Tree of Savior Forum

People's despair

i agree with OP. people should just be happy that with this CBT, we are nearing international release and ultimately thats what really matters. Beta key are just bonus for us to play around with some classes & test different skill builds. But if we miss out its hardly the end of the world, lets just be patient and wait for more CBT, open beta or full release which hopefully wont take too long now!

Seriously. I expected a delay until next year but this international CBT is a pleasant suprise and im extremely happy now regardless whether i get beta key or not. :heart:

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I have to make a switch, I really want to play this game , to me would be the new ragnarok.

Who dares awaken me from my deep sleep?! upupupupu
Btw people, you should consider that even now, there are still a lot of people who want to play this game but they haven’t registered on this site yet.

please try not to take all very serious, as in the end we are just here try to work together and get as much as possible fun and enjoyment out of the forum till we can play. I am writing this not because of the quote, just I have the feeling you are taking much very serious

man still have to wait 33 minutes to like posts again… and I agree my cousin actually want to test the game, but I bet with you he didnt registered here yet (well his fault, but yeah)

What if I told you that dungeon already exists?

Actually… they can

A Chinese company with that might knows how to go around IP blocks though…

Yay! Good news, right? We ought to stop spamming these topics and posts now

I’m crying because I actually want this job to be helpful in the development process for a game and company I support. I don’t want the jerks making multiple accounts just to try out the game to get a key over someone who will actually dedicate time to write up bug reports.

grabs cookie and leaves :cookie: :raised_hand: :footprints:

Actually, that link…is a State/City, not a Country

Like I told you…Numbers will increase faster as you think, now they’re 11.2k people registered… more than your “Maximum 10k” and is still Wednesday…

It’s called a “City” just in the name but in fact it’s treated as a country. It has its own postal code, it’s has its own PASSPORTS. It has its own flag, and own Anthem.

looking like a country doesn’t make it a country, being approved as a country makes it a country, it is a city still. Maybe in future it might be a country, but for now, it is still a city

Yeah I know about endless, but it’s kind of like an instanced arena if you will, not an actual dungeon.

hmm i said in previous post that the 10k estimate is real individuals who are actively interested in iCBT.
so i think my estimate is close :yum:
ofc im also happy when more people like this game.

and i guess…today is the last registration date? im always confused by the 12am pm stuff

I could’ve sworn that I signed up much earlier, but apparently not because it says my account is new :confused:
Good luck to everyone who gets in, and to those who do, find as many bugs as you can!

But that’s my point… it IS approved as a country


Make sure you didn’t register first time with Facebook then second time with Google+ or vice versa!

i see hams :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

always same thing bud. people crying what can we do

I understand that people want to get into CBT, since sometimes there’s a small reward for players in new games (a title or cosmetic item) and just because they want a chance to play it. We all do, obviously, but the OP is correct: testing is to test the game not to just play (although there will be plenty of that too!). Even if you don’t get in, based on the Korean tests–there will be a follow up round of testing soon enough. Not to mention there will be new information I’d assume, from the people who get in. The more we test, the better! Everyone wants a polished game at release right? :slight_smile:

Well, the wait is over, got my Beta Key, See you in game guys :smile:

Well nothing can be done about ppl like this ^^
Sometimes ppl do crazy things trying to bypass the system. In a sense it’s a good thing that ppl are so eager to jump into the game right?