Tree of Savior Forum

[PERFECT 10] ❤ Autumn Storm ⚡ ☁ ⚡

Server Name: Silute

Team Name: Kolalis

Character Name: Intense

Video Description : I decided to see the fury of the storms in my little Taoist and her beautiful costume… But accidentaly it was bigger than expected, ¡upsi! >w< (In the storm i look like Gesti º-º!)

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As I noticed via announcements on our forum. Costumes and hair accessories are a must (make sure to equip 1 costume and 3 hair accessories). Hope to see your three hair accessories :frowning:

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I dont have nothig hide :p!

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OHHHHHHH! So sorry for that Freeza :blush: It was so hard to find out


uhuhu a similar things happen with my swordsman cause the event helmet covers the white flower hairpin xD

Oh right!!! rating…

-1 point for visibility during rain

-2 too much rain

+1 for the nice pink combination

+1 cause the glasses looks like an S&M mask and make you look like a sadist

9/10 :santa: santa would gift this to children

2/10 so ugly char and low fps :confused:

Try to put 4 storms and all the effects and dont drop fps o.o (i do this with a friend and he crash 3 times)

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Another Bugdrarium, huh?

Ok o.o? Because im in the guild i can’t do event? oka :v

That was one creative way to induce visual polution and FPS drop :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you slsy? about fps drop in TREE OF SAVIOR?!


Perfect effects :o <3 gg FPS drop

  • Your model character must be wearing 1 costume and 3 hair accessories (all 3 head slots must be equipped and visible, not hidden). Premium/newly-released items are NOT mandatory.

(all 3 head slots must be equipped and visible, not hidden)
Anyway is not this a cheat?

Great work, amzg fx! :scream_cat:

Dont kill Kakaroto pl0x !!!


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@STAFF_Max can I show my character from not wearing any costume to wearing a costume in the video?

is very bueno, un like para este video me very emotional y me lleno de happy

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