura or something.

Or they could add less graphically invasive options for them, like



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