Tree of Savior Forum

Pardoner, Alchemist or Squire?

Which would you consider a better go to for making money and still being useful? Obviously personal opinion, just give an answer and a quick explanation why. Could also link a build if your studied up on your choice.

I would say all of them are useful in one way or another. Squire can tank and do decent dps if you choose a path like sword>pelt>hop>hop>squire>squire. Alchemist, have more ways of being useful, linker (who doesn’t love linkers in parties), thaumaturge, chronomancer buffs are good too. Pardoner you can go krivis cleric or priest, suit your style.

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|CheChe is right , but in the money making part i think alchemist have more ways to make money and they services cannot be done by anyone else (like repair)

I’m trying to figure out what class to play myself still but I’m pretty sure i want something that can make money when im at work because i work alot.

Pardoner seems super strange to me, their scroll skill is very limited on what they can actually make into a scroll, making you go krivis if your going to be making scroll skills and their spell shop works with Bless and that holy water skill so if your selling buffs your going to want to go Priest C3 for max buffs. Atleast Indulgentia looks like a decent damage/healing skill even if it costs 500 silver to use. Pretty sure if I went Pardoner it would be Cleric>Priest C3> pardoner C2 with focus on support/buffs.

Squire looks good on paper but a 6 hour cd on its camp makes it a one time use skill per play time. I also hear that the food buffs actually become quite expensive. This guy basically explains its faults C2 Squire guide and general feedback(Don’t play squire) I also don’t know if i’d personally want to play swordsman because I’d end up going Swords>Pelt>Hoplite C2> Squire C2 which wouldn’t give me any super fun skills but my tanking would be alright.

Alchemist is the one I looked at the least because I never saw me playing a mage but they do have some cool effects, decent to high dps and some great support if you go that route. I have no idea how I’d build a alchemist.

Seriously wish I got into the beta’s to test a bunch of stuff out =/

Hey you’ve already mostly got an accurate sense of what they do so here’s just a quick breakdown to simplify your choices

Make money while AFK

  1. Alch - brewing potions at massive quantities take a long time, so it is a good idea + roasting shops
  2. Squire - maintenance buffs are good but I don’t think they make as much money as alchemists, though I could be wrong
  3. Pardoner - C2 will be required for afk spell shop, and as you’ve said, Priest 3 as well.

Make lots of money while active

  1. Alch - Selling your awakening services should be good grub
  2. Squire - Not really
  3. Pardoner - Krivis pardoners would make a lot of money especially since endgame Daino scrolls will probably be one of the most important items to bring along.

i would support krivis pardoner, as daino is a must have item with high demand in this beta and rare ppl actually selling it

but i have no idea if the profit is good, it’s just something we don’t have atm

Profit will definitely be good imo, because the requirement would be Krivis3 + Pardoner3 which is really onerous, meaning these type of players will be very rare and since they have a monopoly, they can control the price (economics 101)

Only wish is that pardoner simony costs shouldn’t be so darn expensive

Im interested to know what level of Daino is good enough or is maxed required? I mean you get buff cap at 5 + level 10 diano = 15 buffs, lvl 15 daino = 20 buffs. Wonder when your going to have 20 buffs on all at once. If 15 buffs is enough then you don’t have to go C3 Krivis (the C3 krivis skill doesnt look great for the mp cost)

probably need daino 15 definitely at rank 7 and above group gameplay

i love and hate how decisive this game choices are…I wouldn’t mind supporting my party with buffs/heals from priest but ugh oh not enough buff limit so I must settle for krivis or buy diano scrolls for the party because tbh most dps players will just say your not good enough support because you don’t use your buffs enough (really you cant cause buff limit). Harsh but I love it. True old style mmorpg

Edit: Also just crunching some numbers and if I aimed to sell Daino rank 15 with simony it would only last 13.33 mins if it was locked into a scroll with my skill attributes affecting it. That means someone would need to buy 5 scrolls to farm for a hour in a party. tbh this makes it look like Daino WILL be needed for high rank farming and if people cant buy the simony scrolls from pardoners then they will prob pay for krivis to be in their party =/ It seems like Pardoners will make a fortune off this even if you sold it for a modest price. Seems like if you went C3 Krivis and C3 Pardoner it would cost 5500 silver in mats/silver to make 1 Daino Scroll.

Refrence for simony prices: Pardoner Skill Explanation + Simony Scroll List