Tree of Savior Forum

(Personal Experience) About the viability of Swordsman classes late game in PvE and/or PvP

Hook also has much more range then psycho skills and cryo skills are countered by PD easily (not the tree ofc, but it’s also just one skill, which doesnt exactly make you unable to do things). With GvG being 15x15 in one party, you only need 2 PDs for the whole guild to be immune to that kind of control 100% time. Hook works the same way as skillshots in mobas with one exception - the farther the target, the easier it is to land, because it’s AoE is actually a cone - you can see it with Oracle in a party. Hook also works through bloodletting and you can hold two hooks at a time if cooldown is reset by a chronomancer. Finally, corsair3 may avoid skills like Frost Cloud being placed under him while he holds hook by jumping away. Jump is only used for gapclosing in duels, it’s more of an escape tool. Good luck switching weapons in PvP btw.

Are you gonna cry some more, I wonder?

azwraith was just trying to bring his point across, can’t you discuss yours without throwing this at someone? Way to sound like a douchebag.

Just let him get shown up. I’m honestly more worried about how many points Azwraith is going to bring to gut him. There’s just so much…wrong with his post.

I know already, anyone worth listening to will know that you’d be lucky to be able to stand still for 5 seconds during group PVP, let alone 19 secs, so corsair c1’s 9 sec hook and c3’s 19 sec hook are no different anyway.

But let that guy find out the hard way, let him get his corsair c3 :wink:

can’t you discuss yours without throwing this at someone?

why, it takes away all the fun :wink:

Try to get at least 30% attribute on all your damage skills(is a bit expansive, but not extreme hard to archieve). Level up a green gem to level 6~7 and put on your brandish. Serpentine is the strongest dragoon skill at the moment (due to dmg scale), so put 1 points on other skills and level serpentine first.

Remember that those maps are really hard (if you dont have final gear). Consider yourself a winner for been able to level up as a swordsman there.

Am already lvl 280 with mostly 50% on attributes. Still dealing crap damage, comparatively. Haha. I’ve stopped gearing/upgrading attributes already, focusing on my CryoKino now.

It’s ok, I’ll stop from feeding the troll already, just let him get his Cor3, realise what piece of useless class he is when he reaches 280, then proceed to reroll and quit, like 90% of the DPS swordies out there anyway. Lvl 279, no GvG experience, great credibility, probably still busy grinding and farming some silver for his end game gear.

Compared to a lvl 280 who’s been doing late game content for some time. I’ve already shown quite some legit points from experience, none of it is theorycrafting, yet you can tell from what he’s talking, he’s just putting things in his head and just chugging em out like most of the people here on the forums (that’s how I got convinced to even make a Hop2-Cor2 in the first place hahah).

Simple example is: Hook has much more range than Psycho skills. He doesn’t know Psycho’s Gravity Pole range is approx 70-80% of hook range, as well as swap being SAME RANGE as hook. Swapping people into Raise is a common strategy. Also jumping away from Frost Cloud? Great job, so you managed to jump away from Frost Cloud, what’s stopping you from getting another 2-3 Frost Clouds on you in the next, say, 17 seconds? LOL.

Great job on the Pistol Shot damage, LEL. Not gonna reply him anymore, I believe enough has been said and his points are just not up to standard. Rollin’ out.

How much levels do you put on finestra?


And you crit the 20-25% of the hits?

So many “noob experts” giving out advice on these forums these days and committing unsuspecting new players to a path of eventual reroll or ragequit.
Meanwhile for us who know enough about the game, we can easily tell who knows what he’s talking about and who is full of BS. I don’t bother trying to correct or warn these “noob experts” anymore, they’re usually stubborn as hell and won’t change their way of thinking no matter what you say to them, until they experience it themselves. Let them screw up their builds and reroll, or better yet, ragequit so they don’t do more harm.

For new players on the forums, if you want good advice, stay inside Cathexis’s thread. He gives out good advice, at least you won’t go too wrong by following what he says.

Yeah, more or less. As mentioned by Cathexis above Finestra alone isn’t enough. Needs lvl 10 gems, some more dex, gears, etc to get a better crit rate.

Well despite the detailed build thread that’s available, I wouldn’t recommend anyone going anything other than a full con tank build (for ET) or Cata3 Dragoon (for PvP) if they want to play Swordie atm. The other DPS builds just doesn’t seem to match up until IMC does something. Maybe Doppel would fare better in the DPS department (PvE) wise, but in reality we’d prefer not even get hit at all for Deeds late game, it just hurts. Lol.

[quote=“azwraith, post:40, topic:238338, full:true”]
Well despite the detailed build thread that’s available, I wouldn’t recommend anyone going anything other than a full con tank build (for ET) or Cata3 Dragoon (for PvP) if they want to play Swordie atm. [/quote]

Pretty much this is the situation at the moment, but nobody wants to face this reality, they rather live in their own fantasy worlds and then maybe wake up later once they hit 200+ and realise what’s going on.

well to be honest, cryokino doesn’t make sense, you can wreck other classes as a swordsman by just moving around, but then you face the “mage” wall, were you get utterly destroyed, not even dispeller can save you from raise, but what got my attention is that people tend to focus in 1vs1… for example with my “twisted” experimental tank build (sword1-barb2-rode2-fencer) i can wreck almost all clases that are all about p.attack but mostly due to shield charge and stun+cleave with c.block,yet in large scales war i’ll be pulverized, just because im too slow to reach the damn target, and even if i reach them i got hard cced, 10segs of inmunity to magic damage is a joke if they destroy me in 3.

1v1 is worth nothing later in this game when battle league and guild vs guild comes out, those actually come with prizes attached. If you build your toon around 1v1 then you’ll regret it later when you start fighting enemy groups with Plague doctors in them.

1v1 is just for fun duels, Team fights are the main things later on. And no, CryoKino is one of top CC PvP Wizard builds… if it doesn’t make sense to you now, it will later, when you face them in Team League or GvG.

what do you think about my stats,for pvp?

im doing sword 2>hoplite>cata 3> dragoon

im building 4 str 2con 3 dex.

Damn wish I read that before I started the game.

Now I’m already Sword -> Pelt -> Hoplite 3. Any way to salvage this char for PvE/PvP or is it time to reroll already? Maybe to cryo/kino? Can you give me a build for that lol.

I don’t want to be one of those guys who reach lv280 with endgame gear then realize they “dun goofed”.