Tree of Savior Forum

[PERFECT 10] Oktoberfest Diev

Server Name: [SA] Silute

Team Name: Yunari

Character Name: Yuna

Video Description: Well, I love Bavarian girls look so i decided to create my own cute Bavarian girl. xD

Video Link :

May i ask about the event.
says here under 3. Important. " Make sure to have the name of your team always visible under your character throughout the video."
Does that mean that we are required to not hide game UI or its alright to hide it since we can just put our names in our description.

I uploaded a new video just in case. ^^

i also wonder if its alright to have my friends in the video too. This event need more details :sweat:

Your bugged guild already guarantee tp for you. No need to consider this cheater, @moderators .




Yurina > Yunari lalalalalalalalal

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