Tree of Savior Forum

Patch notes! Finally Ktos patches

the rng business was referring to the rewards from the cubes not obtaining the cube i should of specified but the rest of what i said pretty much matches up with what your saying the dedicated group with the perfect comp will win the cubes and if they decide to keep farming others don’t get a chance maybe a lil diff now with elss ppl playing but patch will prob bring people back and if things stayed the same it would be the same situation as before which puts a lot of ppl off

Can anyone give me better explanation regarding psychokino psychic pressure change?

It said “Upon using Psychic Pressure while attacking monsters, this skill will no longer be left active until all of the character’s SP is consumed”

That will be a temporary thing. Plan should be for the baseline of loyal active players, not the occasional returning players for each patch. Things will improve in populations for 2-3 weeks then decline again until the next major update like with most game updates on all games.


Abour World Bosses

If im a lvl 170 player who cant get a lvl 170 world boss cube to craft my 170 lvl items because a 230+ party or guild want make money from selling it to people like me later then its a terrible problem.


World boss debuff wasnt needed because there’s no more people who hunt bosses O.o
Eh why dont u just shout and ask for help?
Only people i think who gets affected by this debuff are those people who does the exploits for their own gain? maybe im wrong but at least guilds can’t monopolize them anymore,prices may lower or get higher depending on how the community will work and cooperate in field bossing and gwenyth made a post that the debuff would later on be changed to continue its countdown even when you’re logged out so maybe after a field boss kill go chill a while or farm / grind somewhere? But well tbh 8hours is kinda too long for me they should lower it atleast maybe 2-4 hours? cause like you said there are people who take field bossing as the end game content and somehow i understand that you people are still here just because you guys enjoy field boss hunting

Presumably the skill kept doing damage after running out of SP, which would normally cease a channeling skill.

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about the dungeon part

how to get into dungeons:

  1. sign up, see how much other people signed up
  2. shout need 3 more for lvl 50 dungeon tenet be fast ! search party
  3. 10 minutes later you are going in.

IMC need to stop this philosophy of restricting and limiting things in the game if complaints happen. It’s taking steps forward, people enjoy it, criticism happens, then they take steps backwards instead of more steps forwards in order to address it.

Improve the game through additions, not subtractions.


I Agree with your statement but oh well its IMC Logic…

If something like a class is considered by the “community” op they nerf it instead of buffing everything else to come close to it

Power creep is annoying as hell tho. Nerf is better but ppl get pissed. Most games do both.

Hi guys, can you enlighten me on this change from hoplite:

Spear Throw

  • After throwing the main weapon using this skill, the damage inflicted will now vary according to the weapon, as intended.

It seems that they just corrected the skill damage but I don’t know if it will become stronger with this. Sorry if this was already asked before.

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There was a thread that Blessing CD is not changed since. Can someone confirm if this buff for swordsman is ninja paych or they just did not include it??