Tree of Savior Forum

Pathetic Bosses

  • They are slow

  • They are dumb

  • They stand still and let you beat them

  • They seem to not be quite sure what they are doing…

Every time am fighting a boss, i feel bad for it because it feels like i am fighting a retard who doesn’t even know what he’s doing there to begin with…

They are so stupid and harmless, that i cant help asking myself: “Is he drunk?

Bosses should be hard to beat, an image of respect… But isntead of respect, all i can feel for them is pity. | think imc should fix that, and make REAL bosses.


@Desire Get 'em!!! Lol

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What lvl did you get to?

I could upload a video of me soloing a boss and almost taking 30 minutes to defeat it but it takes too long.

For me personally, I like the bosses, maybe more hp and more unique skills but they are fine.


yeah like how Baphomet in RO1 chases you to your demise. and be like! fvck bapho! fvck this area! fvck my life! LOL


It took you too long because they have a huge HP, but my punching bag also does. Let me tell you, i find a punching bag more challanging because at least it makes me tired and my fists burn.

Bosses should be faster, smarter, dynamic, a real challenge that make people fear them.

I use to fear all the MvPs on ragnarok, but here? all i can feel is:



the boss is always slow and dumb but if u fight with high lv boss you will know his skill and effect is very hard to beat it with solo play(but we have coin for Resurrection lol)

You are probably fighting low level quest bosses and not field bosses.

EDIT: high level field bosses

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The only thing I found hard about field bosses is my FPS drops to like 3…


as for me be it Field Bosses or Quest Bosses.
Both are just so lame.
I Mean almost 99% of their attack couldn’t hit me.
Like srsly ?
I could upload several video of me soloing them within 10 minutes without moving even an inch from my first spot.

remove that red circle/area sounds good?

I recall bosses getting harder around lv 50-60+. The beginning bosses were easy, yeah. But some of them did not wait long at all between attacks. I recall this lv 69 worm boss for example that wouldn’t stay still and filled the whole screen with poison and traps. It was really hard to maneuver and I died like 4 times :smiley:

Then there were bosses that were hard only because of a bug, like “Molich” who had an unavoidable 2k hit attack that instakilled me over and over xD.

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I agree and I hope they dont upgrade them just by adding damage.


you missed when monster’s didn’t have skills and you could use a Hunter spamming ankelsnares to MVP anything

i skip every boss, because i lose my internet when i kill them

XD they are aight.

This was fun for me xD It began to move around with those lasers and spammed skills like mad. I think I had some desync issues that time.It turned out to be a Really nice fight.

that’s some hadcore skill from bosses right there! auto DC player if attacked! LOL

They started to get harder around 20~+. Everything before is really easy like you described.

OOH when I first encountered this I was like hell yeah. Pretty fun fight.

Well Ppl like to compare RO bosses ( MVP) vs Tos Bosses which is dumb srsly.

When did you try to take a MVP in Ro with which lvl ?? You had to rebirth and be + 80 thtas liuke 5/6 of the lvl way you did there and here in tos we did like 10 % of the lvl.

Simple said we dont know anything about this game we did not even reach the mid game.