Tree of Savior Forum

〽 [Suggestion] for Electromancer Class

#Suggestion for Electromancer Class

#C1 Generic Rank2 skills
charged bolt - generic bolt charge attack with lightning property, chance inflicts ‘shock’

thunder storm - a thunder storm follows the user and drops random lighnting around a the radius of the caste in a X second duration, chance inflicts ‘shock’

electric fence - wall type skill that raises a lightning wall, chance inflicts ‘shock’

electrocute - deals damage affected by ‘shock’, and removes ‘shock’

enchant lightning - grants lightning property bonus elemental damage, grants lightning resistance.


#C2 - DPS skills
Circuit Break - deplete 1% max SP to buff 1% lightning skill damage, increase by 1% per level.

Rail Gun - consumes 1 Silver and shoots a large blast of lightning wave (see video link for example)

:warning:WARNING: video contains spoliers for To Aru Railgun/Index anime

#C3 - PvP skills
EMP Blast - deplete X amount of SP on target location on enemy. (not a siphon skill/not steal SP skill)

Tasers Hold - stun hold X targets and user, affected targets lose X% magic defense

*‘shock’ 0.5 sec ‘root’ effect that applies 3 times in 3 sec. (Enigma skill in Dota)

@STAFF_John @STAFF_J @GM_Erick

Ok but what does the girl with the Pikachu hoodie have to do with anything here, everyone knows that PIkachu is a terrible electric Pokemon outside of the anime where it has anime powers.


ask JC STAFF why they havent done Season 3 yet of ToaruRailDex

Probably because you all didn’t buy enough Blue Rays.

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Its her favorite character so of course she would had a pikachu pajama. I don’t see the problem with that lol.

why no jupitel thunder or lord of vermillion? :tired_face:

am almost certain that’s a trap pikachu…

it’s super effective against non pokemon fans that cant tell the difference between male and female pikachu :expressionless:

as for the rest… I prefer my wind skills not been electric :\

the manga isn’t going forward at a decent speed ether :frowning:

Or I literally do not care about Pikachu at all, I played competitive in gen5 so ye’.
Edit: There’s like 600 of these things come on.

because thats how IMC gets sued by Gravity/Warportal

ToS - IMC games

Ragnarok - Gravity/Warportal

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Why don’t you pick that fly’s wing on your shoulder and use it to go back to RO? Its easier.


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For return it would be a Butter Fly Wing. Fly Wing is random warp.

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He do have butter on his house, so he can use a knife to butter the fly wing and go lol.

Too many “Eletric” on the C1 tree.
Also, could have a few skills based on Granado Espada,
the only bad is that Chain Lightning were stolen by the Elementalist(TOS) class.

Also, the Enchant Lighting debuff could interrupt the enemy randomly when casting a spell.

I’ve been hoping for a THUNDERMANCER for a long time actually.

But the only way I imagine it done elegantly would be as a third equivalent to Pyro/Cryomancer.

Chain lightning is a very generic lightning skill in any mmo. All the other lightning elementalist skills are pretty much generic, in granado espada. the only significant one was enchanted arm that lowers all magic defense to boost magic attack. buuuuut it doesnt seem to be an ‘electromancer’-ish skill so i settled with using SP to boost lightning damage.

shock is a ice defense decreaese and short root

unless were talking about Beatrice,

Ah, you forgot one skill.
A skill to invoke a Thunderbolt on the character selected area to deal multi damage on enemies.

krivis already has zaibas that does that, thunder storm ability suffice its also mobile since it follows the user for the duration

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Then, instead it is invokes a lightning strike to the location the player chooses to deal high damage on enemy.

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