Tree of Savior Forum

People's despair

Hello Everyone,

I’m just wondering, why all this despair between all of you? Closed Beta is a form to allow players to TEST and REPORT, is like a JOB, you’re not going to win anything but the chance to play a partially bugged/overcrowded server. All I see recently are a lot of posts of “reconsider the selection pool”, they already stated the conditions for the selection, a raffle, whether they normal players or multiple account players, you will get the chance or not. Those decisions of “making the earlier users” to be first…come on… that’s just the summarized despair after seeing the huge ammount of recent accounts, remember one thing, this is english version closed beta, not only america, but the whole world, except china and korea, will be trying to get a CB Key… the numbers will increase, not only by multiple accounts, but for new users also who were waiting for this game and when they announced it they registered for it…

In short words, STOP CRYING about the selection. If you get selected, PERFECT. If not, STOP CRYING.

I myself logged to this webpage the first day they announced there was an official webpage and I’m not creating multiple accounts or creating 1000 posts about how unfair this selection will be…If they select me, good, if not, well, doesn’t matter…all the data of the closed beta will be wiped and everyone will get the chance to play the final game at the same time.

Sorry for the long post, here, take a “cookie” :cookie:


Instead of a cookie, can I have a potato instead?

Agreed! have fun and good luck everyone! :blush:


@Asura yes you may. :sweet_potato:

here, have a sweet potato :sweet_potato:

@FatePGN @ernestoulises223 itadakimasu! :smile:

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@cosx774 anime really destroyed your mind, this is not SaO, and life is not a fiction anime… sigh ._.


You… You I like. It’s not Kim-whatever it’s Kayaba! Kayaba Akihiko! :grinning:

I would kill myself if that happened, purely because of the depression of being stuck in SAO. Since I know I’m not Kirito, and I don’t want two years worth of semen in me.

well its not about crying to play. but about fairness. we should all have the same chance getting selected. but now some people get higher chance by making multiple accounts.

please be considerable to those who are ranting about this fairness issue

One cup of champagne for this @ernestoulises223 c:

@nekomiko, understand one thing, if you think that’s unfair, why don’t you do it and balance things? Also, this is a CLOSED BETA, like i said before, is not about “playing” the game only, the focus of a Closed Beta is to allow players to IDENTIFY issues/bugs/errors and REPORT them…this is not a “have a teaser and just enjoy” nope, not at all


Still the Tree of Savior world seems to be 1000x better than SAO’s

ah please, i want to try out the game and test stuff on my own too! i used to have 50% chance getting into the game and test on my own, now i only have 20% or lower chance when more people making multiple accounts.
So why I should feel happy and let those people test for me, not myself?

So, can you ask them to give me the chance to play if i don’t complain?
plus, i don’t care who’s gonna test the game as long as they do their job. But I don’t see why I should give up to those multi account creators to test for me.

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we didn’t try either soo…

but i know what u mean SAO Only Weapons (mele ones) that somthing i like but there’s no monk like class soo…

Thank you, I would love it :grin:

but but… but… we already opened 2 threads “what if we dont get in”

yeah thats how it should be, but its like asking girls why they want to be model, not?

I don’t see any relevance about models and a closed beta key raffle here…

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go create multiple accounts as well ??
haha well I would rather cry out than creating more accounts to make people suffer

Why don’t you ask those people making multiple accounts to STOP MAKING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS and also give out their beta codes to others? im sure people will stop crying hahaha